Yet another guide by me, it seems as I am really, really bored in easter break....
This time I will bring the One-hit Killers colse to you, those weapons wich kill you in one shot, or at least
can do so. I will tell you how to use them, as well as how to avoid them, since that's the point a lot of players are upset about.
What are "One-hit killers"?As the one hit killers I will talk about, I determined those waepons who can kill with one shot in
realistic mode. This I did, because I mainly play realistic mode and the realistic mode brings two more one-hit killers in.
I chose the Barrett
, the M79Â
, the Ruger
, the Spas
and the Desert EaglesÂ
. As for the other weapons I decided to put in the Chainsaw
, the knife
the LAW
and as an addition also the nades
. Why did I do so?
The Barrett and the M79 are surely one-hit killers and we all know. The ruger is a one-hit killer in realistic mode too, as long as you have a decent aim. The Spas deserves the assignment as a one-hit killer, too, in my oppinion. On close range it can kill you with one shot, even if you have full health. It appears to be same with the Desert Eagles, although I am not too sure about them. The other weapons are surely one-hit killers, no doubt about them I hope.
I will now start by telling you the details about each weapon, how to use it and how to avoid being killed by it. And I now was so free to put them in alphabetical order
Barrett M82A1Weapon statistics:
MovementAcc=6The Barrett M82A1 is the number one killing weapon on the
U13 Public CTF server, wich surprises me. I never saw it as a good weapon to pick in CTF, because it's pretty useless when taking fire and moving. The bink is pretty hard, so you shoudln't shoot when being binked, that will end up in a miss nine out of ten times. For best results with the Barrett, you should lay down and camp. As hard as that may sound, camping is the best use for the Barrett, I say that because I am not one of those who whine a lot. I don't whine about capping, camping, spawning, M79s, Barretts and all that other stuff to whine about. Camping in CTF isn't lame in my oppinion, since somebody will have to defend the flag.
So, for best shot results, lay down and use the scope. The best advantage you have is that you see enemies before they see you, wich is also neccessary when carrying a sniper rifle. Without the scope, the Barrett would be useless, since the shooter would be binked before he could even aim. Using the scope is the best way to aim it, because you still have a lot of time before the enemy can even see you.
I won't go to deep with this weapon because there are other tutorials, such as my own
TW Sniping guide, as well as
Blue-Ninja's Barrett guide.
How to avoid the BarrettAvoiding the Barrett is often called pretty dang hard, because the sniper sees you before you see him. The all-time best way to avoid a silent death from a bullet that came from 100m away, you should move a lot and unpredictable. Jump around, do backflips, mid-air proning and the lot. Targets that move like that are hard to hit with the MP5, so they are much harder to hit with a Barrett. Once a Sniper missed, he has two choices as soon as you attack: Get out the secondary and try to pwn you, or run for his life, reloading the Barrett.
Basically, when a sniper missed you, jump out and killz0r teh n00btard. He is chanceless with a Socom against any player with a little bit of skill and a better weapon.
If you know where the sniper sits and you have to move forward to get him (a common situation in Trenchwars), spray him. Once he is binked, a skilled sniper wouldn't even shoot, a newbie would shoot and miss.
ChainsawWeapon Statistics:
MovementAcc=1The Chainsaw is actually pretty hard to use against other weapons. You can't throw it like the knife, wich meks it even harder. Good for rushing in tunnels, it's still fun on a few maps though. The enemy's dead before he can even react pretty much. Just get close to the enemy, but keep the fire button pressed - lag can kill.
How to avoid the ChainsawAvoiding the chainsaw is pretty easy, if you notice the sawer early enough. Then you just keep him away and shoot. Unfortunately, the main tactic in sawing is popping up somewhere and sawing the back. Then you can't do much. In popular saw tunnels, just walk slowly and watch out at places you can't see.
Dual Desert EaglesWeapon statistics:
MovementAcc=1The Desert Eagles are one of those weapons, that I don't see in use pretty often. The main reason I think, is that they have a very unique bullet curving, wich may sometimes get a bit unpredictable.
But it is just
that curving, that many skilled "Deaglers" use to their advantage. Shooting in a curve over a hill, pwning the EFC behind it....has already happened to me (I was the EFC
On close-quarters, they seem to kill with one hit on full health, that's why they are in here. Basically, the aiming is important because the time between two shots may appear low, but in the heat of the battle it isn't. Same with the reload time, once you're mags are empty, you are totally screwed. Two solid hits in realistic mode and the bloody corpse of your enemy hits the ground.
It's hard to explain it with words, you just need to get used to the way those bullets fly. Use the Desert Eagles for half an hour every day, and after a week you'll see you got better.
How to avoid the Desert Eagles x2Actually, you should fight a Deagler. Go on him and fight him on middle range, that will already give you an advantage. You can just shoot straight on, he needs to calculate the curve on a med-long range. Fast and unpredictable movement is also a good key, don't give him too much space and time to get your head.
Fragmentation GrenadesWeapon statistics:
MovementAcc=1The Grenades are pretty easy to use, just toss them somewhere. But there are many ways to use them for. Flag Carriers like to drop them behind them so chasing enemies are stopped by them. They're often used to rush the enemy base (
The grenade is the only weapon in soldat that does more damage to the legs than to any other part of the body. If you drop it into somebody's walking lane and he steps on it, that guy is seriousely wasted. This is also an advantage if somebody gains a height advantage over you -> throw agrenade at his feet to turn the tables.
Grenades explode in several cases:
- When they hit a soldier, corpses don't cause explosions anymore since this caused some lag problems
- When they hit a collider
[li]When another explosive hits it or impacts next to it (M79s, LAWs or another grenade) - When the time interval of three seconds runs out
How to avoid GrenadesBunny-Hopping does provide some help, although most of the bunny-hops aren't high enough to prevent a nade from exploding. You can't do much against grenades than just watching out and staying away from them.
M79Weapon statistics:
MovementAcc=3 The ultimate "pwnt" weapon. Before you can react, a huge spurt of blood comes blasted out of an explosion. This is the way it seems to go, but it's only the way it goes with skilled players.
I was once blind myself, I confess. But after using the M79 for a while, I noticed that it's not as easy to use as it appears. Often enough I miss fast moving targets, especially in the air, it's hard to simply blast the player away. It is the same as with the Desert Eagles x2, you have to learn the curving of the shell. Try to avoid shooting at flying targets for the beginning, because a miss will then have a much worse effect. For the reload time you shouldn't pull out your secondary, it's better to reload and stay away.
How to avoid the M79Yet a tricky point, although it's so easy. I said already, that targets that move unpredictable are a very hard thing. If you run on the ground, straight on, you are a free kill for every M79er.
M79 mostly avoid flying players (at least those on Public servers), because a miss would then not even hurt them. So the best way to counter M79s is to fly on far range and shoot, or even
spray them. Belive me, it works. Normally, with an automatic gun you should win against every M79er, as long as you have the skill.
Ruger-77Weapon statistics:
MovementAcc=3The "Click to Kill" weapon in realistic mode, that's hwo it seems.
Yes, the Ruger can kill with one single shot - a headshot. It doesn't have a large fire interval, and it's reload is fairly quick.
But it has the disadvantages of a small clip and huge recoil. The recoil makes fighting several enemies at one time tricky. Of course you should always aim for the head to finish them off as fast as possible, but after one shot, you should just try to hit them somehow. When the time comes to reload, try to take some cover and throw some nades. Keeping the enemies on distance is important. Stay cool, and take time for aiming.
Check this out to get some deeper tips.
How to avoid the Ruger-77With an auto: Get close to him and just blast the bullets into his body. As soon as you see him, roll over to prevent taking a headshot. Basically, your head is the most important thing against the ruger, so don't give him the time to aim for it by rolling over and crouching a lot.
With a non-automatic rifle: Stay on med range and toss nades to keep him away, also rolling over and crouching help. Here it's more important to search for a collider to hide behind, but make sure your head isn't poking out (neither should your Willy
), a skilled Ruger-user would take that as a free kill.
Spas-12Weapon Statistics:
MovementAcc=1The Spas-12 is a fun weapon, truely. It's basically good for rushing, so that's what I use it for. You have to get to your enemy as close as possible, so the full pellet hits him, wich means his death one closer range. Another tactic is to get
over your enemy to hit his head, wich also causes a lot of damage.
How to avoid the Spas-12Yay, a Spas-user! The spas is very easy to counter, because it's only usefull on close range. Keep him away with grenades and sprays, that's a sure way to kill him. Never let him get over you to shoot your head!
That's pretty much it! If you have any additional information you want to give, then feel free to tell me.
I am looking forward to your comments, wether it was useful or not, you know, such stuff.
I wish you a great soldat day,