Official Soldat Forums

Official Content => News => Topic started by: $able on September 20, 2008, 10:39:28 am

Title: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: $able on September 20, 2008, 10:39:28 am
I will soon be introducing a small monthly fee for the BattlEye technology being used on game servers.

That means that every server admin will have to pay this fee for BattlEye to protect his server. Players will not be affected by this, the clientside use of BE will still be free.

The reason for this is simple: I can't go on supporting this game for free. The development and maintenance of BattlEye takes a lot of time. Besides, BattlEye is a very effective system doing a great job at keeping servers clean and therefore has a major value to the whole Soldat community. It is not natural for such a service to be free.

Yes, Soldat is a free game, but that doesn't mean there are no costs attached to it. Game servers always cost money, regardless of how you host them.

While this decision stands (flaming won't help :P), I'd still like to know what you think about this. I'd especially like to hear server admins' opinions about this.

- Thanks.

Please give Sable his deserved respect. I have nothing but respect for him. Sable has perfect work ethic. He is 100% accurate in detecting and fixing bugs. I'm not like that. Even if you are still having problems with BE he's doing his best. Some bugs are my fault, and will be fixed in 1.5.
It was his primary effort in integrating this system in Soldat and even if he quit today he should be thanked because he did this work for free for all of you to have the most fun out of this game - hacker free.
I made an agreement with Sable so the fees won't be introduced, but it will affect other things, I have to make money, we all need it.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: hyrr on September 20, 2008, 10:48:45 am
Yay for the non-BattlEye servers \o/!
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Leo on September 20, 2008, 10:50:56 am
Well, I can understand this. Personally I can afford this, depends on what "small" is for you of course :) but this will let out of BE a large percentage of Soldat servers. Most kids don't even have credit cards.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: KeYDoN on September 20, 2008, 11:07:06 am
tell MM to share his profit with u^^
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: mar77a on September 20, 2008, 11:09:35 am

i hope this is pay per host and not per server

ps: if it ever is
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Biscuiteer on September 20, 2008, 11:13:01 am
Well.... this is interesting.

First you are humble enough to give us a reasonable anti-cheat system for free, then you decide to have us pay for it in the end? Thats a bollocks load of shinyfoo! If you are going to setup something for free, then you must dedicate yourself into keeping your program in good condition. If you can't handle it, then why the hell are you even here? Excuse my harshness but, damn. Its quite amusing on how you could even do this, even if it is your system. Now you might as well get out of here as fast as you can, because once you start payments everyone is going to either refuse or make their own anti-cheat programs - which will most likely be better than yours anywho.

I think i've said more than enough.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Leo on September 20, 2008, 11:14:40 am

i hope this is pay per host and not per server
Me too
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Laser Guy on September 20, 2008, 11:17:44 am
Don't mind Biscuiteer, he's probably in a shock.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: EnEsCe on September 20, 2008, 11:22:24 am
If there isn't going to be a free less-frequently updated version available for people, then the flood gates from the Ocean of Cheaters shall be open once again. For me, it was nice being able to focus on adding features to Soldat, but looks like focus is going to have to go back to stopping cheaters which will, I guarantee, hinder any new features or bug fixes to future Soldat/server versions. Oh well :3
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: PQ on September 20, 2008, 11:24:07 am
hah, let's see if the hackers make a crack for this.  ;D (Just like they have a crack to bypass BE)

If there isn't going to be a free less-frequently updated version available for people, then the flood gates from the Ocean of Cheaters shall be open once again.
Like he cares about that, he just wants his money

edit: oh lol it's april fools' day
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: excruciator on September 20, 2008, 11:25:14 am
Battle eye was implemented because it's free. Yet now we have to pay for it. If the fee is going toward the upkeep of the program, that is understandable and reasonable, but if its for profit, then

Yay for the non-BattlEye servers \o/!
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Duck Boi on September 20, 2008, 11:25:36 am
Don't mind Biscuiteer, he's probably in a shock.
No, he has a valid point to which I agree.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Shoozza on September 20, 2008, 11:28:52 am
Isn't that the same tactic ms uses to infiltrate china with windows?

I don't know if i would pay for BE.
Someone remembers the 1.3.1 times when everyone could hack? Well you know what will happen.
Also I think running the leagues without BE enables is a useless.

I already gave up that you will implement chatMod :P. But I would like to see more bugfixes instad of new features (like the flicker you told me it's imposibble to fix - MM told me something different  but thats offtopic i guess)
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Poop on September 20, 2008, 11:29:52 am
As a representative of the clan scene and league community, ill post my honest opinion.

I think the idea is ridiculous. Heres my reasons why:

1. Battleeye is not as reliable as you made it out to be. It might have made a small difference in terms of reducing the amount of hackers, however it consistently kicks and bans people that do not hack, consistently misses out on people that do hack, has holes which can be taken advantage of (Leaving the server after 3 minutes and coming back and you wont get banned), etc etc. Charging for a unreliable service which probably does not do the job its supposed to is ridiculous.

2. Im sure you realize that many people will not buy this extra "service" for their servers. And considering the fact that since battleye was introduced to soldat, I doubt the game coders are doing any work on anti-hack things, this will mean there will be countless servers out there that have no anti-hack service. Many of these will be league and clanwar servers (League and clanwar players constitute the highest percentage of the soldat population which buys registrations). And considering the fact that enesce and MM have stopped working on the anti-hack system of soldat since BE got introduced, you basically realize that it will be difficult for them to bring the soldat's antihack up to par quickly and are taking advantage of this upper position by being a twat. Ridiculous.

3. How much money you think you will make off this? Lets say the big public server hosts buy it (Leo etc). Lets say a few big league server hosts buy it. Ill count that total as around 30 servers. U13 and Enesce will proabbly make it optional, most people wont buy it. Fracs wont buy it as their servers are free. Selfkill and clanplanet will also make it optional and most people wont buy it. And most other servers are being hosted on people's own computers, maybe 5-10% of them buy it (Although I doubt even that much). Ill give you maximum 50-75 total servers that will buy this service. Depends on the price your going to charge, but if its really "low", you will be making poo money off this.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Animagladius on September 20, 2008, 11:41:51 am
Well, I can understand why you're doing this. I mean... The BattlEye is needed to protect the servers. And things that are needed and irreplaceable... Well. If the admins want protection for their servers, they'll continue using it, even if they gotta pay a little fee. And you know that. And it's just the most natural thing in the world to charge some money for the (rare) things you're doing. Economic thinking. :3 You know they can't replace your BattlEye (in fact that it's implemented into the game or program), so if they want to continue keeping their servers running, they gotta pay. And they will... As long as the Soldat-team is supporting BattlEye. If someone else would write a program which is good enough to protect the servers, and that for free, I'm sure they'd change to that service. ;)

Sorry for my bad English, I didn't use it for long. o.o
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Poop on September 20, 2008, 11:44:33 am
And just as a continuation of my last post, at this point im hoping Battleye is removed from soldat and the game coders go back to work on antihack systems (Even though this probably means alot of other features get left out). Cause quite frankly, with only 5-10% of total servers eventually using battleye , the coders will have to work on thier own antihack systems anyways, and since those 5-10% of total servers that use battleeye can just use soldat's antihack system, the need for battleye is completely removed.

Atleast with new versions and soldats antihack we knew that there would be almost no hackers for the first little while after every new version got introduced. There is no guarantee like that for battleye, and seriously, what service will you be providing by charging a fee? I doubt its "Stopping hackers" since battleye doesnt really do that too well right now with all the 14 year olds making cracks for it.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Laser Guy on September 20, 2008, 11:47:10 am
Don't mind Biscuiteer, he's probably in a shock.
No, he has a valid point to which I agree.

After thinking more about it I'm starting to agree even more with him actually... :-\

And look athis nick... "$able" hmmm... that dollar sign just fits well.  >:(
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Leo on September 20, 2008, 11:57:04 am
And just as a continuation of my last post, at this point im hoping Battleye is removed from soldat and the game coders go back to work on antihack systems (Even though this probably means alot of other features get left out). Cause quite frankly, with only 5-10% of total servers eventually using battleye , the coders will have to work on thier own antihack systems anyways, and since those 5-10% of total servers that use battleeye can just use soldat's antihack system, the need for battleye is completely removed.

Atleast with new versions and soldats antihack we knew that there would be almost no hackers for the first little while after every new version got introduced. There is no guarantee like that for battleye, and seriously, what service will you be providing by charging a fee? I doubt its "Stopping hackers" since battleye doesnt really do that too well right now with all the 14 year olds making cracks for it.
I am sorry to say but this is stupid. There is no way to have a new version of Soldat every now and then to update the anti-hack system while BE can be easily get daily updates if it has too. The hard coded anti-cheat system was, is and it will always be completely useless.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BombSki on September 20, 2008, 12:08:05 pm
if this is just to keep up with the maintenance costs, isnt it possible to let the BE server run on whichever server the lobby is running on? isnt it possible that *someone* gives u some cash and makes it available for everyone?

i do agree with poop that BE really isnt 100% secure, but removing BE atm will mean soldat gets plunged back into prehistory concerning anticheat. if you make people pay for it, youre also gonna have to fix unneeded BE bans, and add stuff like this:

anyway, more info would be nice. costs per slot, per server, per person? how much is it gonna be (estimate)?

edit: i wonder when enesce starts asking fee's for using the scriptengine
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Etheryte on September 20, 2008, 12:16:03 pm
I am sorry to say but this is stupid. There is no way to have a new version of Soldat every now and then to update the anti-hack system while BE can be easily get daily updates if it has too. The hard coded anti-cheat system was, is and it will always be completely useless.
Seconded. BE is exactly what Soldat needs to fight the hackers. Sure, there are flaws, but which system doesn't have flaws?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: spkka on September 20, 2008, 12:21:50 pm
I understand the whole problem but why not let MM buy a license to run Battle Eye for the whole community.
BattleEye became a part of soldat and now soldat can't do without?

Personally i won't use it if it not free. Sorry to say thanks for your hard work but i already payed once and im not feeling spending more money in this game.

Our problem or MM's problem?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: a-4-year-old on September 20, 2008, 12:22:57 pm
Don't mind Biscuiteer, he's probably in a shock.
No, he has a valid point to which I agree.
Way to monopolize. We can't be sure you won't screw us over in the end.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: ds dude on September 20, 2008, 12:25:15 pm
I agree with hyrr, if your going to charge too much for BE, then I'm happy to play on non-battleye servers. Just because the server with BE are sometimes very unreliable.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Espadon on September 20, 2008, 12:30:53 pm
I've seen more people banned by BattleEye for lag than for cheating. Come to think of it there was a weapon hacker in Saw and Law today and we had to manually do the honors.

I'd rather just go out and buy myself a real game. Or play WoW.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Laser Guy on September 20, 2008, 12:36:43 pm
I've seen more people banned by BattleEye for lag than for cheating. Come to think of it there was a weapon hacker in Saw and Law today and we had to manually do the honors.

I'd rather just go out and buy myself a real game. Or play WoW.
Actualy !Elite Saw & Law and !Elite Snipe & Slice is a different story since bugs occur there almost all time (speed saw, barret shooting and yet doing no damage, no way to reload saw, knife has xxx ammo, etc...)
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Major- on September 20, 2008, 01:03:14 pm
the clientside use of BE will still be free.
what do you mean with this? first you say the hoster will have to pay a fee for BE, but the client side BE will still be free? do you mean that the clientside BE will be low quility for free (would probably be used on pubs)

I will soon be introducing a small monthly fee for the BattlEye technology being used on game servers.
as named above, the client side is for free. so is this some improved BE technology? if it isn't an improved system that will replace the clientside BE, then your post did not make sense.

also the fee should be very low (for financial reasons). after one really can see it works, and is frequently updated. you may rise the fee a bit, or add some advanced Improved BE Technology.

and for those of you who are confused:

if you only PLAY on a BE server you WON'T have to PAY.
if you HOST a server with BE you WILL have to PAY.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: MY_FIREMAN_IS_HUGE on September 20, 2008, 01:09:08 pm
I doubt anyone will pay for the shitty BE right now. If you made it better and flawlesss, people might pay.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: chrisgbk on September 20, 2008, 01:52:00 pm
the clientside use of BE will still be free.
what do you mean with this? first you say the hoster will have to pay a fee for BE, but the client side BE will still be free? do you mean that the clientside BE will be low quility for free (would probably be used on pubs)

I will soon be introducing a small monthly fee for the BattlEye technology being used on game servers.
as named above, the client side is for free. so is this some improved BE technology? if it isn't an improved system that will replace the clientside BE, then your post did not make sense.

also the fee should be very low (for financial reasons). after one really can see it works, and is frequently updated. you may rise the fee a bit, or add some advanced Improved BE Technology.

and for those of you who are confused:

if you only PLAY on a BE server you WON'T have to PAY.
if you HOST a server with BE you WILL have to PAY.

BE is currently composed of two parts: a clientside, which is what everyone has, and the serverside, which runs on the server and communicates or otherwise interacts with the client. Players, who all have the clientside part, will not have to pay for that use; server owners will pay for use of the server side module. Not paying means your server is not protected by BE at all. The clientside part of BE disables itself when the server isn't using BE.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: iDante on September 20, 2008, 03:59:33 pm
$able has put immense amounts of time into this, and I see why he wants money for it.
It would be nice to know how much you ($able) are going to ask for it though, I'd be willing to pay a bit extra to use it. Also, how are you going to implement it?
For example, the standalone ded server that you d'l will NOT have it? But major providers like u13,, and selfkill will come with it for a small extra charge?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: chrisgbk on September 20, 2008, 04:02:04 pm
$able has put immense amounts of time into this, and I see why he wants money for it.
It would be nice to know how much you ($able) are going to ask for it though, I'd be willing to pay a bit extra to use it. Also, how are you going to implement it?
For example, the standalone ded server that you d'l will NOT have it? But major providers like u13,, and selfkill will come with it for a small extra charge?

At a guess, I'd say he'd implement a license management system, where the server checks your license with the master server and activates if it's valid; so anyone running a dedicated server would be able to use it.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: xmRipper on September 20, 2008, 04:05:32 pm
Will we pay per server ? No please.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: ElSpec774 on September 20, 2008, 04:22:52 pm
OMG. I totally predicted this and I'm not kidding.  From the looks of it, BattlEye already has a bad reputation of being a terrible anti-cheat system (Although I would have to disagree), this will give server owners another reason to simply not use it.

I'd also just like to say, it won't be long until Soldat turns into from a completely fun and low-resource 2D game to a bug-infest, software-bloated, and crappy shareware game.  It would seem the exit from the community for me is enclosing.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Blue-ninja on September 20, 2008, 05:02:12 pm
Iron Floyd. BattlEye client not responding.
Iron Floyd. has been kicked for BattlEye violation.

Floyd here is a regular at TMS climb for a while now...never hacked, never lagged, and yet had some problems with BE. I'd start paying for BE once it becomes seamless and bugless, but at the stage that BE is right now, you're better off holding a real job than just sitting at home living off your parent's allowance.

Server administrators with no life can easily solve the hacker problems. No offense to anyone that fits this description.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: JFK on September 20, 2008, 05:34:12 pm
I'm not sure if I would pay for BE in 2 or 3 servers, mostly depends on costs. I do hope that this means that there will be put more effort in the development of BE, at least I asume it will. We all noticed the increase of hackers over the past months/weeks. I can understand that $able's work has become more intensive, so I understand he wants money, but then use it!
Also, i would suggest to Enesce to make a possibility for clients to accept any kind of files (not just *.wav). I guess this could cause security risks, but it also opens the possibility for other (free, mabye) 3d party anti-cheat software.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Major .:Noob:. on September 20, 2008, 06:00:41 pm

How about you make a system that actually works properly before you start charging people for it?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Espadon on September 20, 2008, 06:44:59 pm
I've seen more people banned by BattleEye for lag than for cheating. Come to think of it there was a weapon hacker in Saw and Law today and we had to manually do the honors.

I'd rather just go out and buy myself a real game. Or play WoW.
Actualy !Elite Saw & Law and !Elite Snipe & Slice is a different story since bugs occur there almost all time (speed saw, barret shooting and yet doing no damage, no way to reload saw, knife has xxx ammo, etc...)

Not WM bugs; we're talking real live whackerrrrrrrs...
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: ~Niko~ on September 20, 2008, 07:10:54 pm
Idk, but I got kicked sometimes by direct hook #3 or something, then corrupted memory and crap... ruined a few CW's...
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: kestasjk on September 20, 2008, 07:34:57 pm
So we need to pay for the anti-cheat service on a free server in a free game?

What a joke.. bye bye BE
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: zyxstand on September 20, 2008, 07:42:34 pm
BE isn't quite well enough designed for good functionality.  I still saw a hacker here and there and saw plenty people including myself getting kicked from mr. flawly battle-eye.
Please have a functional battle-eye before charging for it.
not quite a wise investment for server hosts.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Chariot on September 20, 2008, 08:07:24 pm
So we need to pay for the anti-cheat service on a free server in a free game?

What a joke.. bye bye BE

No, only server owners will be paying for BE (if they so choose).
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Blue-ninja on September 20, 2008, 08:20:24 pm
So we need to pay for the anti-cheat service on a free server in a free game?

What a joke.. bye bye BE

No, only server owners will be paying for BE (if they so choose).

Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: FliesLikeABrick on September 20, 2008, 08:35:46 pm
Personally I think this is not a great idea until BE is a more polished product.  I also don't think a model like this will work for a free game, and it will cripple the game more than it will work out for people.

What does MM think of this?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: ds dude on September 20, 2008, 08:36:13 pm
That can jepertize all the servers, instead of 500-800 servers, we might go down to 200-300. depending if people are mad about it or not.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: SpiltCoffee on September 20, 2008, 08:40:46 pm
I reckon you should use the TeamSpeak model, $able. Only people who want to resell should have to pay the fee.

Well, for TeamSpeak, it's a reg fee, but at least it doesn't harm the people who want to continue running their server for free. At least then you'd get money from the people who're making money, and the people who want to run servers for free or from home are not affected.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Snowy- on September 20, 2008, 08:59:07 pm
imho, hes just jealous that hackers (me inc) are making more money off soldat (and battleye itself) that him. thats fair enough, but i really dont see how people will pay for something to keep hackers out that hackers can get around anyway, not to mention the false positives. imo battleye will have to become a whole lot more secure before anything like that will work.

and if he charges for battleye, there will be less servers with it, bypass sales will go down, but hack sales will skyrockets since they dont need a bypass, and soldat will be flooded with randoms with air man again like the good old days. its not exactly win-win on our side, its a bit of win-lose, but there will sure be a whole lot more win than lose, i can guaruntee that. lucky $able has us to make hacks so more people will buy his crappy protection.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: JupiterShadow on September 20, 2008, 10:29:38 pm
Meh, hes just jealous that the American economy is crashing and he couldn't afford feeding his family.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Rooster on September 20, 2008, 10:48:18 pm
So let me get this straight, you want people to pay for a Anti-Hacking program, which doesn't even stop hackers? In a free internet 2d sidescrolling game. Wow, you're a fucking idiot.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: AnU on September 21, 2008, 12:23:19 am
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Original on September 21, 2008, 02:05:51 am
Only a fecking retard like $able would make us pay for something THAT DOESN'T EVEN WORK.

Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Bugs Revenge on September 21, 2008, 03:09:41 am
Oh come'on, cut out cursing  :-\
I guess none likes that idea but still no reason to curse him..
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Xavios on September 21, 2008, 03:17:29 am
And lo!, the days of the BattlEye Anti-Cheat Engine faded into memory - then from memory to myth - eventually to be forgotten like yesterdays afternoon breeze...

(Edit: Cheers Bendarr, I didn't mean to paraphrase LOTR - it just happened.)
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: blackdevil0742 on September 21, 2008, 03:49:15 am
Bleh. A bad decision for a software that isn't even near that effective yet.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Bendarr- on September 21, 2008, 03:56:02 am
And lo!, the days of the BattlEye Anti-Cheat Engine faded into memory - then from memory to legend myth - eventually to be forgotten like yesterdays afternoon breeze...


As a person who knows a great deal about the integrity of Battleye, I decided to post here to give my opinion.

Sable is a complete lazy, careless, and greedy fool; he doesn't care about the game that he used as a test run to see if he was good enough to actually get into making hack prevention systems (which he is not, or at least hasn't shown it yet).

His program is mediocre at best.. It decreases FPS, bans for no reason, and the main flaw, IT DOESN'T DO SHIT TO PREVENT HACKING IN SOLDAT.

For Sable to request that individual server owners pay him for his "service," is like a hobo cleaning your windshields with dirty water without you wanting it, and then asking for a dollar afterwords. Battleye isn't needed at all because of its lack of performance, so unless Sable grows a brain, he is gonna just get fucked in the end of this ordeal.

For those of you who are ignorant and believe you're actually safe with this program running, you need to wise up.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Leo on September 21, 2008, 04:06:27 am
And lo!, the days of the BattlEye Anti-Cheat Engine faded into memory - then from memory to legend myth - eventually to be forgotten like yesterdays afternoon breeze...


As a person who knows a great deal about the integrity of Battleye, I decided to post here to give my opinion.

Sable is a complete lazy, careless, and greedy fool; he doesn't care about the game that he used as a test run to see if he was good enough to actually get into making hack prevention systems (which he is not, or at least hasn't shown it yet).

His program is mediocre at best.. It decreases FPS, bans for no reason, and the main flaw, IT DOESN'T DO poo TO PREVENT HACKING IN SOLDAT.

For Sable to request that individual server owners pay him for his "service," is like a hobo cleaning your windshields with dirty water without you wanting it, and then asking for a dollar afterwords. Battleye isn't needed at all because of its lack of performance, so unless Sable grows a brain, he is gonna just get fecked in the end of this ordeal.

For those of you who are ignorant and believe you're actually safe with this program running, you need to wise up.
Orly ? Well, in case that this really happens we'll see where there are gonna be more hackers. At BE protected servers or at non-BE protected ones. You know the answer don't you ? And yeah, it's not 100% hacker proof but it's fucking better than the old days where "supermen" were a daily routine in my servers. So just stfu cause you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: chrisgbk on September 21, 2008, 04:15:42 am
Watch the flaming guys; you can disagree, but keep it respectful. Not just to $able, but to each other.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Leo on September 21, 2008, 04:17:41 am
I am sorry chrisgbk but the ignorance of some people just piss me off.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Etheryte on September 21, 2008, 04:25:58 am
My prediction is that there will be fewer public servers and a lot more password protected ones. It will probably disadvantage the small-time public server owner, though, that is if it will be pay-per-host.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: DemonicForces on September 21, 2008, 04:52:05 am
Hum ...
If I need to pay for BE idk if I will use it any more ...


1. There are new hacks out who aren't getting detected by BE  :o
2. BE kicks sometimes players who have no hacks  >:(

=> I should pay for a Buggy piece of poo which doesn't work fine?!?!

...I would pay if Everything would be fine but this way...
there is no difference between if BE is on or not ...

Ok it was better at the first time with BE...
But now?!?!
New Hacks => Nothing changed

I see no difference between the old days ... out of I have to pay more now?!?!
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Major- on September 21, 2008, 04:54:00 am
I am sorry chrisgbk but the ignorance of some people just piss me off.

who the fuck cares about pubs anyway? :o
a good player plays like a hacker for them anyway.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Xavios on September 21, 2008, 04:56:55 am
who the feck cares about pubs anyway? :o
a good player plays like a hacker for them anyway.

Most of Soldat's userbase use public servers... The N/A R/S community alone has 11 public servers.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: JupiterShadow on September 21, 2008, 05:13:56 am
Come on, $able has taken his time and effort in creating the battleye anti cheat system and I respect him for that. Although it's not perfect, from what I think, more that half of the soldat community doesn't know poo about programming or coding. I would like to see someone from the soldat community code a anti cheat protection system that surpasses $ables.

Quote from: MM
Almost 99% of a programmers efforts are not seen by the public.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Leo on September 21, 2008, 05:24:44 am
who the feck cares about pubs anyway? :o
a good player plays like a hacker for them anyway.

Most of Soldat's userbase use public servers... The N/A R/S community alone has 11 public servers.

Nah, we don't need pubs. Just shut them all down and let the "pros" play gathers only  ::)
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Etheryte on September 21, 2008, 05:33:46 am
who the feck cares about pubs anyway? :o
a good player plays like a hacker for them anyway.

Most of Soldat's userbase use public servers... The N/A R/S community alone has 11 public servers.

Nah, we don't need pubs. Just shut them all down and let the "pros" play gathers only  ::)
Yeah, Soldat is sure to welcome many new players to the game like that. ::)
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: EnEsCe on September 21, 2008, 05:35:33 am
Public servers are the heart and veins of Soldat, literally.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: ~Niko~ on September 21, 2008, 05:36:29 am
Public servers are the heart and veins of Soldat, literally.
Damn true, and about the hackers, no worries, why do we have the kick vote?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: $able on September 21, 2008, 06:19:08 am
I won't even comment on all those "BE sucks" posts, because it's pointless anyway, but let me say that the situation is like this:

I am making BE a professional product (yes, although it sucks big time and just kicks innocent people and not hackers), which means that I won't be able to spend time on a free game anymore. Some people here basically seem to think I have to go on doing this for Soldat forever simply because I once started with it. Remember that I started this out of good will, but as you know things change in life.
I could as well just say goodbye entirely, which probably would have been better seeing all those negative posts. Instead I decided to make this offer. Sorry for that.

The BattlEye integration will probably be removed anyway (making BE a third-party), so no worries.

Just one more thing on the money thing: I suppose you all go to work out of good will and for free etc. right? The fact is, no one works shit for free. Now this probably sounds even more fucked up on a forum of a free game, but as I just told you I am making this a business to make a living from it. Of course, this is not your problem, but that's just how the situation is. So please at least accept that I can't support Soldat like this any longer.
It's just sad to see people calling me greedy, it's so false I don't even want to comment on it.

Now flame on! :)
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BmC Soldat on September 21, 2008, 06:25:55 am
Think about it: BE kicks about 10% of all players joining a server. Of this 10%, only about 1 or 2 percent will actually be hackers.

BE is only good for public servers. If the hacker knows the password to the server, he probably can bypass BE anyway. The only thing charging for BE will do, is kill publics. Because any hacks that people use in private servers, ARE NOT DETECTED ANYWAY.

Honestly, of the public server providers, flab an eC will be your only customers, and why the hell do they want to pay for something when they are currently providing it at no cost to them? I don't see them holding their hand out to the community demanding to get paid. This is because some people do things in life for FREE, instead of expecting to get paid off. Sure the servers are good advertising, but your in the same situation. If you were to perfect this community, it would be perfect advertising for other buyers.

Also, with that being said, new players that just downloaded the game will request servers, and find that 6/7 are passworded. This will basically stop the flow of new players, leaving BE with no servers to really provide for.

And dont even try using the 'i've spent so much time on this' card, because we all know that it was for your own purposes. Now, you have nothing left to gain, so your trying to blackmail us with your less than effective program.

Noone wants to pay for BE, simple as that. You'd be lucky to make $50US a month, at that. It's great while it's free, but a waste of money when it's not.

And lastly, your going to try sell BE to other games? I suggest that you work harder at making the program better before you rush off trying to market it.

And hell, if I had a game, and I was looking for an program to stop hacking, I'd want to know how well the program works. And right now, they're gunna come running to this forum, and see all the negativity. Not a real good sales pitch imo.

But on a nicer note, I, as the soldat player that I am, do appreciate the work you've put into this community.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: bullet_ on September 21, 2008, 06:47:53 am
Man, I registered just to tell this:

You guys are idiots.

BattlEye IS a decent piece of software. Most people who cry about BE know nothing about programming, hacking, and computers in general. Today it isn't really possible to cheat anymore without having a proper BattlEye hack. And guess what kids, once there is a hack for ANY anti-cheat, it's useless. But even then BattlEye is superior to others because of the very quick update interval. I've been doing several days of hack-update-hack-update cycles with $able without any guys of you noticing. He was reacting faster than you guys can say "OMG BE SUXXXXX". Go to hell.

Did anyone actually notice how you contradict yourselves? You say BattlEye is useless, sucks, kickbans for no reason (Did you know BattlEye resends EVERY PACKET 5 times with several seconds delay until you get kicked for not responding? And you want to tell me your lagspike got you kicked? Hahahaha.) and $able shall improve it. Yet you say when he will charge money for it, it will disappear from servers and the cheaters will wreak havoc again. Wait. That would mean BattlEye is in fact useful. So pay for it. You even pay for stupid jet flame colors on this shareware game, so you might as well spend a dollar on not being assraped by some "14 year old kiddie".

You cried so much about D3D hooks being detected. Stop using your shitty programs that do overlay, D3D hooks are the key to any useful hack so checking on it is the most natural thing to do. I don't get why anyone is even crying at all. If you think BattlEye is a POS software, don't use it. It is optional. But we all know what happens if you disable it. So once more, it is not as useless as you guys think or at least tell.

I think this shitty community deserves an anti-cheat program that fucks your whole computer up just like PunkBuster and co. do. With its permanently loaded drivers that break any data privacy by scanning all running processes. With lifetime hardware bans and false positives. With anti-debug drivers that cripple your whole system and castrate you and your family once you dare to open a debugger.

This is kind of weird that I am the one to say BattlEye is doing a good job. Could be because I actually know what the fuck I am talking about.

Thanks for your attention.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Flamingo on September 21, 2008, 06:48:31 am
in after people saying completely false numbers just to make battleye look bad
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: ElephantEater on September 21, 2008, 06:52:00 am
Ditto bullet: The way I see it, BattlEye has done a hell of a job. You don't get supermen in servers like you used to. For this I congratulate $able and his BE.

No matter what, there will always be hacks to bypass anti-hack systems. That is undeniable, BE is no different, and bypassability is irrelevant towards whether $able wants to charge.

There will be some side-effects of charging money for BE related to hackers, but what the hell, that's a different topic altogether.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: $able on September 21, 2008, 06:52:48 am
And hell, if I had a game, and I was looking for an program to stop hacking, I'd want to know how well the program works. And right now, they're gunna come running to this forum, and see all the negativity. Not a real good sales pitch imo.

Ever heard of PunkBuster? You can read everywhere on the internet how much it sucks and how bad it is at keeping servers clean (and only kicks innocent people). Following this logic, BattlEye must be quite successful. :)
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BombSki on September 21, 2008, 06:58:15 am
Now flame on! :)
maybe you could comment on a few posts in the first page(s)
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: rayanaga on September 21, 2008, 09:33:33 am
The way I BattlEye,

Your server with BattlEye is like a soldier wearing Kevlar. Kevlar can stop some lesser rounds (or hacks) but not all of them.

Your server without BattlEye is like a soldier wearing no armor whatsoever. You have no protection from rounds (or hacks) at all.

My point? BattlEye is better then having no protection at all but it still isn't as good as it should be.  The whole idea about putting a price on BattlEye is incredibly selfish and you are just hurting and putting down soldat for your own profit which is totally unethical.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if BattlEye starts charging you, I believe that a couple other programmers would whip up a couple Anti-hack scripts to compete with you.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: PQ on September 21, 2008, 09:35:29 am
[sarcasm]yea, it's very nice that $able is not offering this service for free anymore. MM never made soldat for free, it was $able!! EnEsCe never puts any effort in developing soldat. It's all $able! $able is god, so he has the right to ask us for money.[/sarcasm]

[serious]Well I never said that BE is worthless. It might be buggy once in a while but it usually only kicks hackers or people that have disconnected. BUT, why did you make this for soldat while you knew that the soldat community was not going to like this. Did MM knew about this from the beginning, or did you make some kind of agreement about this?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if BattlEye starts charging you, I believe that a couple other programmers would whip up a couple Anti-hack scripts to compete with you.
We, as soldat players, are not even allowed to ask money for soldat additions.
Kinda an unfair advantage[/serious]
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: ElephantEater on September 21, 2008, 09:41:24 am
Let me put it in bold text.

Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Sauron on September 21, 2008, 09:42:04 am
BattlEye is good but when we have to pay something for it, it became a non-functional shit yes? Wake up boys. If you are looking on it from his side you will understand him.He is working on BE some years for free in his free time.So I think his idea about payment for BE server side is regular.If you are doing something for free long time you start lose active interest in it, but if you are getting some money from it you are still motivated to do good job and improve it.Remember Soldat 1.3.1 servers were full of hackers and leagues too and now? Servers are clear, of course no 100% clear but they are clear.No one anti-cheat has fully detection for hacks.BattlEye is doing good joob.Yes they are some BE bypass systems but you have to pay for it.So it will never became to masshacking as in 1.3.1.That is what hackers needed, game without anti-cheat system.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: PQ on September 21, 2008, 09:54:25 am
Let me put it in bold text.

We as twelve year olds (lol) play on these servers though. Less people will rent a server, so EnEsCe, selfkill, u13 and other host will get less money and might quit. Renting soldat servers is not the most lucrative thing you can do anyway..
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BombSki on September 21, 2008, 10:12:12 am
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Chariot on September 21, 2008, 10:22:08 am
Let me put it in bold text.


You're an idiot for implying that this won't affect us "12 year olds" who don't own servers. Whatever your feelings on BE are, you can't deny that this will affect the number of BE-enabled servers. And without a doubt, you can bet that those who remain "unprotected" will see their servers turn into what we saw in 1.3.1. Suppose you are a player who frequents one of those servers. You can't say that they will be unaffected. You would have to deal with the caliber of hackers you might see in any garbage game that someone like Nexon would release. Players are equally if not more affected by this than just server owners.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: excruciator on September 21, 2008, 10:51:53 am
I don't think it could cost a lot since the pay implementation would affect all battleye supported games. And that is a lot of servers. Unless he is very very greedy.

Still, if we really have to pay for this, then we expect more frequent upgrades.

Let me put it in bold text.


You're an idiot for implying that this won't affect us "12 year olds" who don't own servers. Whatever your feelings on BE are, you can't deny that this will affect the number of BE-enabled servers. And without a doubt, you can bet that those who remain "unprotected" will see their servers turn into what we saw in 1.3.1. Suppose you are a player who frequents one of those servers. You can't say that they will be unaffected. You would have to deal with the caliber of hackers you might see in any garbage game that someone like Nexon would release. Players are equally if not more affected by this than just server owners.

I know it would, but in the end, the public server without BE will be filled with hackers, then the server would go empty, forcing the servermaster to implement BE. So in the end, most public server would still end up having BEs. Except those rarely used private ones.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BombSki on September 21, 2008, 11:05:43 am
I know it would, but in the end, the public server without BE will be filled with hackers, then the server would go empty, forcing the servermaster to implement BE or to stop hosting the server. So in the end, we would lose a lot of public servers
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: The Geologist on September 21, 2008, 11:23:59 am
For starters, how much are you going to charge?

Second, how many costs are associated with keeping BE running/updated as it is now?

Seems rather silly to start charging for it now, even if it is just server side.  And without you divulging any of the above info, it's also hard for people to have any idea how much of a change is supposed to caused by this.

One dollar per server?  Ten dollars? 

Why not just ask for donations?  Seems like a better route to go. 

Keep BE free for Soldat and work the bugs out, then try to spread it on the professional level (for other games?), whatever that is.  But mentioning that BE will be made third party kinda seems more like a threat than anything else.  If you want to make a business out of this, you'll have to refine your product and get other sources interested in purchasing in a pay-for-use situation from the get go.  This doesn't seem like the best way to do that.

On a side note, how much money do you expect to earn for "making a living" from this?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Chariot on September 21, 2008, 11:42:42 am
Why not just ask for donations?  Seems like a better route to go.

I was thinking the same thing yesterday. If this community is truly serious about stopping hackers, I'm sure several people among us would be more than willing to donate money to help you improve BE and prevent you from charging server owners for its use.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: excruciator on September 21, 2008, 12:13:30 pm
I know it would, but in the end, the public server without BE will be filled with hackers, then the server would go empty, forcing the servermaster to implement BE or to stop hosting the server. So in the end, we would lose a lot of public servers

It is highly unlikely for soldat to have no public servers.

Public servers hosted by big hosts such as u13 and leo
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Rellik on September 21, 2008, 12:54:21 pm
so who is paying, Me? Selfkill? or MM?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: mxyzptlk on September 21, 2008, 02:11:03 pm
The service should have a tier system, I believe. The current version should be available to server owner without guarantees or updates for free, but any updates should require a MINIMAL fee (and I mean minimal, around 1-5 dollars a month). This would allow server owners to be able to keep their server relatively hacker-free, but wouldn't protect them against any newer threats. After that, release older versions (about 5 versions prior to the current premium package) for free. This way you'd get people to pay, but it wouldn't leave the entire public community in the cold.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BombSki on September 21, 2008, 02:34:44 pm
MINIMAL fee (and I mean minimal, around 1-5 dollars a month).
certainly nobody is gonna buy BE for $5/month when a server is $1 / slot..
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Farah on September 21, 2008, 03:08:27 pm
one very important question:
do you actually support ron paul or are you being ironic
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Avis on September 21, 2008, 03:15:28 pm
Suddenly monthly fees? (Even if it is only for server owners)
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: homerofgods on September 21, 2008, 03:21:19 pm
one very important question:
do you actually support Ron Paul or are you being ironic
I agree with Farah.
also, I don't get kicked by BE, maybe if we knew what kicks innocent people we might work us around that problem? Do we know?

and one more thing! we don't want a lot of servers without BE do we?? so why don't you just put up the prize for a server slot?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: mxyzptlk on September 21, 2008, 03:25:11 pm
MINIMAL fee (and I mean minimal, around 1-5 dollars a month).
certainly nobody is gonna buy BE for $5/month when a server is $1 / slot..
And yet you'd buy a freeware game for $13?
$1-5 isn't very much at all, and it supports the anti-hack and provides you with security in your server. I find it reasonable, given what I put in my previous post.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: $able on September 21, 2008, 04:06:09 pm
For starters, how much are you going to charge?

Second, how many costs are associated with keeping BE running/updated as it is now?

Seems rather silly to start charging for it now, even if it is just server side.  And without you divulging any of the above info, it's also hard for people to have any idea how much of a change is supposed to caused by this.

One dollar per server?  Ten dollars? 

Why not just ask for donations?  Seems like a better route to go. 

Keep BE free for Soldat and work the bugs out, then try to spread it on the professional level (for other games?), whatever that is.  But mentioning that BE will be made third party kinda seems more like a threat than anything else.  If you want to make a business out of this, you'll have to refine your product and get other sources interested in purchasing in a pay-for-use situation from the get go.  This doesn't seem like the best way to do that.

On a side note, how much money do you expect to earn for "making a living" from this?

1.) Around 2 euros.
2.) Donations are like that: Some nice people will pay a few bucks, but after a short while it will go down to zero.
3.) Tell me about the bugs, instead of assuming they are in there - I am serious!
4.) Talking without knowing sh*t (sorry) and at least checking BE's website. Soldat is the only free game I still support. I am being a bit rude as some of you are: I don't need Soldat to start a business.

I am repeating it one last time: I am starting a business to make a living from it (not just for fun and to rip you off, like most of the people here think!), therefore I won't support free games anymore - this is natural AS HELL!
That's why I am suggesting you to keep up the support for a small fee. If it's not wanted, then fine, BE is removed and everyone will be happy. Stop saying I have to go on doing this. I did it so far because I am a nice guy, but it's my right to stop any day!
I guarantee you, you won't find such a nice guy providing you with such a quality system ever again - and I am serious about every single word I say!

I have learnt one thing: You better not start anything good for free, because all that you ever get from the majority is a nice "it sucks" (in general, I am not even talking about this thread).

one very important question:
do you actually support ron paul or are you being ironic

Yes, I do. Obviously he's one of the only ones not blatantly lying to people. Go vote for Obama/McCain, like it will make any real difference...

Nuff said.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BombSki on September 21, 2008, 04:26:28 pm
i agree with you, people here talk poo.
is that 2 euros per server or per person? will there be a difference for private servers?
what will the method of payment options be?

i still really think that a license should be bought for entire soldat, and not for each server.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: jrgp on September 21, 2008, 04:29:15 pm
Okay, okay, okay. I see your point in doing this, sable. Making money off something like this is not a horrible idea, especially since you need cash to survive. I admit I didn't see this coming, but now that I see it I'm not surprised at all.

I don't think anyone's asked this yet: How much for a bunch of servers at once? Like... lets say I host 4 servers out of my house on my high speed connection, could I get a discount for hosting more than one servers? Would this be a one time payment or monthly? Will I get a product code for each server that I would need to "activate"?

You seem to not be providing useful details..
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Laser Guy on September 21, 2008, 04:30:27 pm
Hmm, just one question. What method did you use tihw STALKER and ArmA? Did they just buy the license for whole game? Or are they paying for every server/month?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Spyder on September 21, 2008, 04:42:26 pm
Can't Soldat just buy BE instead of having server admins paying a monthly fee? or just make our own anti-cheat system instead of relying on BE.

$able, how much do you see yourself earning from doing this?

Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Farah on September 21, 2008, 05:13:58 pm
Yes, I do. Obviously he's one of the only ones not blatantly lying to people. Go vote for Obama/McCain, like it will make any real difference...

Nuff said.
ahahahahahahhaha i don't want to turn this into a thread about politics but wow
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: FliesLikeABrick on September 21, 2008, 05:24:33 pm
Farah, don't push it or you'll find yourself banned from posting in the News forum
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Sauron on September 21, 2008, 05:56:59 pm
Hackers can start smiling because 2/3 of servers will be without secure.I think if it will became from this topic to reality with BE will be only some league servers or some professional public servers like eC, Leo`s etc.It will be renaissance of hacking in Soldat.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: rudolph928 on September 21, 2008, 06:18:00 pm
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Major- on September 21, 2008, 06:19:38 pm
well I doubt Sable will be able to put up correct terms of use. because this guy is really... you can't go cocky and rude if you don't do an amazing job. if you'd be the worlds best anti-hack programmer, you could be rude, but with your skill, you can't.

and wow, 2 euro... that's like 4 times the price I thought you would come up with (I thought 1 dollar).

and you're ridiculous, make a living on soldat? you better find another game. but wait... you won't because you got no good reputation. you'll be stuck at serving free games for quite some time, and with this attitude... you will never serve a real game.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Slazenger on September 21, 2008, 06:27:41 pm
well I doubt Sable will be able to put up correct terms of use. because this guy is really... you can't go cocky and rude if you don't do an amazing job. if you'd be the worlds best anti-hack programmer, you could be rude, but with your skill, you can't.

and wow, 2 euro... that's like 4 times the price I thought you would come up with (I thought 1 dollar).

and you're ridiculous, make a living on soldat? you better find another game. but wait... you won't because you got no good reputation. you'll be stuck at serving free games for quite some time, and with this attitude... you will never serve a real game.
You are saying that STALKER  (Sold 2 million copies) aren't one of the best games? He got a great reputation. He also mentioned he'd could aswell just remove BE from soldat, but he did this to do soldat a favor, i'd say, screw soldat, you're on your own, no anti-cheat engine from me!
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Major- on September 21, 2008, 06:42:55 pm
well I doubt Sable will be able to put up correct terms of use. because this guy is really... you can't go cocky and rude if you don't do an amazing job. if you'd be the worlds best anti-hack programmer, you could be rude, but with your skill, you can't.

and wow, 2 euro... that's like 4 times the price I thought you would come up with (I thought 1 dollar).

and you're ridiculous, make a living on soldat? you better find another game. but wait... you won't because you got no good reputation. you'll be stuck at serving free games for quite some time, and with this attitude... you will never serve a real game.
You are saying that STALKER  (Sold 2 million copies) aren't one of the best games? He got a great reputation. He also mentioned he'd could aswell just remove BE from soldat, but he did this to do soldat a favor, i'd say, screw soldat, you're on your own, no anti-cheat engine from me!

isn't stalker a SP game? anyway, he haven't done it yet. they'll probably just get mad at him for doing a shitty job. or vice versa, but if it's like soldats BE.... they will get mad.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: The Geologist on September 21, 2008, 06:46:34 pm
Oh well.  Good luck tryin' to make a living with this, hope it works out for ya.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Frenchie on September 21, 2008, 07:07:45 pm
$able you have done a good job with Battleye.

Just neglect all the comments saying that your cocky, rude, greedy, <insert other insult> ... Because frankly you haven't been, thought I can't say the say about the Soldat community itself.

I do understand where you're coming from with the payment talks, as it is the norm to get paid for something you do. Even though at the beginning you provided it free, personal / real life issues might have swayed this decision (not my business) and you are free to do as you wish.

Alot of the people have posted comments without any knowledge surrounding this subject. A little bit of searching would have disproven those people claiming that Soldat is / will be the only game battleye will be implemented in. A quick search on the battleye site would have shown them that it already supports ArmA: Armed Assault / Combat Operations and 2 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.  games. (commercial games).

Also the game WarSow (opensource/ free game) was supported but no longer is as $able no longer had the time to implement it. This just shows to those that are abusing and insulting $able (I'm guessing in an attempt to persuade him to keep BE free) that he will and already has removed support for other games and that this could quite easily happen to Soldat.

These are some of my thoughts on the matter:
-I think it was correct of you, $able, to announce to the community your intentions with BattlEye, but as you can clearly see now, not much constructive input will come from it.
The best way to go about it now, will be to hold a discussion with those members of the community which are vital to the development and running of Soldat and it's services. (A few: MM, FLAB, Enesce, Chris) From this you can discuss the viability and possibilites of running such a service, and the best way to implement it.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Major- on September 21, 2008, 07:17:13 pm
:o cool, I hated bf and bf2, also those free games are probably pretty crappy... andsoldat is a shitty game. and wtf? STALKER got a new game?

anyhow, you can clearly see sables tries to act mature and like a business person. but when people says his product sucks, he just got to be rude back. maybe your program isn't flawless, ever thought of that?

and some of the hack creators even commented on this :/, they aswell said BE is crappy.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: HH on September 21, 2008, 08:19:58 pm
Major did you even read the thread? The hacker bullet completely endorsed BE and said what a good program it was.

This thread has brought the soldat community to a new level of idiocy. Sable has coded an anti-cheat system for soldat out of pure goodwill, given it away for free, and updated it for free. Now instead of a thank you for this, all  he gets is bitching and moaning, because someone have come to believe that it is a requirement they deserve, not an added extra which can be taken away at any time.

I've heard server admins bitch about what a thankless job that they have, and how they give up so much of their time to keep servers free of hacks, but for some reason they're the first to whine loudly about this.  To be honest, without battleye soldat is going to go down the shitter because soldat has no useful kick function, and then it will be the server admins again whining loudest for a new anti-hack system.

It's the idiots here who are complaining the loudest, and anyone with any understanding of BE works knows thats it's a good program that has been coded well. No anti-cheat system is perfect, and your unrealistic expectations are going to be what brings this community down.

You guys don't know how good you've got it. HH out.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: SpiltCoffee on September 21, 2008, 08:48:23 pm
2 pounds per server? Yuk, that's $3.50 AUD... Surely you can halve that, right $able?

Oh well, if that's what it takes to protect my servers, I guess I'll pay up when the time comes.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BmC Soldat on September 21, 2008, 10:13:31 pm
I refuse to pay for an anti cheat when -Removed- can bloody bypass it (thanks original, I forgot about this).

And you said something about how no-one reports the issues they have with BE? -Removed- is always reporting the problems with realistic hacks, but nothing has ever been one. This is because of 1 of 2 things:

1. You've tried, but cannot physically do it (again, if this is true, I'd get back to the drawing board if I was you)
2. You actually don't give a poo unless there is something in it for you.

Give us a reason to trust you with our money, and maybe you'll get it. But until then, I think adding a password to a server will do a better job at keeping hackers out rather than paying nearly 4 bucks a month for your program.

Have fun with your other games.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: miketh2005 on September 22, 2008, 12:50:55 am
Hackers can start smiling because 2/3 of servers will be without secure.I think if it will became from this topic to reality with BE will be only some league servers or some professional public servers like eC, Leo`s etc.It will be renaissance of hacking in Soldat.

I hate it how people ALWAYS leave out the !Elite servers >:(

Anyway, I don't understand why someone just doesn't hack the hacker's website, then there would be no hackers!!!!!! NO DUH! THERES ONLY 2 PLACES TO FIND SECURE HACKS, of course, im not saying them, against the rules, but if you just hack the main site, then there would be no place to get hacks, it would solve the problem at least untill they get it all back together...
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: PQ on September 22, 2008, 01:02:11 am
RIP soldat
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: miketh2005 on September 22, 2008, 01:07:17 am

I've heard server admins female dog about what a thankless job that they have, and how they give up so much of their time to keep servers free of hacks, but for some reason they're the first to whine loudly about this. To be honest, without battleye soldat is going to go down the pooter because soldat has no useful kick function, and then it will be the server admins again whining loudest for a new anti-hack system.

Female dog??? you don't make sense.

2 EURO = 2.89 USD

Date Posted: September 22, 2008, 02:04:52 am
RIP soldat

lol? Soldat will never die just because there's a few hackers in the server, if the server owner gets good server admins that frequent the server often to ban hackers, there's no problem, people will still play, and even if there is a hacker in the server (there's never so much that it's unbearable) people can vote kick him.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Mittsu on September 22, 2008, 06:40:51 am
I understand he wants to make business out of this, but this is just not fine if he will suddenly disable it. He should at least give some time to Soldat coders to create a new anti-cheat system.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Meteorisch on September 22, 2008, 09:10:36 am
Like BE works now? ... It gives only ; Player has been kicked by some stupid error.

Or Player has been detected of cheating. kicked/banned. Then they say it's a bug.

Oh okay. Lets play on..

That is how it always goes. This anti-cheat program fails. And paying for such workless program is even more stupid.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Sauron on September 22, 2008, 09:50:38 am
Here is a lot of people from hacking community who say that BE is totally useless and unworkable.So ignore them.They know that their dream Soldat without anti-cheat is very near.It will be good to conctretize how payment will be work.I don`t support this payment anyway, because number of BE secured servers will be drasticaly eliminated.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Ziem on September 22, 2008, 10:37:22 am
50% of public servers will die.. I actually don't care about it but eh, you've added this anticheat for free and you're suddenly expecting people to pay you every month.

If you expect me (and others) to pay you, I expect :
- frequent updates
- fixing bugs
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: ElephantEater on September 22, 2008, 04:48:36 pm
Here is a lot of people from hacking community who say that BE is totally useless and unworkable.So ignore them.They know that their dream Soldat without anti-cheat is very near.It will be good to conctretize how payment will be work.I don`t support this payment anyway, because number of BE secured servers will be drasticaly eliminated.
Actually, quite the contrary. All the smart people from the hacking community are talking about how relatively good of a job $able did with BE, and THAT'S why some of them are rather happy/sad to see it become a paid thingy. It's the naive idiots here that flame $able.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: MY_FIREMAN_IS_HUGE on September 22, 2008, 05:05:02 pm
People always leave out the !Elite servers because it's full of idiots ( Mostly, not always )
Also female dog is the censor for female dog...( If you don't even know what the word  female dog means then that's just...sad :O )

We can just pass the our own servers and change the pass everyday then just tell it to our friends on msn / aim / etc so hackers won't get in D:
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Major- on September 22, 2008, 07:03:38 pm
btw, I think -Removed- and -Removed- was sable :), as they registrated like 10 seconds before they posted. and always after somebody have flamed Sable.

and btw, why the feck would you get angry because we say your anti cheat sucks and doesn't want it. if we don't want to pay for it, then we wont have it... you won't lose anything on adding this but the soldat hosters will lose on it.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: miketh2005 on September 22, 2008, 07:18:27 pm
i know for a fact that -Removed- isn't $able, he was a hacker when i used to be in AN...

and which !Elite servers are you talking about, what do you expect we do about that??? Noobs will always be noobs, and I have no idea why someone would buy a private server just to invite there friends to play, unless of course you have like 100 friends... and why would you need to change the pass everyday? I never knew hackers can get passes, i'm thinking it's impossible but not sure, so don't flame me if you know they can. And I know that femal dog is a censor, I was just making a joke :P and you fell for it, lol.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BmC Soldat on September 23, 2008, 12:29:09 am
Keep in mind, people, that this is one of the many soldat communities. There are dozens of smaller ones, and with the power of the internet, everyone that's registered to their forums will know the password to their community public servers. This alone will stop all the hackers that just server search, and join w/e server they can to wreak havoc.

I do remember a certain hacking site (ok eC, forgot about mentioning names) creating a hack which takes encrypted server data, and somehow gets a password and adminlog from it, but I think that was stopped by eC, not Sable.

Again, BE is only remotely useful for public servers, which 90% of the community could live without them.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: The Geologist on September 23, 2008, 01:05:44 am
Point made, but there's no need to continually dig into Sable over it. 
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BmC Soldat on September 23, 2008, 02:57:45 am
I'm not continually digging him.

It's important that this community realises they aren't the only ones who play soldat.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Snowy- on September 23, 2008, 06:12:44 am
Anyway, I don't understand why someone just doesn't hack the hacker's website, then there would be no hackers!!!!!!

lol...thats illegal mate. if anybody tried that, theyd get arrested big time. im suprised you didnt get a warning just for suggesting that...but i guess you were ignored like most of the other noobs whining here.

and to the uninformed persons who suggested that -Removed- and -Removed- are $able, you are sadly mistaken. i know for a fact that -Removed- is very impressed with what battleye has done for soldat, though i doubt he would be sad to see it go.

battleye does do a pretty good job - it detects almost everything (mostly hacks), and not just anyone can bypass it without at least a bit of research. though i have always thought that the hardwired anticheat put in by MM and enesce has always been more effective, as it makes all the things that its designed to stop impossible (or very close to it - some things have work arounds). but if you think about it, most of you really wouldnt want to go back to that...theres only so much it can do.

so if you want anyone but hackers in your servers, pay the man. otherwise, be a stinge and whine about how crap battleye is while you still get it for free - you will be whining a whole lot more if it goes - ill make sure of that.

(People who keep naming cheaters, which is against forum rules, will start receiving short forum bans -EnEsCe)
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Major- on September 23, 2008, 08:36:09 am
lol, how the hell should I know one of those two where I cheater :O, the DM map named person looked like a normal person. I guess the one who put up the rules are a little harry potter fixated :).

anyhow, those who cheat on gahters or cws have these advanced hacks which BE won't notice. but BE probably helps some. although I rarly see a hacker getting kicked, it's more like 70-80% innocent people getting kicked.

anyhow, it's just for Sable to put up the fee for BE, because there's absolutely nothing this community can do, except talking about the price.

the price should be at 1 dollar or 0.7 euro, because you won't get wealthy on soldat. it's a small free game.
but adding this fee you need to work more with BE (stop banning innocent people, and better hacker detection).

oh yeah, the flaming I did before. was mostly because I was bored, so I wanted to have some fun.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: $able on September 23, 2008, 10:33:35 am
Ok, I talked with MM some more and we found a solution for now.

A few more things:

- Rarely seeing hackers being kicked: Right, but this is natural. At best cheaters try the hack on BE servers once to see it's detected. Most of the time others reported that already though, so they won't even have to try themselves. The number of people being kicked is no real sign for an effective anti-cheat.

- Bugs: Personally, I can't live with bugs. Each bug I know of and identified is eliminated asap. I can truly tell you that there are currently no identified bugs left for fixing. If you find something, report it.

- More updates: This really amazes me (if those people are serious): 1) Did you even notice the number of updates, especially recently? 2) You won't always notice that there is an update, often updates are only done server side or on the BE Master without involving file updates. 3) Why release an update every day if the hacks are detected?

- Effectiveness: Yes, it is effective. If you knew what innovative techniques BE is using, you would probably agree some more. Besides - without praising myself - the two top hackers (not you -Removed- :P) both agree on this, so what else do I want?
There is no 100% security and there never will be, but I'm always doing my best. And everyone can help me by donating some money and buying private hacks to send them to me, if you want them to be detected.
On a side note, the most famous bypass is offline for over a week now due to BattlEye and the creator himself congratulated me on the BE system.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Spyder on September 23, 2008, 10:59:49 am
so what is the solution?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Banksey on September 23, 2008, 11:01:30 am
People complaining that alot of innocent are getting kicked because of hooks being detected and not updating, that's all there fault for running shitty programs and having bad connections. I have being play Soldat long before BE was brought into it and I have never once being kicked by it.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BombSki on September 23, 2008, 11:05:51 am
Ok, I talked with MM some more and we found a solution for now.
so? what happened to the monthly fees? is it a temporary solution?
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: ElephantEater on September 23, 2008, 11:10:52 am
On a side note, the most famous bypass is offline for over a week now due to BattlEye and the creator himself congratulated me on the BE system.
Lol'd, he was complaining about it in IRC. Good work.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Michal Marcinkowski on September 23, 2008, 11:11:50 am
Please give Sable his deserved respect. I have nothing but respect for him. Sable has perfect work ethic. He is 100% accurate in detecting and fixing bugs. I'm not like that. Even if you are still having problems with BE he's doing his best. Some bugs are my fault, and will be fixed in 1.5.
It was his primary effort in integrating this system in Soldat and even if he quit today he should be thanked because he did this work for free for all of you to have the most fun out of this game - hacker free.
I made an agreement with Sable so the fees won't be introduced, but it will affect other things, I have to make money, we all need it.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Laser Guy on September 23, 2008, 11:20:00 am
But still, what does the agreement look like? Because if it actually has bad affect on your productions and stuff I'd rather pay $able :-\
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BmC Soldat on September 23, 2008, 12:03:38 pm
If you implement a donation system Sable, I'd be happy to donate.

Even if it's only for a while that you receive donations, it's better than a kick up the arse.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Major- on September 23, 2008, 03:51:39 pm
still my vote goes for 1 dollar a month on every server that wants BE protection. sharing the registration fee or you buy some rights is a rather bad solution for both of you.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: bloodzcape on September 23, 2008, 06:35:14 pm
well u dun need BE if you have an admin on they can just get kiked even if there are no admins,the hackers will get voted out XD
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Bugs Revenge on September 24, 2008, 01:31:13 am
well u dun need BE if you have an admin on they can just get kiked even if there are no admins,the hackers will get voted out XD
yeah, while the hacker is capping about 10 times before u even trying to votekick him,
and when you actualy ban him, he somehow bypass it and reconnects.
still want to try it without the BE? ^^
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: bloodzcape on September 24, 2008, 02:47:36 am
hmm u have a point but be randomly kicks you (fail to update.)
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: -Major- on September 24, 2008, 05:01:58 am
hmm u have a point but be randomly kicks you (fail to update.)
the more usual kick is for BE not responding.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: bloodzcape on September 24, 2008, 05:07:21 am
hmm u have a point but be randomly kicks you (fail to update.)
the more usual kick is for BE not responding.

u said it yourself be be is usless in somecases
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BlisterEye on September 24, 2008, 05:57:08 am
Lol $able is just jealous of that famous bypass creator's profit and that is why he is going to start charging for BE. ;)

On a more serious matter, ElephantEater is right. Guys at the hacking community have not flamed $able - he did a good job in preventing a lot of stuff from being used effectively. And those members who realize and recognize his good work have not flamed him.

However, I do believe that paying for BE will be a blow for Soldat, if it gets continued to be used as the anti-cheat program from now on. It's nowhere near the condition in which it should be asked money for.

I am impressed with the fact that the bypass has not worked for a week now though. Commendable work, $able.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: $able on September 24, 2008, 06:34:32 am
so? what happened to the monthly fees? is it a temporary solution?

I have now decided personally not to ask for money from you directly, as long as BE is integrated into the game. So no, not just a temporary solution.

It's nowhere near the condition in which it should be asked money for.

Believe me, I honestly wouldn't ask for it if it wasn't.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: BlisterEye on September 24, 2008, 07:47:01 am
Well the fact that it sometimes checks in areas of dynamic addresses when it isn't supposed to do so and kicks me for memory corruption shouldn't be considered and classified as "ready". Yet. I mean most of the stuff is down packed and ready to go. But there's a couple of things such as this one which makes BE not ready for selling.
Then again, it's your product. So you do whatever you please. Good luck with all your future projects.
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: Gizd on September 24, 2008, 08:00:51 am
I never had problems with BE, and i can't imagine soldat without it. Hackers will spread like bugs. I hope this fee will be low  :-\
Title: Re: Fee for BattlEye services
Post by: ElephantHunter on September 24, 2008, 09:07:17 am
Sable, I must say you've done an outstanding job with BattlEye. BE made Soldat safer for clan matches, gave time to the developers (to implement awesome features!), and thwarted would-be hackers from ruining our favorite game.

Some players posting in this thread don't understand. Most of them never knew what Soldat was like without BattlEye. For them, I must apologize.

I'm thankful that you and MM have been able to work out a long-term deal for the better of the community. You would have been more than reasonable in asking a fee for BE services after all your hard work, and you're a saint for working for free so long.

In any case, I think this thread has come to a good closing point.
