Soldat Talk > General Discussions

What would the next version of soldat be?

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ds dude:
Hey poeple ive been wandering since theres alot of poeple giving advice on mods and giving out ideas i wander what the next version wold be like?Post here if you have an idea of what the next version could be.

Wow, lets see. Fix map errors which make me have to restart soldat. Fix the switching teams [so I dont get kicked when trying to.]
Fix the maps so they become completely fixed, make more servers available which have good ping. (or possibly have more then 2 u13 public servers on.) Wow I can go on for ages about these little buggars.

I think It's about time for a new game mode.

Next version/patch needs to focus souly on a new weapon balance and fixing bugs.

just bugs because the weapn balance is fineas it is, apart from maybe the m79.


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