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Server Talk => Scripting Discussions and Help => Topic started by: Avarax on May 25, 2007, 03:29:37 am

Title: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on May 25, 2007, 03:29:37 am

--Online Manual--

Table of content

[li]3. Skills[/li][li]4. Accounts[/li]
[li]5. List of all commands[/li]
[li]6. Formulas[/li]
[li]7. Synergies[/li]

1. Introduction[/size]

Hello fellow soldatian, since you are reading this, you must be wondering what this Hexer script is actually all about. Let me put it down like this: The Hexer script is a server based script that allows you to improve your soldier over time and learn powerful spells. This is done by levelling your soldier. Every time you kill an opponent, you will be rewarded with a certain amount of EP (shortform for Experience Points).
Once you reached the EP required for the next level, you will level up.
On the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th level you will be able to learn skills.
Up to 4 skills can be chosen, one out of each of these categories:
healing, defensive, offensive and summoning.

Well... if you're interested, just go straight to the list of servers :)

2. Getting started[/size]

2.1 List of servers

First of all, you of course need a server hosting the hexer script. Here's a list of all server currently hosting the newest version of the script:

Usual CTF, hosted & sponsored by, germany.

Usual CTF, hosted & sponsored by, USA.

2.2 Creating an account

Gaining EP and levels is hard work. You don't want all that work lost once you leave the server, do you? That's why the Hexer script has an account system implemented that saves your characters data every time you leave the server. When you come back, you can just log into it and continue levelling. Since a freshly created account always starts at level 1, no matter what level you had when you created it, it is a good idea to create an account right after joining a Hexer server for the first time.

To create an account, type the following into your console (open console by typing slash without opening the chat):

Code: [Select]
/create name password
Replace "name" and "password" with the accountname and accountpassword of your choice. For example "/create Avarax poo" will create the account "Avarax" with the password "poo".

Saving an account works automatically everytime the map is changed or when you leave the server (no matter if you're kicked, disconnected or normally left), so saving the account isn't really necessary. However, a server crash will cause all data to be lost, so i also implemented the possibility to save manually with:

Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Once you rejoin the server, you can easily log back in by using

Code: [Select]
/login name password
More information about accounts can be found in the accounts chapter of this manual.

2.3 Levelling

Aight, now we can get started with collecting lots of EP :)
Doing this is rather simple. Just kill enough people. However, there are certain factors that will influence your EP gain. The most important factor is the level of your victim. Since it's harder to kill higher than you leveled opponents, you will also be rewarded with more EP, while killing the ones lower than you gives you less EP.
For example, for killing a guy with the same level like you, you will get 1000 basic EP.
An opponent 5 levels below you will yield only 430 basic EP.
An opponent 5 levels above you will give some nice 1650 basic EP.
(For more information on exact EP values, go to the Formulas section.)

However, these are only basic values, there is another factor that can increase your EP gain a lot: Combopoints
Everytime you kill an opponent, you are rewarded 1 combopoint, everytime you score with the flag, you are rewarded 6 combopoints. Combopoints will stay until you die and are then reset to 0. Each combopoint adds a 5% bonus to your EP gain. Here's an example:

Code: [Select]
Player A (Level 12) has 2 combopoints as he scores and is rewarded with 6 additional.
Player A now kills Player B (Level 14) and gains 1150 basic EP.
With his 8 combopoints, Player A gets a 40% bonus on his basic EP, increasing the actual EP gain to 1610


Side note: Your combopoints cannot be increased over 15 by kills (=75%) and not over 30 by flagscores (=150%).

Great. Now that you know the basics about gaining EP, you will also be noisy about how much EP you actually need to reach the next level. The EP needed will increase by 3000 every level, starting at 5000 EP for level 2. There's also an exponential factor in it, but that's not worth the mention during your first couple of  levels. Maximum level is 40.
(For exact EP needed calculations, go to the Formulas section.)


Levelling up will result in:

Starting at level 1, you will be able to choose these skills from level 2-5 out of the following skillclasses:

3. Skills[/size]

3.1 Skillclasses & basics

The current version of Hexer (v0.9.1c) features 16 skills divided up in 4 skillclasses. You can learn only one skill out of every skillclass which results in a total of 4 skills per player. Skills are also divided up in:
Static skills that require no activation and will trigger on certain events or by a certain % chance.
Spells that have to be cast with their skillclass' command (/heal, /def, /ofs or /summon) and are then no longer usable for the next couple of seconds or minutes.

Skills can be selected during the levels 2 to 5:

Whenever you could learn a skill, you are shown the following bright green skillselection message:

Notice that you can use "/info skillname" before you /learn a skill to inform yourself about it. Once you learned a skill, you can only rechoose it with the /relearn command (see chapter 5. for commands) at the cost of 2 levels.
If you don't know whether a skill is static or needs activation, simply use "/cool", the skills that have a cooldown require activation.

Choosing a skill is also very dependant on the weapon you mainly use and which skills you already learned. For more information on this, read chapter 7. Synergys.

After level 2-5, your skill will continuesly grow stronger. For more information on that, visit chapter 6.2 Skill Formulas.

3.2 Healing skills

There are 5 healing skills, which are all designed to recover or at least keep your HP (Health points). The command to activate healing spells is "/heal".
(all attribute values of the following skills are the starting values. For calculation of higher level values, go to chapter 6.2 Skill Formulas)



Static healing skill
/learn warmth

Warmth will heal you by 2.5% every second. If you are below 33% of your maximum health, Warmth will heal 3 times faster.

+0.2% heal per skilllevel[/i]

---Holy Medikit---


Healing spell (/heal to cast)
/learn holy

Holy Medikit will immediatly heal you by 100%. It will also give you a Holy Armor that reduces all damage taken by 40% for the next 4 hits you receive. 64 seconds cooldown.

+5% Holy Armor effect per skilllevel
+1 hit duration per 2 skilllevels
-4 seconds cooldown per skilllevel[/i]



Static healing skill
/learn vamp

Vampirism will heal you by 15.6% everytime you kill an opponent. It also heals you for 8% of all damage you deal.

+1.2% heal on kill per skilllevel[/i]



Static healing skill
/learn war

Warstandard is active whenever you carry the flag. It will give the whole team a  +14% damage output and -14% damage input bonus and 2.2% heal per second. It will also give you 10% of all EP that your teammates earn through kills and 2500 EP once you score.

+2.1% damage bonuses per skilllevel
+0.2% heal per skilllevel[/i]

---Mana Shield---


Healing spell (/heal to cast)
/learn mana

Mana Shield will render you completly (!) invulnerable for 5-6 seconds. It will however drain your magic energys whenever you're hit and therefore increase it's own cooldown by 1-5 seconds depending on damage prevented. If you weren't hit more than 10 times, the remaining mana buffer will heal you by 5% for each not taken hit below 10.
70 seconds cooldown.

-2 seconds cooldown per skilllevel[/i]



Hybrid (both static and spell)
/learn mage

Static effect:
Heals you by 25% whenever you cast a spell.
Spell effect (/heal to cast):
Reduces all running cooldown timers by 25%. 96 Seconds cooldown.

+1.6% heal on spellcast per skilllevel
+1% cooldown reduction per skilllevel
-3 seconds cooldown per skilllevel[/i]

3.3 Defensive skills

There are 5 defensive skills, which are suited to keep the caster alive and prevent taking damage.
(all attribute values of the following skills are the starting values. For calculation of higher level values, go to chapter 6.2 Skill Formulas)



Defensive spell (/def to cast)
/learn disarm

This spell will remove both primary and secondary from the nearest opponent for 3-4 seconds. Disarmed players are silenced (can not cast spells).
55 seconds cooldown. 62 meters maximum range.

+1 second duration per 3 skilllevels
-4 seconds cooldown per skillevel
+6 meters range per skilllevel[/i]



Static defensive skill
/learn evasion

Evasion gives you a 9.7% chance to prevent all damage taken from a non-explosive hitting you.

+1.3% Chance per skilllevel[/i]



Defensive spell (/def to cast)
/learn vanish

Vanish will render you invisible for 25 seconds. 154 seconds cooldown.

-5 seconds cooldown per skilllevel[/i]

---Body Double---


Defensive spell (/def to cast)
/learn double

Body Double will exchange amount of HP, weapons and even the position of you and your nearest opponent with each other. Also steals effects of: Holy Armor (side effect of Holy Medikit), Mana Shield, Flak Shells, Battlesphere and Sprint.
105 seconds cooldown. 74 meters maximum range.

-4 seconds cooldown per skilllevel
+5.6 meters range per skilllevel[/i]



Static defensive skill
/learn pilf

Pilferage attempts to steal a bullet from your opponents magazine on hit and add it to your own. The chance for this is 1.5% basic chance + 1.1% for each bullet left in your opponents magazine

+0.2% basic chance per skilllevel
+0.1% chance per bullet left per skilllevel[/i]



Static defensive skill
/learn repel

Repel reduces all damage you take by 4.6% and returns those bits of damage to the enemy that shot you. Can't prevent and return more than 25% of max health

+0.4% reduction & return per skilllevel[/i]

3.4 Offensive skills

There are 4 offensive skills, which improve your attacks or give you the ability to easily ambush opponents.
(all attribute values of the following skills are the starting values. For calculation of higher level values, go to chapter 6.2 Skill Formulas)

---Conjure Clip---


Offensive spell (/ofs to cast)
/learn clip

Conjure Clip instantly reloads your ammo and and supplies you with grenades. 34 seconds cooldown.

-2 seconds cooldown per skilllevel[/i]

---Pierce Armor---


Static offensive skill
/learn pierce

Pierce Armor increases all damage taken by opponents you are hitting by 3.5% per hit. Stacks infinitly. Effect fades after 3 seconds.

+0.5% pierced per skilllevel[/i]

---Critical Strike---


Static offensive skill
/learn crit

Critical Strike gives each of your hits a 10.5% chance to deal 200% damage.

+1.5% chance per skilllevel
+2% damage bonus per skilllevel[/i]



Offensive spell (/ofs to cast)
/learn sprint

Equips you with a boost weapon that approximatly triples your movement speed for 9 seconds. 98 seconds cooldown.

+1 second duration per 2 skilllevels
-3 seconds cooldown per skilllevel[/i]

5. List of all commands[/size]

5.1 Character related

Code: [Select]
/char: Shows your character's level, current EP and EP needed, all skills you learned and their current levels, your accountname and your damage in- and output.
/allchars: Shows every player's level.
/cool: Shows current cooldowns of all your skills.
/myskill: Shows exact attributes of all your skills.

5.2 Skill related

Using skills (static skills don't need casting):
Code: [Select]
/heal: Casts your healing spell
/def: Casts your defensive spell
/ofs: Casts your offensive spell
/summon: Casts your summon spell

Tip: Casting a spell fast enough in the heat of battle is much easier if you have the commands taunted.[/color]

Learning skills:
Code: [Select]
/learn *skill*: Learns *skill* if you have the required level.
/info *skill*: Shows a short infotext about *skill*.
/relearn *heal,def,ofs or summon*: Allows you to rechoose a skill of the chosen skillclass. Costs 2 levels.

5.3 Account related

Code: [Select]
/create *name* *password*: Creates an account with *name* and *password*.
/login *name* *password*: Logs into the account with *name* if *password* is correct.
/logout: Logs out of your current account and saves it.
/reset: Resets your current account back to level 1.
/changepass *password*: Changes current account's password to *password*.

5.4 Other

Code: [Select]
!commands: Shows list of all commands to all players.
!balance: Triggers playercount AND characterlevl based autoteambalance script.
/epgain: Dis- / Enables EP gain messages.
/changelog: Shows the changelog of current script version.

6. Formulas[/size]

6.1 EP calculation

Basic EP gain on kill
The basic EP gain is not calculated via a formula, I adjusted every level difference's EP value by myself. Check them in this chart (

%Combobonus = Combopoints * 5
Combopoints can't be increased over 15 by kills and not over 30 by flagscores.

EP needed
EP needed = 5000 + ((CurrentLevel - 1) * 3000) + (CurrentLevel² * 125)

7. Synergies[/size]

Pierce Armor

Works perfect with:
Autos or [Spas]
Since Pierce Armor triggers on every hit, the more hits you get, the higher is the damage bonus. In conclusion, the fast firerate of autos is just perfect. Since the [Spas] fires 6 bullets with one shot, it has a pseudo high firerate and fits with Pierce Armor aswell.


Works perfect with:
Autos or [Spas]
Since Pilferage has a chance to trigger on every hit, the more hits you get, the more often it triggers. In conclusion, the fast firerate of autos is just perfect. Since the [Spas] fires 6 bullets with one shot, it has a pseudo high firerate and fits with Pilferage aswell.

Critical Strike

Works perfect with:
[Ruger] or [DE] or [Spas]

Critical strike allows you to deal almost double damage occasionally. Since [Ruger], [DE] and [Spas] usually deal damage equal to the half of a players health, a crit with them might aswell cause instant kills with one hit. [Ruger] is best though, since it fires only one bullet and almost always deals more than 50% damage

Conjure Clip

Works perfect with:
  [M79] or [law]

Conjuring a clip with these weapons basically allows you to have a double 1-hit-kill shot. Might aswell work with knife...

Body Double

Works perfect with:
  [M79] or [Barret]
Works perfect versus:  All non 1-hit-killers

Having missed your 1-hit-kill shot, your health bar is suffering under hostile fire. However, since you missed, your opponent usually still has full HP. While you reload (Press "R" with barrett before doing this), wait until you are at about 25% HP and then immediatly Body Double your opponent, gaining his full HP and giving him your low HP. He will also have to restart reloading your weapon. You can now easily kill him with the few bullets left in the stolen weapon.

Note that you can also use Body Double to steal the effects of Sprint, Mana Shield, Bladerage and Holy Armor.


Works perfect versus:
Reloading m79 or Barrett

If you see a  [M79] or [Barret] preparing his next shot, wait until he's almost ready. Then use Disarm. Once Disarm fades, he'll have to start the reloading process all over again.
Of course this can also be used versus other weapons, but versus these, it's most effective

( + (
Warmth + Disarm

Works perfect versus:
All non 1-hit-killers
This skillcombo allows you to ambush your opponent easily. If you ever get below 33% HP, use Disarm. While you're raping your opponent, your health will quickly recover due to the threshold heal of Warmth.

( + (
Holy Medikit + Vanish

Holy Medikit is a good choice if you're going for Vanish as it's instant 100% heal allows you to use Vanish anytime, because using Vanish while wounded is kind of uneffective.

( + ( + (
Warstandard + Vanish + Sprint

This is the perfect Warstandard based combo for flag focussed players. Vanish and Sprint allow you to grab the flag easily, therefore getting the Warstandard bonus.

more content will added soon, if you have any tips to be added, please post them ;Q
Correcting typos will result in 1000 bonus EP for you per found typo ;D
correcting wrong content will result in 5000 bon[bus EP.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: DorkeyDear on May 25, 2007, 02:59:10 pm
I'm not sure about this one sense google seems to not yell at me, but I know that I usually spell leveling as I just did and not as levelling. My automatic spell checkers sees that levelling is incorrect too.

Also, good job on your script. You did a very nice job on it.

correcting wrong content will result in 5000 bon[bus EP.
bon[bus => bonus
Also, the 'c' should be capitalized.

Also, isn't experience referred to more as exp, not EP?

I also found 8 more, but I'd like others to gain some exp from this little opportunity here.
I bet you did many of those on purpose.
I believe my account is Curt if I remember correctly.

Hints to others out there: Specific letters, spelling, compound words
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: freestyler on May 25, 2007, 04:25:11 pm
I hope you'll make a multilingual website for this manual... I'm translating it into Polish ;)
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: PQ on May 26, 2007, 05:43:42 am
I'm not sure about this one sense google seems to not yell at me, but I know that I usually spell leveling as I just did and not as levelling. My automatic spell checkers sees that levelling is incorrect too.

he had leveling before, and it should be levelling, at least my dictionary says so..
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: EnEsCe on May 26, 2007, 05:51:29 am
Wtf why would it be levelling, 'ling' does not get added to the end of words... ing does.... Nice dictionary... Unless you spell it as Levell...
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on May 27, 2007, 05:27:17 am
it's "levelling".
"to get" -> "getting" ;Q
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: DorkeyDear on May 27, 2007, 05:45:43 pm
Eh, not where I live... NOBODY that I've seen spelt it the way you have :P
Plus, google doesn't yell at me for "leveling" and neither does my Firefox spell-checker, although it does yell at levelling.

I think it may be spelt either well. I guess north americans spell it with 1 l, and british (or whatever you are) ppl spell it with 2 ls. I guess its cool both ways :)
Wow it sounded mean saying "or whatever you are"... don't take it the mean way <3
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Dizzy So 1337 on May 27, 2007, 06:20:46 pm
I really recommend pasting Numgun's Temp Manual into this thread for handy reference, at least while we are waiting for a final manual.  Find it on page 6 of  It has a pretty damned good list of the skills and they effects.

Date Posted: May 27, 2007, 06:48:28 pm

Just a simple one-page printable cheatsheet for Hexer commands.  I made it for myself and my clan but maybe someone else will find it helpful.  I may come back and trick it out a bit better later.  I am missing the commands for Pilferage, Body Double and Mana Shield, anybody help?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: cynicle on May 30, 2007, 09:14:43 pm
When can we get our hands on the code :P

So waiting too see this on Aus servers.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: colby on June 01, 2007, 12:03:12 am
so lvl 100 is the max lvl right?  if you had evasion, that would mean no one could hit would be god :D
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: freestyler on June 01, 2007, 12:15:56 am
so lvl 100 is the max lvl right?
Nope, the maximum level is 40.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on June 01, 2007, 12:35:20 am
Man i musta been gone when this was released cuz i just found it... reading it made me want to play it but playing this was effing great... Avarax is a friggin mastermind.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: InfS on June 01, 2007, 09:20:45 am
This game mode looks cool, I think I'll have to try this out when I get home tonight :D

This guide is great, I'd be lost without it... These are a few things that I noticed...

Section 4 does not exist, although you pretty much aleady covered 4.1 in section 2.2.
4. Accounts
4.1 Creating, loading & saving accounts
4.2 How do they work?


There is no description for 3.4 offensive and 3.5 summoning skills (in fact they are not even listed in the skills at all)


Chapter 7 Synergies does no exist.


Section 3.2 and 3.3 the word 'valus' should be spelled 'values'


Section 1: Introduction, 'powerfull' should be spelled 'powerful', 'shortform' could just be 'short'


Section 2.2: Creating an Account 'normaly' should be spelled 'normally', 'implemented, that' doesn't need the comma there


2.3 Levelling: Aight, lol you gangsta! (maybe not a typo), 'resetted' should just be 'reset'


3.1 Skillclasses & basics: 'wether' should be whether', the word 'continuesly' should be spelled 'continuously'


3.3 Defensive skills: The word 'attemps' should be 'attempts'


Synergys... shouldn't that be spelled 'Synergies'?


One question about skills, when you level up past level 6, does it automatically add 1 skillpoint to each of your skilllevels..? so at level 7 you will have skilllevel 6 heal, skilllevel 5 defensive, skilllevel 4 offensive, and skilllevel 3 summon?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: freestyler on June 01, 2007, 09:36:51 am
InfS: read the title. Hexer online manual - Work in progress.

One question about skills, when you level up past level 6, does it automatically add 1 skillpoint to each of your skilllevels..? so at level 7 you will have skilllevel 6 heal, skilllevel 5 defensive, skilllevel 4 offensive, and skilllevel 3 summon?
When you level up, you gain one skillpoint to one of your skilllevels in this order: healing, defensive, offensive, summoning. For example:
lvl 6: +1 heal
lvl 7: +1 def
lvl 8: +1 ofs
lvl 9: +1 summon
lvl 10: +1 heal
lvl 11: +1 def

found a bug..
"Mana Shield will render you completly (!) invulnerable for 4-5 seconds. It will however drain your magic energys and therefore increase all other spells cooldown by 10 everytime you cast it. 34 seconds cooldown."

1. completely
2. you're not completely invulnerable, Kamikaze can kill you.

[edit to below]
I didn't mean typos, but 'chapter X doesn't exist'.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: InfS on June 01, 2007, 12:06:26 pm
Thanks Freestyler, I know its a work in progress, but... I dunno just thought I'd point out a few things.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on June 01, 2007, 01:41:26 pm
Plus he said hed give u EP if u point out typos.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: InfS on June 01, 2007, 02:23:13 pm
Yeah, I don't even care about the EP, really ;) I haven't even made a Hexer account... yet. I have a feeling I'll be playing this a lot on the weekend  :D
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on June 01, 2007, 02:23:55 pm
Its awesome in every way lol  Im addicted to it.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Legolas on June 04, 2007, 10:14:20 am
Welll,it's good.A Homepage,or a online Manual Page,is in work.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: MORTUS on June 05, 2007, 02:36:40 pm
hexer is so awesome, we seriously need more servers there always full :(
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: numgun on June 05, 2007, 05:32:31 pm
Agreed, I often find myself bashing the ''Join game'' button for many minutes just to play hexer.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: deguix on June 11, 2007, 02:15:17 am
1. "Works perfect with" -> "Works perfectly with".
2. Also, there isn't a section 3.5 for summoning spells.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Dizzy So 1337 on June 11, 2007, 11:02:57 pm
Bladerage?!?!?!  Sounds badass, but what is it???
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: numgun on June 12, 2007, 02:02:17 am
You get a knife and you throw it away. Poof! you got another knife! Repeat! And so on.
(Infinite knives or something like that.)
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Biscuiteer on June 19, 2007, 05:58:56 pm
Ive spotted another problem.

Pilferage attempts to steal a bullet from your opponents magazine on hit and add it to your own. The chance for this is 1% basic chance + 1.6% for each bullet left in your opponents magazine...

Pilf no longer steals bullets, so this needs to be updated.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Mikeman on June 20, 2007, 12:38:57 am
Avarax do you have a homepage or forums for Hexer script?

I can host homepage and forums for your hexer script for free on
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on June 20, 2007, 12:40:42 am
I strongly suggest you get one if you dont Avarax... Hexer needs its own little area because of how complicated it is compared to CTF or whatever.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Mikeman on June 20, 2007, 12:57:40 am
I can make a subdomain for you Avarax, like or or something else.

And yeah hexer needs its own homepage and forums.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Xxypher on June 20, 2007, 01:14:45 am
You get a knife and you throw it away. Poof! you got another knife! Repeat! And so on.
(Infinite knives or something like that.)
Sounds hectic, how about a 15 second lasting but with a 2 minute cooldown...

Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: freestyler on June 20, 2007, 02:34:01 am
Bladerage lasts for about 8 seconds on low levels :) Read the manual carefully and you'll know what initiates Bladerage.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: yexxle on June 21, 2007, 03:22:30 am
Holy Medikit is a good choice if you're going for Vanish as it's instant 100% heal allows you to use Vanish anytime, because using Vanish while wounded is kind of uneffective.
"Uneffective" is not a word, but "ineffective" is.

"Leveling" vs. "levelling" is American vs. British (what isn't in English?). One el is American, two is British. (For the record, it's not "North Americans" against British, it's the United States. Canada follows the British way of spelling (for the most part - a few words do get spelt either way up here).

P.S.: For example, I've used "spelled" and "spelt" interchangeably, though the British way is "spelt". Why the US had to change the way words are spelt just to be phonetic baffles me. So what if doughnut spells longer than donut? :P
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Biscuiteer on June 21, 2007, 01:44:46 pm
Both leveling and levelling are correct, so please stop talking about it. However, Yexxle did come up with a great point - leveling is more correct in the USA rather than in Britain.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Xxypher on June 21, 2007, 03:50:03 pm
Right now I can't save my account.
My account got deleted.
And everyone is unkillable with any weapon but M79.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Dev1200 on June 21, 2007, 07:25:25 pm
The links aren't working?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Radical Terrorist on June 23, 2007, 09:46:43 am
Woot, Yexxle and I are two peas in a pod, being Canadian and spelling everything different on here.
I like the whole spell and abilities thing, adds a BF2142 thing to it, as in powerups. One problem. I was playing on a server where someone had been on there for FOUR HOURS just building up his stuff. He was practically invincible cause he had 2000 odd HP, almost instakills, and holy medipac and so on. Is if possible to restrict the amount of time someone can sit on these stats? Like, reset them every hour or so? Because if you're good enough to get there, rather then stat padding, you can get up to max level in an hour again anyways...

And Yexxle, there history behind why the Americans Spell everything different. When they signed the Declaration of Independence, they wanted to change everything that tied them to their british ancestors. One of the first things on the chopping block was their language. If you are no longer british, why should you talk and spell like them? Canada remained a british colony or whatever until the forming of it as a country, only including a few provinces to start with. Thats why we have the same english as the british (Minus the accent  :P)
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on June 23, 2007, 10:19:44 am
Im not sure that made sense RAd... about the stats that is.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on June 23, 2007, 10:24:59 am
you can get up to max level in an hour again anyways...

not really, it's more like... 2 weeks :X
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on June 23, 2007, 10:27:24 am
you can get up to max level in an hour again anyways...

not really, it's more like... 2 weeks :X

2 weeks if thats all you do... and i mean no sleep no food no nothing lol  Its taken me 2 weeks to get to 33 and itll take another 2 to get to 40 (but i like it that way)
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: InfS on June 24, 2007, 12:29:38 pm
An important thing about Vampirism, it doesn't describe the skill properly... Maybe it should say "Vampirism will heal you for 18.5% of the damage you inflict with a non-explosive weapon."
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on June 24, 2007, 01:43:36 pm
no, it heals you for 18.5% whenever you kill someone
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: InfS on June 24, 2007, 09:24:24 pm
Oh, ok, I guess this one isn't right then

Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on June 25, 2007, 06:52:23 am
ya, those messages are rather old, have to overwork them once i feel like it ;P
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Xxypher on June 25, 2007, 03:36:50 pm
I was banned from Hexer!
All I did was join and I got banned!
No violation from BE, no nothing, I joined, it froze, i left, I tried to rejoin, and it said I was banned!
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: zyxstand on June 25, 2007, 04:47:19 pm
xxypher, that sounds like a flood issue - those bans usually lift after 15 minutes....
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on June 25, 2007, 05:28:34 pm
Xxy that happend to me... its def. a flood issue.  It isnt perm. so dont worry... Hey and dont feel bad cuz i got 3 24hr bans in a row for nothing.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: popctrl on June 27, 2007, 11:29:07 am
I don't know if this counts for anything, but when you join as a spectator, not only can you login, you can summon...
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: M.rSnow on June 28, 2007, 11:10:37 am
Im banned on the hexer serv #3. Please unban me some one. i got banned for hcking in a mapbug. you know i some how got 10 caps in one sec.
I have waited a whole day.. Cant join.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Brok3n Arr0w on June 29, 2007, 07:01:48 pm
this pisses me off.  i had like 20000 EP lined up and all written out on microsoft word, then that shut down and i lost all my info.  damn. 

-it says you get 2500 ep (ingame menu too) on war+cap, but you really get 3000 ep. 
-it says war gets a dmg bonus: starts at +10%; gets +1% every lvl.  but my war is at +17.2%.  how?  i also have pics if u want proof of that. 
-the guide also says u cant evade explosives, yet it happens all the time.  witch is lame. 
     credit it to the account of Brok3n. 

i also figured out bladerage.  will it level up too?  with the appropiate sircumstance perhaps?  longer time maybe, or harder knife throws, or knives reload faster?  maybe the time will lvl up wit the special thing.  but how? PM me with info, theres none in the server guide.  Please?

also, when will the other summons be created?  like the fire guy.  just wondering ::)

im just full of questions
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on June 30, 2007, 01:35:40 pm
you can't evade the direct hit damage of explosions, however, you can evade the splash damage.
apart from that, the readmes aren't all that reliable... just wait until the final balance is out, all readme stuff will then be corrected.
regarding bladerage: the duration of it will increase with higher levels.

the 3 missing summonings (Summon Human Shield, Summon Flamewall, Summon Battlesphere) all require advanced functions like CreateBullet and MovePlayer which are yet not really available. I hope CreateBullet is fixed with 2.6.2, EnEsCe also told me that MovePlayer will celebrate it's revival.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Brok3n Arr0w on July 01, 2007, 01:15:23 pm
sweet thanks for the info.  hexer rocks XD
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Detector on July 02, 2007, 10:31:03 am
Works perfect with: (
Very interesting BUT spas is unactive.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Brok3n Arr0w on July 02, 2007, 01:00:07 pm
spas was "too powerful" with pierce.  a lvl 3-5 pierce would do about 50% piece with every pellet hitting.  i think he should have just shortened the range or clip.  modify it to fit like he did with m79. 
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on July 02, 2007, 04:02:15 pm
spas was "too powerful" with pierce. a lvl 3-5 pierce would do about 50% piece with every pellet hitting. i think he should have just shortened the range or clip. modify it to fit like he did with m79.

errrr.... no.

there is a bug in 2.6.1 that causes any weapon that uses the same bullettype like the flamer to deal tons of self damage. since sprint and kamkikaze require an undropable weapon that boosts you, i had to mod flamer with bullettype 3. since spas uses bullettype 3 aswell, it now has that selfdamage bug. to prevent further confusion, i simply disabled it. i hope this is fixed with 2.6.2
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Brok3n Arr0w on July 02, 2007, 08:38:07 pm
really?  thats lame.  so the spas isnt out permently, per say.  i hope the bug is fixed, has it been looked at by MM or whoever noods to?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Biscuiteer on July 02, 2007, 09:57:26 pm
He already submitted the bug to Micheal and the other people that matter, so don't worry. All we need to do now is wait until 2.6.2.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: popctrl on July 03, 2007, 07:29:28 pm
When you try to summon with an insuficient amount of people on the server, it tells you that you can't summon with under 6 people on the server, but it let's you summon with 4...

Send credits to the account popctrl
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Chameleon on July 07, 2007, 05:44:13 pm
i just noticed a spelling mistake.

when you create a new profile, it says:

accounts are safed automatically.
account created successfully.
this will load the last safed status of the account.

it should be saved

my account name is Drools, and i fi you need my password i can pm it to you

Date Posted: July 05, 2007, 04:36:55 PM
since the servers crash a lot, how about a /save feature? allowing you to save without logging out.

logging out for a save is just a hassle, because then you have to wait for your cooldowns to reset again
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: fuzz+strat on July 17, 2007, 07:33:32 pm
Quick question: is this the same RPG script running on the GoJMod servers? If so, I'm having trouble logging in. :(
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Biscuiteer on July 17, 2007, 10:25:28 pm
I dont think so. Hexer runs only on Hexer Servers, not GoJMod servers if im not mistaken.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: fuzz+strat on July 18, 2007, 11:23:31 am
I dont think so. Hexer runs only on Hexer Servers, not GoJMod servers if im not mistaken.

Weird. The GoJMod servers are almost identical to the stuff I've seen here. Who do I need to talk to to fix my login problem there? :(
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avkon on July 18, 2007, 11:35:19 am
What is GoJMod anyway? There is not much mention of it on here or anywhere else, thought there are quite a lot of servers running it. Does it have a homepage or something atleast?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Maniatiko on July 23, 2007, 02:59:33 pm
bug in enesce server

there where 3 RED team + 1 ghoul and 0 blue team

did: !balance

not only me, but other teammate also said: !balance

and the server said it was balanced :S
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: zyxstand on July 24, 2007, 02:54:55 pm
the balancing doesn't seem to be working correctly at times.  It was 4v5 (me being on team of 4) and I did !balance and nothing changed - the enemy team had the top 3 highest levellers playing on it and it was incredibly hard to even get one single point
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: mikembm on July 24, 2007, 03:09:25 pm
the balancing doesn't seem to be working correctly at times.  It was 4v5 (me being on team of 4) and I did !balance and nothing changed - the enemy team had the top 3 highest levellers playing on it and it was incredibly hard to even get one single point

I don't think it is supposed to balance by skill - just if one team has 2 or more players
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on July 24, 2007, 03:23:59 pm
the balancing doesn't seem to be working correctly at times. It was 4v5 (me being on team of 4) and I did !balance and nothing changed - the enemy team had the top 3 highest levellers playing on it and it was incredibly hard to even get one single point

I don't think it is supposed to balance by skill - just if one team has 2 or more players
It balances based on levels... BUT!!!.  The eC servers !balance is messed up.  I was level 24 and another dude was level 20 and there were 2 level 15s.  We !balanced it and it made the level 20 3 on 1 us (me lvl24 and the 2 15s)  shouldnt it have made me 1 on 3 them?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on July 24, 2007, 04:14:26 pm
!balance is a bit funky... i've not tried to really improve it yet. i think that it gets rather annoying. i might make a usual balance script out of it.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: josheat on July 25, 2007, 05:43:06 am
This sounds great.
I hope there is an Australian server for it soon
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: badeendjuh on July 27, 2007, 08:02:43 am
i unfortunately said my password in game :) so somebody knows if i can alert an admin? i tried to change but i got kicked immediatly, probably so they could try  :(
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: ElephantEater on July 27, 2007, 09:25:25 am
Haha I've done that a couple times - forgetting not to press 't' before typing /login ** **.

Avarax you should develop a website for your servers so people can easily view their stats, change their password and settings, etc.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Maryleaf on July 27, 2007, 11:35:05 am
hexer is so awesome, we seriously need more servers there always full :(

Exactly why Avarax should put 1 on my servers. :)

Date Posted: July 27, 2007, 12:34:14 PM
Is there a TM Hexer yet? That would be kinda fun.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Brok3n Arr0w on July 27, 2007, 12:09:39 pm
if u get all these servers going with hexer, then all of them will either be empty or full of nobbs.  so u keep the server # limited, and you keep the servers full of people, with the occational nobb. 

one fix could be universal accounts, so people arent bound to one server. 
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: freestyler on July 27, 2007, 12:20:31 pm
afaik the global accounts system will be implemented in next Hexer version.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on July 27, 2007, 12:56:22 pm
not sure about that yet, the next version might be released before the global accounts so all new spells are public beta tested and then alongside with global accounts, all bugs of the new spells should be fixed aswell and they'd be balanced.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: cunchy on July 28, 2007, 11:02:58 pm
I know how to BladeRage. Most ppl who play on [ec] servers dont know how =.= Its annoying getting tons of ppl asking you D:
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Felix_k2 on July 29, 2007, 03:32:17 am
lol cunchy its felix or blizzard from T1Xi n that server, and for that bladerage thingf, people say theres a hint about it in the online manual itself but i havent seen a single thingo, tell me! XD
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: freestyler on July 29, 2007, 04:13:01 am
Read manual carefully and you'll know. Btw, Felix_k2, your signature breaks the rules.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: miketh2005 on July 29, 2007, 02:43:19 pm
when are you going to release the script? were anxious!
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on July 29, 2007, 03:13:50 pm
It's never going to be released to the public.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: DorkeyDear on July 29, 2007, 08:27:50 pm
I remember having access to it, unknowingly :P Its not there anymore though.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Xxypher on July 29, 2007, 10:06:26 pm
spas was "too powerful" with pierce. a lvl 3-5 pierce would do about 50% piece with every pellet hitting. i think he should have just shortened the range or clip. modify it to fit like he did with m79.

errrr.... no.

there is a bug in 2.6.1 that causes any weapon that uses the same bullettype like the flamer to deal tons of self damage. since sprint and kamkikaze require an undropable weapon that boosts you, i had to mod flamer with bullettype 3. since spas uses bullettype 3 aswell, it now has that selfdamage bug. to prevent further confusion, i simply disabled it. i hope this is fixed with 2.6.2
you do know that 2.6.0 works perfect?
MM tested it, or was it FLAB?
Well, it worked.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: canadian idiot on July 30, 2007, 12:29:07 am
i have a login on the german servers with the same name as my one on the US server,my one on the us server is MUCH higher lvl will it overwrite my one from the german server(hopefully XD)
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Felix_k2 on July 30, 2007, 01:23:35 am
Ok im stumped, i read the manual 5 times including the ep gain chart and still coudlnt see anything reffering to bladerage, i know that theres only 16 skills shown because it says 16 skills and stuff and i cannot see anyproof or anything else that would hint to what im looking for.

 And i removed the userbars from my sig that guy who sed my userbars werent allowed, you meant them right because if it's my actual sig ill be upset =S
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Xxypher on July 30, 2007, 02:18:37 am
Ok im stumped, i read the manual 5 times including the ep gain chart and still coudlnt see anything reffering to bladerage, i know that theres only 16 skills shown because it says 16 skills and stuff and i cannot see anyproof or anything else that would hint to what im looking for.

 And i removed the userbars from my sig that guy who sed my userbars werent allowed, you meant them right because if it's my actual sig ill be upset =S
Use common since to get it.
I don't want it, I am happy with my skills, because I am the top scorer...erer in Hexer so far and my skills do me well.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: miketh2005 on July 30, 2007, 09:54:28 am
dude, the only way soldat is going to be the thing of the future is if you release the scriptm all the scripters with improve it so it's not buggy at all and ALOT of servers will be running there own RPG script think of how much fun it will be and you'll be more FAMOUS then you already are! you'll be like Eli Wittney the creator of the Cotton gin Avarax - the one who made RPG's a reality! You'll get lots of donations too! People on your server are already asking "do you think this is the future for soldat?" If you don't release the script sooner or later some will just forget about it like me, I was in there a couple times when I COULD GET IN and it was really fun! But the problem is the slots! no one can ever get in! the only time I got in was because there was a server problem and everyone got kicked, now that there is no more problems i will never get in! I practically sat im my chair for 2 hrs straight pressing Join Game button with no one leaving the server! If you release the script no one will have that problem anymore, and don't think you won't be popular anymore because of all the other servers maybe with better scripts, because you will always be remembered to be the 1st script RPG that made it big! I'm telling you! If you don't release it everything will go down hill, please hexer avarax why?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on July 30, 2007, 10:22:08 am
No one is gonna do a better job than avarax man.  You have the same chance of getting in as I do and i get in fine.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on July 30, 2007, 11:25:32 am
please hexer avarax why?

Aight, here are my reasons:

1) I want the exquisite right to decide which spells get into the mod and which do not, because there's enough crap that you can do to the script.
2) I don't want random people to manipulate sh*t, selling it as their own. I think this is my good right.
3) Keeping the server slots a bit rare is what actually makes the script popular, the servers will never be empty and it's most likely that there is an admin around, keeping the quality of the servers up.
4) Hexer is no longer only a local script, network stuff is being developed and I wouldn't allow random people to f*ck this network and the accounts related to it up.
5) I'm already asking other people to help me when I can't find the source of a bug, most bugs can be fixed easily. All I need is qualified reports, what, where , why, under which circumstances did something happen, a single report of this quality allows me to easily find the bug and fix it.
6) I want to keep the quality of Hexer servers up by letting them be hosted only at qualified hosts were a) security of the script itself is ensured, b) ping for people of that continent is great and c) servercrashs are detected immediatly by cronjob scripts or gamemonitors and are then restarted and d) to always be able to make every server up to date in a few minutes by uploading a new hexer release.
7) There should be only one skill balance which tries to keep skills equal to the maximum. If you think something is under or overpowered, tell me, you'll find out that I'm very open for balance suggestions.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: miketh2005 on July 30, 2007, 06:39:31 pm
But if you release it you won't be in control of it anymore! Who would buy a script from someone and everyone will know that everyone got it from you! and that is what will make you more popular! Sure there will be improvements but don't think server owners are n00bs because it takes some skill to even set up a server your script will be improved not dullified.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Xxypher on July 30, 2007, 09:54:27 pm
But if you release it you won't be in control of it anymore! Who would buy a script from someone and everyone will know that everyone got it from you! and that is what will make you more popular! Sure there will be improvements but don't think server owners are n00bs because it takes some skill to even set up a server your script will be improved not dullified.
Avarex is immortal compared to you.
...Now get my a cupcake.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: miketh2005 on July 31, 2007, 09:24:51 am
*gives a double chessburger from ghoul house instead* *Xxypher eats it* Xxypher: "MMMMM, tastes like cow* *a saw comes out of his belly and says "Hunger gets what hunger wants" and chops him up for the next double cheesburgers*

I know he's immortal but he can at least give us part of the script please! *remembers the sentence SHUT UP.* *closes his butt that was doing all the talking all along......* *weird*
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Xxypher on July 31, 2007, 02:41:58 pm
*gives a double chessburger from ghoul house instead* *Xxypher eats it* Xxypher: "MMMMM, tastes like cow* *a saw comes out of his belly and says "Hunger gets what hunger wants" and chops him up for the next double cheesburgers*

I know he's immortal but he can at least give us part of the script please! *remembers the sentence SHUT UP.* *closes his butt that was doing all the talking all along......* *weird*
...That was the dumbest post I have ever seen on this site, I am sorry...

And no he WONT just go and give off his script.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Chameleon on July 31, 2007, 06:12:45 pm
But if you release it you won't be in control of it anymore!

1) I want the exquisite right to decide which spells get into the mod and which do not, because there's enough crap that you can do to the script.

he said he wants control over what goes on with the script. not for some randoms messing around with it, doing whatever they want to it.

on another note, is there any chance you could get an american realistic hexer server?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: cunchy on August 01, 2007, 04:45:52 am
Anyone know any Good Spell Combos? :O
Currently, I have a m79 and I have warmth, Double and Clip. :> Awesome stuff, Body Double.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on August 01, 2007, 04:51:20 am
will be even cooler with 0.9.2 ;)
for your skillcombo, i recommend using Mage-Blooded, Body Double, Conjure Clip and Summon Claymore once 0.9.2 is out.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: cunchy on August 01, 2007, 04:56:48 am
will be even cooler with 0.9.2 ;)
for your skillcombo, i recommend using Mage-Blooded, Body Double, Conjure Clip and Summon Claymore once 0.9.2 is out.
So, for my m79 combo i should relearn warmth to Mage - Blooded and Kami to CLaymore once 0.9.2 is out. Yay!!! *cant wait for 0.9.2*
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: canadian idiot on August 01, 2007, 04:03:49 pm
avy, since ghoul/kami arent in the manual when you level ghouls up, what gets better about them?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on August 01, 2007, 04:24:13 pm
the cooldown decreases by 15 seconds.
in 0.9.2, the armor bonus will increase a bit aswell.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: 1221995 on August 03, 2007, 08:31:49 am
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: TradeMAAK on August 03, 2007, 02:33:52 pm
THIS IS SHIT! I can't fucking play! I want to join 2 hexer servers and they both give me the wrong map message and kick me out! WTF?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: King_Of_Pain on August 11, 2007, 10:57:52 am
Hexer's main server (CTF #1) is still running 1.4.1, so could you update to the new Dedicated servers as soon as you can?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Tosty on August 18, 2007, 02:20:52 am
When is the guide goinging to be updated

(on a side note................... 100 POST!!1!!!11!!!!!11!1 OH YA)

that is all
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Xxypher on August 18, 2007, 02:22:56 am
Avarax, you need to update the !nohack system so people will stop joining and start claiming hack, then when someone uses !nohack, it does nothing, why? because it talks about the prone bug, which doesn't exist anymore. Maybe setting it to explain the server would be better.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on August 18, 2007, 06:49:51 am
Well there's a !sprint command now. ;Q
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: cunchy on August 18, 2007, 07:27:03 am
Avarax, body double's cool is now long... D:
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: guunr on August 18, 2007, 09:28:38 am
My IGN is {Choke}Guunr, My Ip is
Just today I was playing on [eC]Hexer. All a sudden my PC froze and after reboot, I could not get onto the Hexer server, saying that I was banned.

Possibly : I accidentally tried to log on from a 1.3.1 Ver soldat, AS I wanted to play with friends. Not successful, Server was full.

Can you unban Me?

Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: cunchy on August 18, 2007, 09:34:02 am
My IGN is {Choke}Guunr, My Ip is
Just today I was playing on [eC]Hexer. All a sudden my PC froze and after reboot, I could not get onto the Hexer server, saying that I was banned.

Possibly : I accidentally tried to log on from a 1.3.1 Ver soldat, AS I wanted to play with friends. Not successful, Server was full.

Can you unban Me?

PM avarax? Or DL mIRC and chat to him? :O
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Karvinen on August 18, 2007, 03:26:52 pm
What does "bounty point" mean?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: darksonic45 on August 18, 2007, 03:29:19 pm
Can you please add !spawn or something that says that spawning WITHOUT trying to get to the flag is illegal or something of that sort?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: freestyler on August 18, 2007, 04:14:08 pm
What does "bounty point" mean?
You don't need it as long as you're not lvl 50.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on August 18, 2007, 04:15:01 pm
The eC hexer server isnt working right now....
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Xxypher on August 18, 2007, 04:48:38 pm
Can you please add !spawn or something that says that spawning WITHOUT trying to get to the flag is illegal or something of that sort?
I agree...

"Spawning without the flag at the base or with the flag is illegal, please refrain from this."

"There are no hacks in Hexer, these are skills because this is an RPG mod."

"Sprint is a skill that propels the player forward in fast speeds, this is not a hack"

You get my point.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Dizzy So 1337 on August 18, 2007, 07:18:58 pm
Ha this spawning thing gives me a great idea for a Defensive spell: when cast, it causes x amount of damage per second to enemies within y distance of the caster's flag for z amount of time.  Adjust the xyz's for different levels of the spell.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: King_Of_Pain on August 18, 2007, 10:57:18 pm
Okay, I want some bonus EP, so I'll try to correct a little of the info on your title page.  ;D

First of all, use the 'Find' function in your browser and look up the number '40'. Chances are that most of your hits will be about the level cap, so change them to '50'.

Second thing, the formulas from 0.91 are way off. I'm not sure what the exact numbers are, but they're dramatically different from the information you have up there.

Third, the front page makes no mention of these:
Summon Spells
Flak Shells
Bounty Points

Four, these spells need their information corrected:
Body Double
Pierce Armor

I'm sorry, I know there's a lot more to do, Avarax, but maybe I'll get around to it soon.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Felix_k2 on August 19, 2007, 02:15:26 am
Okay im confused, i go into a ser er today, a hexer one, i log in, nothing unussual but then it tells me to learn all my thingoes again, i notice the new skills, i think i may as well test it, i choose vanish and im lvl 19, i use to be higher then that, does this mean that i have to start all over again from lvl 1 once i choose my skills that i had already learned before?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on August 19, 2007, 02:18:46 am
All skills were reduced by 25 percent....
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Tosty on August 19, 2007, 02:44:52 am
ok i was just playin [ec] hxer and my flakshell coolded down at the same time as my body double when i tried to cast one of my spells it said that it was on a 900 sec. cooldown
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: chron1c. on August 19, 2007, 06:40:53 am
Nobody is going to to tell us what bounty points are so stop asking.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: guunr on August 19, 2007, 01:56:40 pm
Okay im confused, i go into a ser er today, a hexer one, i log in, nothing unussual but then it tells me to learn all my thingoes again, i notice the new skills, i think i may as well test it, i choose vanish and im lvl 19, i use to be higher then that, does this mean that i have to start all over again from lvl 1 once i choose my skills that i had already learned before?
Any new skills you choze counts as relearning. therefore-2 Lvs per new skills learned. I didnt know, and wound up at level 5, losing 14 lvs... (I relearned a lot...
My IGN is {Choke}Guunr, My Ip is
Just today I was playing on [eC]Hexer. All a sudden my PC froze and after reboot, I could not get onto the Hexer server, saying that I was banned.

Possibly : I accidentally tried to log on from a 1.3.1 Ver soldat, AS I wanted to play with friends. Not successful, Server was full.

Can you unban Me?

PM avarax? Or DL mIRC and chat to him? :O
Strange. Once Again, I'm banned

Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Avarax on August 19, 2007, 04:25:24 pm
You can now also write your own guides or suggest your skillbuild to others at the new official Hexer forums!
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: cunchy on August 19, 2007, 05:55:36 pm
You can now also write your own guides or suggest your skillbuild to others at the new official Hexer forums!

*writes down teh funnest buile eva* =P
Finally, a hexer forum. :s
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: haha on August 22, 2007, 05:14:20 am
You can now also write your own guides or suggest your skillbuild to others at the new official Hexer forums!

*writes down teh funnest buile eva* =P
Finally, a hexer forum. :s
dont follow what he writes, its probably crap

@@@crunchy, tell me what reaper said.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: BRADEN on August 22, 2007, 01:32:14 pm
where are the summoning skills?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: haha on August 24, 2007, 07:43:59 am
where are the summoning skills?
ghoul, kamikazi, assassin, claymore, sphere, spear wall and....
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on August 24, 2007, 07:49:16 am
They are as followed: Battlesphere Battlesphere Battlesphere Battlesphere and ghoul.

(spear wall is a lag whore and useless at best)
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: darksonic45 on August 28, 2007, 07:38:55 pm
They are as followed: Battlesphere Battlesphere Battlesphere Battlesphere and ghoul.

(spear wall is a lag ***** and useless at best)
You forgot assassin.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Dr. Zombi3 on August 28, 2007, 09:31:46 pm
avarax, ill help u if you need any.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: pinOi32 on September 01, 2007, 02:20:49 pm
can someone put a list of all the servers that have this on them??? I would appreciate it (claymore is my favorite buahahah)
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Tosty on September 01, 2007, 02:27:23 pm
There is a glitch that if you swich bodies w/ someone w/o a primary wep. soldat freezes
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: pinOi32 on September 01, 2007, 08:33:31 pm
underneath 2.2 Creating An Account:
Saving an account works automatically everytime the map is changed or when you leave the server (no matter if you're kicked, disconnected or normally left), so saving the account isn't really necessary. However, a server crash will cause all data to be lost, so i also implemented the possibility to save manually with:

CORRECTION: "i" should be "I"

underneath 3.1 Skillclasses and Basics:
After level 2-5, your skill will continuesly grow stronger. For more information on that, visit chapter 6.2 Skill Formulas.

CORRECTION: "contuniesly" should be "continuously"

my username is pinOi32 for the hexer thingie...I hope u add my bonus ep  :P
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: darksonic45 on September 02, 2007, 03:58:21 pm
Heres a correction.

Level 5 allows you to learn a summoning skill (2 in total)

Now there are I think 4 or 5 summoning skills?
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: SirJamesaford on September 02, 2007, 03:59:58 pm
Use the hexer forums ppl....i dont even think avarax reads this anymore.
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: Finkel on January 21, 2009, 12:44:43 pm
you say "aswell" instead of "as well" four different times!

Also, I think the manual is incorrect in quite a few places, or else I am...

First of all, conjure clip has a much higher cooldown initially than 34 - I had around 50-60.

Can we get bp for pointing out errors, as well?

Is all of the information here updated?

Works perfect with: Autos or
Since Pierce Armor triggers on every hit, the more hits you get, the higher is the damage bonus. In conclusion, the fast firerate of autos is just perfect. Since the  fires 6 bullets with one shot, it has a pseudo high firerate and fits with Pierce Armor aswell.

Works perfect with: Autos or
Since Pilferage has a chance to trigger on every hit, the more hits you get, the more often it triggers. In conclusion, the fast firerate of autos is just perfect. Since the  fires 6 bullets with one shot, it has a pseudo high firerate and fits with Pilferage aswell.

Works perfect with:  or  or

Critical strike allows you to deal almost double damage occasionally. Since ,  and  usually deal damage equal to the half of a players health, a crit with them might aswell cause instant kills with one hit.  is best though, since it fires only one bullet and almost always deals more than 50% damage

Works perfect with:   or

Conjuring a clip with these weapons basically allows you to have a double 1-hit-kill shot. Might aswell work with knife...
Title: Re: Hexer online manual - Work in progress
Post by: danmer on January 21, 2009, 03:45:35 pm
epic necro.

Welcome to the future: