Official Soldat Forums

Official Content => News => Topic started by: Shoozza on July 23, 2013, 12:52:29 am

Post by: Shoozza on July 23, 2013, 12:52:29 am
Here's the awaited release of Soldat 1.6.4.
It took longer than expected but it is finally ready!
There are a lot of bugfixes and some nice improvements.

Check out the highlights this new version brings:

( (
Improved netcode for smoother online play and reducing hit detection issues,
as well as detecting corrupted packets and avoiding random rejoin bugs.

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New improved physics for flag throwing and flag boosting.

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Improved chainsaw now hurts enemies when backflipping and rolling.

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Improved join tab scales with resolution.

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Custom resolutions now available for everyone!

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More weapons attributes for better modding.

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New in-game menu shortcuts.

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Copy soldat links to the clipboard by clicking the "Game Server IP:" text.

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New naming for demo files and screenshots now includes map name, time and date.

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Soldatserver for OS X.

I want to thank few people who helped me with this version:
 skoskav for fixing so many bugs
 Falcon for working hard on the scriptcore
 Fryer for improving the netcode and generally helping out where he can
 zakath for his Hardware ID related changes and for fixing some really difficult bugs
 jrgp for creating the commit bot so we know whats happening
 FliesLikeABrick for hosting the forums, website, wiki and more
 AsDeEspada and the Mapping team for fixing polybugs and the map remakes
 Bistoufly for managing the bugtracker
 Mr for some great chat about implementation details
 evh0 for managing the translations team
 The translators for keeping the translations up to date
 The Beta team for testing all the things
 Everyone who posted bugs on the bugtracker
 The soldatserver hosters for their great soldatservers
 And of course all the Soldat players and the community who after all these years keep pushing bullets in meatbags like MM intended

You can find the download links at the end of this post.

Now for all curious people more details about the changes.

Soldat 1.6.4 changelog:
- Added BulletSpread WM attribute which controls bullet/pellet spread on Deagles and Spas, and base inaccuracy on other weapons
- Added Checks for Movement packets being out of order to smooth out movement of players
- Added FiltersBox position changes depending on the window size
- Added FormatFloat to script functions which fixes bug #15
- Added Join Game tab controls resize/reposition horizontally
- Added Join Game tab controls resize/reposition vertically
- Added Push WM attribute which together with a bullet's velocity on impact decides how much it pushes the target
- Added copy soldat:// link when clicking Game Server IP: label on Join game tab
- Added drawing rows in alternating colors for Serverslist
- Added flagger collides, non-flagger collides and flag collides polygon types
- Added keyboard shortcuts (1, 2, 3, 4) for the escape menu
- Added nondefault gamemode names are drawn with gray color in Serverslist
- Added options for kill sort to OldScoreBoard: 2 for old style and 3 for new style
- Added wait time for bullet and explosion push to avoid eating #234
- Added numbers to exit menu
- Added InheritedVelocity WM attribute which controls how much of the player's velocity the projectile inherits
- Modified Chainsaw to deal damage in a line all along its blade instead of just at the tip
- Modified Desert Eagles' and Spas' networking by re-creating the same pseudo-random pellet spread on all machines #260
- Modified WM loading to better support partial modding
- Modified WM loading with unparsable values gives helpful error messages
- Modified accumulating bink & self-bink to get diminishing returns as they reach higher values proportional to their configured value
- Modified adding broken bots gives helpful error messages
- Modified autodemo to record everything
- Modified bink to stack instead of resetting when being hit
- Modified bots can also do idle animations
- Modified bullet collision checks to scale their granularity proportionally with the bullet's current speed
- Modified bullets to not get a damage penalty after they pierce a body
- Modified chainsaw is able to fire and reload while rolling, backflipping and changing weapons
- Modified chainsaw to only shake screen when you're hitting flesh
- Modified client and server to use packet rate adjusting based on current player count by default
- Modified client is also able to create Dummy bots with a "Dummy=1" attribute
- Modified client-server sync method for bullets to be a bit more accurate
- Modified cursor is now centered properly when cursor.bmp is another size than 16x16 (still needs to be in power-of-two)
- Modified disabled HotTrack functionaly for Serverslist (selecting of servers when on hover)
- Modified disabled screen shaking in freecam and demo mode
- Modified holding the grenade key to only throw one grenade in order to reduce accidents #180
- Modified inaccuracy effects to spread out more evenly instead of choosing "set paths"
- Modified minimum time required to hold the grenade key before it being thrown increased by about 7% to reduce accidents
- Modified moved FiltersBox so that it has enough space to the left and top
- Modified reduced wait time when requesting servers list
- Modified removed "This option will be available after registering" label from graphics tab in config.exe
- Modified removed lobby blacklisting support
- Modified removed resolution restriction for unregistered players
- Modified renamed Mp3List ini setting to MusicList
- Modified renamed mp3 folder to music folder
- Modified renamed mp3list.txt to musiclist.txt
- Modified screenshot and demo names are now YYYY-MM-DD_HH-NN-SS_MAPNAME_TYPE
- Modified self-bink to also work on semi autos #261
- Modified self-bink to be applied on 2nd bullet fired instead of on the 4th
- Modified spent bullet shells have a slight randomness in their velocity
- Modified spent bullet shells inherit the velocity of the player when fired
- Modified team collider polygon types do not longer collide with flaggers #192
- Modified texts and positions of the Alt+F3 connection info
- Modified thrown weapons inherit the player's velocity
- Modified thrown weapons to be thrown in the direction you look
- Modified allowed both bink/self-bink and moveacc to be applied
- Modified updated intro demo
- Fixed Alpha and Bravo flags not being placed symmetrically (flipped alpha flag)
- Fixed Chat-Flood ban lasts 5 min, says 20 #244
- Fixed DirectX Graphics error when using Soldat Clicker #201
- Fixed FireInterval values being shown as ten times too high in the weapon menu when a custom WM is used
- Fixed I/O 103 Error when logs folder is missing and file logging is enabled #240
- Fixed Invisible player bug
- Fixed Lobby server connections stay open after requesting server list #254
- Fixed Lost Team packet error
- Fixed PacketRate_Adjusting=1 not adjusting much at all and making you lag worse for everyone
- Fixed RayCast returns false if both the start and end points are inside a polygon #119
- Fixed Soldat "crash" if playback device is missing and registered
- Fixed Soldat fails to display interface images when starting the game with a mod #198
- Fixed Spas always firing its first pellet straight
- Fixed StartUpTime bypass by keeping the fire button held down during reload #264
- Fixed StartUpTime bypass from the roll, weapon change and melee animations #264
- Fixed access violation if playback device is missing and not registered
- Fixed being able to throw weapon while in the weapon switching animation #129
- Fixed bug #49 with caps not being showed in the scoreboard
- Fixed bullet collision checks assumed the bullet's speed was the same as that of the equipped weapon
- Fixed bullet push now behaves correctly in the vertical direction
- Fixed bullets not hitting player if another spawning player is close
- Fixed bullets not necessarily pushing ragdolls in the bullets' direction
- Fixed bullets piercing bodies even though their speed was tiny
- Fixed cigar animation flooding server
- Fixed crosshair not centered when binked
- Fixed crosshair not resized correctly while binked and using sniper line
- Fixed crosshair not resized while binked when aiming on teammates or enemies
- Fixed cursor is resized smoothly when binked while using sniper line
- Fixed entered player name resetting to Major when left-trim was needed #208
- Fixed error sound when starting demos with enter #271
- Fixed firing animation firing in a wonky direction for some values of FireIntarval
- Fixed flag not being thrown in the direction you aim at #176
- Fixed grenades sometimes being thrown in wrong direction due to ongoing animations
- Fixed idle animation sometimes stop occurring
- Fixed idle animations locking movement controls #206
- Fixed massive self-bink after reload
- Fixed missing Flagthrow ini key shouldn't be assigned to G but to Jump+Crouch
- Fixed missing Installer additional tasks icon text
- Fixed normal mode weapons being used for comparisons in weapon selection menu in realistic mode when WM is changed #262
- Fixed not allowed weapon spam
- Fixed not being able to move while proned and reloading #188
- Fixed number keys not working in weapon menu on map start if weapon menu is disabled #270
- Fixed piercing bullets not hitting other players in the same tick
- Fixed players and dropped weapons warp inside team collide polygons #191
- Fixed players randomly rejoining server #85
- Fixed possible hit detection issue for Desert Eagles due to server slightly misrepresenting one bullet's horizontal speed
- Fixed possible to throw grenades through thin walls #163
- Fixed second Desert Eagle bullet not synchronized properly between clients
- Fixed self-bink being applied on the bullet that caused it
- Fixed shots not firing in the direction of the crosshair due to ongoing animations #210
- Fixed shots ricocheting or not firing when head is in ceiling #186
- Fixed some hit detection issues due to bullets from certain angles being able to slink through and miss every hitbox
- Fixed some sound popping under heavy CPU load
- Fixed some weapons not expelling a clip on reload
- Fixed weapons firing with FireInterval <= 5 not immediately propagating their status to the server #141
- Fixed while playing CTF scoreboard is not showing each team players number #20
- Fixed your secondary weapon not getting updated stats after /loadwep command
- Fixed demo music keeps playing when intro couldn't be opened
- Fixed start game tab active while join game tab is visible when demo opening failed
- Fixed smoother cursor movement on higher resolutions
- Fixed mouse cursor not resizing with higher resolutions
- Fixed mouse cursor prevented from completely reaching the screen edge
- Fixed player indicator not being centered and scaled at higher resolutions
- Fixed objects like flags, kits and loose weapons flying in almost random directions or accumulating huge speeds when hit by bullets
- Fixed power knife throwing glitch
- Fixed flags to less likely get stuck in polygons
- Fixed power flag throwing glitch
- Fixed flag throwing to more accurately transfer the player's velocity
- Fixed a death sfx was played when it shouldn't #284
- Fixed pressing shift+7 to enter a command on some keyboards layouts would also select a weapon if the weapon menu was shown #243
- Fixed M79, LAW and Flame Arrow played grenade explosion sfx when hitting a collider #153
- Fixed game mode names are not linked to the translations in server filtering options
- Fixed scope not zooming as much horizontally with wider screen resolutions #165
- Fixed partially how initiating prone resets the throw weapon animation #268
- Fixed recording demo line goes over other lines in F1 menu
- Fixed winning team result line goes over other lines in F1 menu
- Fixed bullets fired immediately after grenade boosting not registering
- Fixed untranslated bonus-name strings next to bonus timer #321

Soldatserver 2.7.4 changelog:
- Added Password parameter to OnRequestGame script function
- Added DeactivateServer event to ScriptCore (called upon script unload)
- Added Password parameter to OnRequestGame script function
- Added scriptcore 3 alpha support
- Added DeactivateServer event to scriptcore 2
- Added BulletSpread WM attribute which controls bullet/pellet spread on Deagles and Spas, and base inaccuracy on other weapons
- Added Checks for Movement packets being out of order to smooth out movement of players
- Added DrawTextEx function to scriptcore
- Added FormatFloat to script functions which fixes bug #15
- Added OnGameEnd() event
- Added Push WM attribute which together with a bullet's velocity on impact decides how much it pushes the target
- Added RayCastEx function with full control over all RayCast arguments to scriptcore
- Added flagger collides, non-flagger collides and flag collides polygon types
- Added flamegod bonus to GiveBonus()
- Added wait time for bullet and explosion push to avoid eating #234
- Added OnPlayerKillEx(Victim, Killer, Weapon: Byte); (Weapon String->Byte)
- Added OnRequestGameEx(IP: String; Port: Word; State: byte; Forwarded: Boolean): Integer;
- Added OnPlayerDamageEx(Victim, Shooter: Byte; Damage: Integer; Weapon: Byte): Integer;
- Added DrawTextEx(Id, Num: Byte; Text: String; Delay: Integer; Colour: Longint; Scale: Single; X, Y: Integer)
- Added SCRIPT_NAME constant to scriptcore
- Added InheritedVelocity WM attribute which controls how much of the player's velocity the projectile inherits
- Added soldatserver for OS X
- Modified AppOnIdleTimer is now available also if safemode is disabled
- Modified Chainsaw to deal damage in a line all along its blade instead of just at the tip
- Modified Desert Eagles' and Spas' networking by re-creating the same pseudo-random pellet spread on all machines #260
- Modified PlaySound script function can play files from .\Sfx folder instead of .\Downloads\Sfx folder
- Modified WM loading to better support partial modding
- Modified WM loading with unparsable values gives helpful error messages
- Modified accumulating bink & self-bink to get diminishing returns as they reach higher values proportional to their configured value
- Modified adding broken bots gives helpful error messages
- Modified bink to stack instead of resetting when being hit
- Modified bots can also do idle animations
- Modified bullet collision checks to scale their granularity proportionally with the bullet's current speed
- Modified bullets to not get a damage penalty after they pierce a body
- Modified chainsaw is able to fire and reload while rolling, backflipping and changing weapons
- Modified client and server to use packet rate adjusting based on current player count by default
- Modified client-server sync method for bullets to be a bit more accurate
- Modified hints are now shown also when compilation succeeds
- Modified inaccuracy effects to spread out more evenly instead of choosing "set paths"
- Modified minimum time required to hold the grenade key before it being thrown increased by about 7% to reduce accidents
- Modified number of allowed drawtext layers from 3 to 255
- Modified removed lobby blacklisting support
- Modified script will display now proper info whenever dll file is not found or there's any other error with script other than syntax error
- Modified script will now display line and column number on error, if such info is available
- Modified team collider polygon types do not longer collide with flaggers #192
- Modified thrown weapons inherit the player's velocity
- Modified thrown weapons to be thrown in the direction you look
- Modified allowed both bink/self-bink and moveacc to be applied
- Modified removed threadfuc from scriptcore as it was very unstable
- Fixed /pm crashing the server #250
- Fixed Access violation in /BANDWIDTH command #212
- Fixed Alpha and Bravo flags not being placed symmetrically (flipped alpha flag)
- Fixed Invisible player bug
- Fixed Lost Team packet error
- Fixed OnWeaponChange was sometimes not triggered
- Fixed RayCast returns false if both the start and end points are inside a polygon #119
- Fixed Spas always firing its first pellet straight
- Fixed StartUpTime bypass by keeping the fire button held down during reload #264
- Fixed StartUpTime bypass from the roll, weapon change and melee animations #264
- Fixed StrToInt doesn't throw an exception when value is invalid #83
- Fixed WriteConsole doesn't output text if it has less than 2 chars #214
- Fixed being able to throw weapon while in the weapon switching animation #129
- Fixed bug #49 with caps not being showed in the scoreboard
- Fixed bullet collision checks assumed the bullet's speed was the same as that of the equipped weapon
- Fixed bullet push now behaves correctly in the vertical direction
- Fixed bullets not hitting player if another spawning player is close
- Fixed bullets not necessarily pushing ragdolls in the bullets' direction
- Fixed bullets piercing bodies even though their speed was tiny
- Fixed cigar animation flooding server
- Fixed console parameters not working #227
- Fixed firing animation firing in a wonky direction for some values of FireIntarval
- Fixed flag not being thrown in the direction you aim at #176
- Fixed grenades sometimes being thrown in wrong direction due to ongoing animations
- Fixed idle animation sometimes stop occurring
- Fixed memory leak in when calling ReadINI in soldatserver script
- Fixed normal mode weapons being used for comparisons in weapon selection menu in realistic mode when WM is changed #262
- Fixed not being able to move while proned and reloading #188
- Fixed piercing bullets not hitting other players in the same tick
- Fixed players and dropped weapons warp inside team collide polygons #191
- Fixed players randomly rejoining server #85
- Fixed possible hit detection issue for Desert Eagles due to server slightly misrepresenting one bullet's horizontal speed
- Fixed possible to throw grenades through thin walls #163
- Fixed second Desert Eagle bullet not synchronized properly between clients
- Fixed self-bink being applied on the bullet that caused it
- Fixed shots not firing in the direction of the crosshair due to ongoing animations #210
- Fixed shots ricocheting or not firing when head is in ceiling #186
- Fixed soldatserver shell_exec doesn't work on Windows 64 bit (you need cmd.exe now, old Windows version support for shell_exec dropped)
- Fixed some hit detection issues due to bullets from certain angles being able to slink through and miss every hitbox
- Fixed weapons firing with FireInterval <= 5 not immediately propagating their status to the server #141
- Fixed your secondary weapon not getting updated stats after /loadwep command
- Fixed flags to less likely get stuck in polygons
- Fixed power flag throwing glitch
- Fixed flag throwing to more accurately transfer the player's velocity
- Fixed adminport replacing special characters with questionmarks #150
- Fixed more than 100 remote IPs crash the server #319
- Fixed bullets fired immediately after grenade boosting not registering

Weaponmod changes:

Changes from 1.6.3 -> 1.6.4
Deagles      dmg +1, reload +1, spread +1, push +1
HK MP5       dmg +1, moveacc -1, spread +1, push -12
Ak           dmg +1, moveacc -1, spread +2, push -2
Steyr        moveacc -1, spread +1, push -7
Spas         dmg +1, spread +6, push -7
Ruger        moveacc +1, push +2
Barrett      bink -5, moveacc -1
Minimi       dmg +1, spread +1, push +5
Minigun      dmg -1, spread +2, push +4
Socom        push +7
Chainsaw     ammo -254, speed +10
LAW          startup -1


Changes from 1.6.3 -> 1.6.4
Deagles      dmg +2, fireinterval +1
HK MP5       bink +15, recoil -1
Ak           bink +30, recoil +2
Steyr        bink +24, recoil +2
Spas         dmg +2, spread +6
Minimi       bink +41, recoil -2
Minigun      bink +8, spread -2
Socom        dmg +3, recoil -7
Chainsaw     ammo -254

Map changes:

Fixed several polybugs

Fixed players getting burried from the top of the pyramid

Fixed several polybugs
Fixed bravo flag entrance
Modified texture stretching
Modified dimmed background lights by 10%
Modified tweak on shading

Modified to use new Flagger collider polygon
Fixed is harder for Flagger to be trapped in the middle

Fixed 2 polybugs near alpha flag
Modified Alpha flag was raised a little
Modified a bravo spawn better placement

Fixed several polybugs

Fixed some spikes and polybugs

Modified all the map made thinner
Modified colliders in the islands above the flag are now "solid"
Fixed bridge
Fixed some polybugs

Fixed the bridge and some polybugs
Fixed players could explode to outside the map from spawnpoint

Modified central collider scenerys were too subtle
Modified tweaked one spawnpoint
Fixed grenades bonus on spawnpoints were half stuck on the ground, bouncing
Fixed scenery was floating
Fixed some minor polybugs
Fixed invisible polys didn't match the ground

Fixed the bridge, some spikes and polybugs

Soldat 1.6.4 Full (
Soldat 1.6.4 Patch (for 1.6.3 only) (

Server 2.7.4 Full (
Server 2.7.4 Patch (for 2.7.3 only) (

Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: homerofgods on July 23, 2013, 01:16:06 am
Best release ever!

@Shoozza im hosting a clean server
@Shoozza soldat:// (

Shoozza has done so much for us I decided to donate some money
If anyone else feel like it, here is his paypal details:

(if you donate you will find out his real name :D )

You could also like soldat's page on ( ( if you haven't allready

For people who think cursor is too big, It's probbably your resolution because I checked that it looks exactly the same as before, but I uploaded a small one for you.

[edit]There seam to be some problem with cursor or scaling
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Fryer on July 23, 2013, 01:19:12 am for anyone who can't wait 10 days for the release of the PolyWorks (with the new polygon types). It's just the .exe; put it in the folder where you installed PolyWorks.

Also, the gather servers at @qnet are now running 1.6.4.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Bistoufly on July 23, 2013, 01:19:19 am
Best release ever!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: squiddy on July 23, 2013, 01:25:42 am
Holy balls! It is true >:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Best release ever!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Red Bull on July 23, 2013, 01:29:06 am
Holy balls! It is true >:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Best release ever!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Atomic on July 23, 2013, 01:32:25 am
Hurrah!!  This is the best update I've seen in awhile!!!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: jrgp on July 23, 2013, 01:53:13 am
Nice job to everyone involved. :)

And here's the soldatserver screenshot for Mac that Shoozza didn't want to use as the official one:
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Mittsu on July 23, 2013, 02:03:01 am
this must be the biggest changelog in years

well done!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Hubiq on July 23, 2013, 02:10:10 am
Yeah! The new version now available! ;D
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Mighty on July 23, 2013, 02:39:12 am
Well done! Looks like I gotta get back to playing!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: SneS on July 23, 2013, 02:50:39 am
I bought a server on one of the hosting (1.6.3 version). Can somehow update the server by ARSSE to version 1.6.4?
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Prodigyx on July 23, 2013, 02:51:48 am
Holy balls! It is true >:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Best release ever!

Let me see  :P
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: CheeSeMan. on July 23, 2013, 02:53:41 am

<3 to all the devs! Keep it up! Can't wait to test tonight, damn this office life!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Boots on July 23, 2013, 03:12:21 am
Thanks guys.

Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Mittsu on July 23, 2013, 03:22:51 am
I bought a server on one of the hosting (1.6.3 version). Can somehow update the server by ARSSE to version 1.6.4?

you can't. Who's hosting it?
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: DarkCrusade on July 23, 2013, 03:25:55 am
The team that gets the job done! Proud to be Part of this community! :)
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Vos on July 23, 2013, 04:38:51 am
Good job guys!, this is such a good way of releasing honestly, going over the most important changes/fixes with a screenshot added, thumbs up!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: omg4what on July 23, 2013, 05:10:53 am
Best release ever!

Sure... And how about invisible bullets of enemies in multiplayer (whole server, about 12 ppls, has confirmed that)? It's fucking ridiculous.


Oh, and don't forget to fix "banned for possible cheating" because 4 players got banned in a short time for nothing.


It's getting better! You have to start singleplayer game before multiplayer. Otherwise you literally can't choose and play with ANY WEAPON in multiplayer - there is no even weapon menu visible, plus you are moving like a zoombie. GREAT JOB! :)
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Bonecrusher on July 23, 2013, 05:49:23 am
I bought a server on one of the hosting (1.6.3 version). Can somehow update the server by ARSSE to version 1.6.4?

message tech support
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Furai on July 23, 2013, 06:09:52 am
Shared it on fanpages and twitters.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: homerofgods on July 23, 2013, 06:27:53 am
Best release ever!

Sure... And how about invisible bullets of enemies in multiplayer (whole server, about 12 ppls, has confirmed that)? It's fucking ridiculous.


Oh, and don't forget to fix "banned for possible cheating" because 4 players got banned in a short time for nothing.


It's getting better! You have to start singleplayer game before multiplayer. Otherwise you literally can't choose and play with ANY WEAPON in multiplayer - there is no even weapon menu visible, plus you are moving like a zoombie. GREAT JOB! :)
I have a feeling you are playing in a 1.6.3 server. (try one that say 1.6.4)
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: -Bendarr- on July 23, 2013, 06:50:58 am
*looks at calendar* wait, it's not April??....... HOLY FUCK
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Hubiq on July 23, 2013, 07:07:36 am
I'm staying kicked to the main menu when I try vote another map or vote kick >:(
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: mtk on July 23, 2013, 07:15:02 am
Thanks dev team and thanks fryer for polyworks!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: AdamD on July 23, 2013, 08:48:19 am
the patch seems to have trouble detecting a compatible soldat version (my soldat isn't installed in C:\me\ its in my documents)

excellent work on the update, looking forward to trying it out
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: DorkeyDear on July 23, 2013, 09:30:45 am
Fantastic work everybody! I see many excited people :D
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: chox on July 23, 2013, 09:59:33 am
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Adam on July 23, 2013, 11:06:29 am
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: As de Espada on July 23, 2013, 11:07:15 am
Nice work dev team! Last month I was asked which version I think is the best. I said 1.6.4 ;)
Fryer is my hero *u*
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Amida on July 23, 2013, 11:28:27 am
the patch seems to have trouble detecting a compatible soldat version

same here
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: themangokid2 on July 23, 2013, 11:34:30 am
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: jrgp on July 23, 2013, 11:45:08 am
Okay apparently since I can't get wine to work on mac and directx to work in a VM, I'm gonna set up my windows gaming rig again just to play this new version of Soldat. :) <3
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: homerofgods on July 23, 2013, 12:15:48 pm
Okay apparently since I can't get wine to work on mac and directx to work in a VM, I'm gonna set up my windows gaming rig again just to play this new version of Soldat. :) <3
Wow, jrgp converting to windows, this version MUST be good  :P

And I just wanted to repeat:
Remember to join servers that are 1.6.4 and not any older versions. Or else you might get strange errors. This server is good: soldat:// so try this before reporting any bugs.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: squiddy on July 23, 2013, 12:19:07 pm
Wait, didn't Falcon export the event I suggested (when flagger throws flag/dies) to the new version?

Wow, jrgp converting to windows, this version MUST be good  :P
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Falcon` on July 23, 2013, 12:30:05 pm
This change got reverted by Shoozza as too late added feature, so it's not part of 1.6.4.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: duz on July 23, 2013, 12:44:52 pm
Nice version. Good job!

Not with stretched graphics and the low FPS feeling with a high-end PC.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Izzy Rose (PL) on July 23, 2013, 02:11:30 pm
Not with stretched graphics and the low FPS feeling with a high-end PC.
Yup. We can say it changed everything - now, from semi-pro player I became total lame and nearly freefrag.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: TheOne on July 23, 2013, 02:32:51 pm
I'm very happy about this version, just played my first gather (in about 1500) without seeing a single grenade or law eat. I guess you added some check packets? People in situations they'd have eaten before now die about one second after the event. :)
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: DarkCrusade on July 23, 2013, 03:57:48 pm
1.6.4 has already made clear that the forum activity grows by a high percentage when something new has been released. Keep the updates coming, and the community will be more active over a longer period. It is indeed looking promising! :)
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Fawkzy on July 23, 2013, 04:09:38 pm
Woo, good stuff. Time to continue working on my mod again.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: duz on July 23, 2013, 04:22:13 pm
Shouldn't be a new question but... there's no way to fix the menus resolution?
Example: Set a fixed dimension to the menus as 1024x768 and leave the ingame resolution free to be any one?
I'm using 1360x768 and the Start Game menu doesn't look enjoyable.
Another thing: The start screen it's ok, the start game isn't. Join game screen it's ok, the options and player screen isn't. Exit it's ok... This should be crazy to newcomers.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Silnikos on July 23, 2013, 04:29:23 pm
Scriptcore changes made some scripts incompatible and the changes are not even mentioned in changelog:
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: darDar on July 23, 2013, 05:43:57 pm
this is really cool.. while reading the changelog I thought every single bug has been removed that is pretty neat!
but you sadly ruined the knife... It is totally buggy now you should change it back. I sadly cant go in detail or post some demos right now.

hopefuly we gonna see some more frequent updates from now on ;)

Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: No-Mercy on July 23, 2013, 06:27:22 pm
 :( My soldat crash when trying to request servers in the soldat lobby.
In 1.6.4rc3(or4) works...
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Shoozza on July 23, 2013, 06:45:56 pm
Sure... And how about invisible bullets of enemies in multiplayer (whole server, about 12 ppls, has confirmed that)? It's fucking ridiculous.
There are a few RC server versions which could cause this issue.

Oh, and don't forget to fix "banned for possible cheating" because 4 players got banned in a short time for nothing.
Can you get the people to post some information about their kicks so I can address the possible cheating issues?

It's getting better! You have to start singleplayer game before multiplayer. Otherwise you literally can't choose and play with ANY WEAPON in multiplayer - there is no even weapon menu visible, plus you are moving like a zoombie. GREAT JOB! :)
Thats very weird, does a clean install version work? I could try to hunt this bug down if you want to collaborate.

I'm staying kicked to the main menu when I try vote another map or vote kick >:(
You are get kicked out of the game when you try to vote kick or vote a map?

the patch seems to have trouble detecting a compatible soldat version
same here
Did you move the folder after installation?
What's your windows version and is it 32 or 64 bit?

Shouldn't be a new question but... there's no way to fix the menus resolution?
Example: Set a fixed dimension to the menus as 1024x768 and leave the ingame resolution free to be any one?
I'm using 1360x768 and the Start Game menu doesn't look enjoyable.
Not sure if that works currently but if not it would be a feature request. You should post it in the suggestions subforum ;)

Another thing: The start screen it's ok, the start game isn't. Join game screen it's ok, the options and player screen isn't. Exit it's ok... This should be crazy to newcomers.
Yeah the scaling stuff gets adressed step by step so not all tabs are ready yet.

but you sadly ruined the knife... It is totally buggy now you should change it back. I sadly cant go in detail or post some demos right now.
Hmm I wonder how it's broken. If you find the time please make a bugreport on the bugtracker.

:( My soldat crash when trying to request servers in the soldat lobby.
In 1.6.4rc3(or4) works...
Is it a clean crash or are there also error messages?
Does a reinstall help?
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: No-Mercy on July 23, 2013, 07:01:01 pm
Yes it is a clean crash, now I try to reinstall!

Ok for now works. But.. the majority of old scripts do not work in new soldatserver ;(
When I tried to add a bot with the command / addbot John.
It is added to spectators but at the time stretched into play, moving with the cloud of the spawn, seemingly invincible
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Tekidek on July 23, 2013, 07:37:39 pm
Even with a clean install with crashes with acess violation, can't even play SP. W7 64-bits here.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: No-Mercy on July 23, 2013, 07:42:45 pm
Even with a clean install with crashes with acess violation, can't even play SP. W7 64-bits here.

Try an other install, I use W8 64-bits and works... don't use fullscreen but window to 100 %, try it.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Shoozza on July 23, 2013, 07:44:20 pm
Ok for now works. But.. the majority of old scripts do not work in new soldatserver ;(
When I tried to add a bot with the command / addbot John.
It is added to spectators but at the time stretched into play, moving with the cloud of the spawn, seemingly invincible
Check out the server script related post in the other thread somewhere.

Not sure I understand the bot bug. Can you explain again?

Even with a clean install with crashes with acess violation, can't even play SP. W7 64-bits here.
Can you give me the access violation errors you get?
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: No-Mercy on July 23, 2013, 07:55:24 pm
I'm sorry but I'm not very good at English, but I'll try again.
So when I use command /addbot John(or others) in my own server, adds a bot to the spectators, this is also in the game, but instead of the soldier, there is a cloud of blue spawn that moves the map by firing anyone who meets, is invincible ...
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Al Bundy on July 24, 2013, 01:32:24 am
:( My soldat crash when trying to request servers in the soldat lobby.
In 1.6.4rc3(or4) works...

Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: SneS on July 24, 2013, 02:22:18 am
But.. the majority of old scripts do not work in new soldatserver ;(

Scripts from 1.6.3 do not work on the new 1.6.4? :o
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Mojonized on July 24, 2013, 03:39:35 am
Even with a clean install with crashes with acess violation, can't even play SP. W7 64-bits here.

Try an other install, I use W8 64-bits and works... don't use fullscreen but window to 100 %, try it.

Yeah, same here, 1.6.3 worked fine for me, now I had to set the window size to 100%. Took me some time to figure it out...
It would be really handy if you could post some info about this as a known bug, since a lot of new players may encounter this bug as well and uninstall Soldat without even trying it.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Madow on July 24, 2013, 05:36:22 am
Good job on release, guys!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: No-Mercy on July 24, 2013, 06:55:58 am
In my server doesn't work Public tools, admin list and others... But works good scripts like Stats whit rank and shop 3.1...

Now I have a new problem whit resolution, in soldat config I set my resolution 1366 * 768, in 1.6.3 works all good but in new version when I join, I see weapon menĂ¹ big, chat big, cursor big ecc... Can anyone help me please ?
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: kicikici on July 24, 2013, 07:11:47 am
@No-Mercy, read this topic (
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: As de Espada on July 24, 2013, 10:46:28 am
Loots of bugs with new script core:
Code: [Select]
(08:48:16)  [*] Preparing scripts to be launched
(08:48:16)  [*] Compiling Comment -> script.pas...
(08:48:16)  [*] Comment -> [Hint] (15:10): Variable 'Result' never used
(08:48:16)  [*] Comment compiled
(08:48:17)  [*] Compiling FunAdmin -> FunAdmin.pas...
(08:48:17)  [*] FunAdmin -> [Warning] (0:0): "or False" is not needed
(08:48:17)  [*] FunAdmin compiled
(08:48:17)  [*] Compiling Joiner -> Joiner.pas...
(08:48:18)  [*] Joiner -> [Hint] (18:10): Variable 'Result' never used
(08:48:18)  [*] Joiner compiled
(08:48:18)  [*] Compiling NameTracker -> core.pas...
(08:48:18)  [*] NameTracker -> [Hint] (148:2): Variable 'I' never used
(08:48:18)  [*] NameTracker -> [Hint] (146:10): Variable 'Result' never used
(08:48:18)  [*] NameTracker compiled
(08:48:19)  [*] Compiling Nextmap -> core.pas...
(08:48:19)  [*] Nextmap -> [Hint] (35:10): Variable 'Result' never used
(08:48:19)  [*] Nextmap compiled
(08:48:19)  [*] Compiling spree -> spree.pas...
(08:48:19)  [*] spree -> [Hint] (166:10): Variable 'Result' never used
(08:48:19)  [*] spree -> [Hint] (193:10): Variable 'Result' never used
(08:48:19)  [*] spree compiled
(08:48:20)  [*] Compiling stats -> stats.pas...
(08:48:20)  [*] stats -> [Hint] (408:10): Variable 'Result' never used
(08:48:20)  [*] stats compiled
(08:48:20)  [*] Compiling tablica -> tablica.pas...
(08:48:20)  [*] tablica -> [Hint] (37:10): Variable 'Result' never used
(08:48:20)  [*] tablica compiled
(08:48:20)  [*] Done
(08:48:21)  [*] Joiner -> Settings loaded successfully


they are not bugs, they are warnings. As you can see, the script compiles fine
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Vos on July 24, 2013, 11:14:23 am
I think you should go to a different section for these script problems though, we had allot of the same problems but our community's scripter managed to fix everything now.

So if you can't script and dont know anyone who can, it's best to show all of your problems in the scripting forum or wait for new scripts to come out that are obviously viable with 1.6.4
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: skrX on July 24, 2013, 12:49:53 pm
Everything has changed, so ..  some scripts will not work properly.

ok but another thing:
When player use flamer its get kicked for flood

Code: [Select]
(18:56:51) JMLG|jO.! is flooding the server
(18:56:53) JMLG|jO.! is flooding the server
(18:57:08) JMLG|jO.! is flooding the server
(18:57:10) JMLG|jO.! is flooding the server
(18:57:16) JMLG|jO.! is flooding the server
(18:57:16) JMLG|jO.! has been kicked and banned for 15 minutes (Flood Kicked)

EDIT i just tested it, when you have flamer and you use it constantly, you get flood kick

heh, 6 players get that...

Try this:

Go to soldat.ini

Change Bonus_FlameGod=0 to Bonus_FlameGod=1
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Tekidek on July 24, 2013, 01:28:43 pm
Even with a clean install with crashes with acess violation, can't even play SP. W7 64-bits here.

Try an other install, I use W8 64-bits and works... don't use fullscreen but window to 100 %, try it.

thx a lot, this worked
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: zakath on July 24, 2013, 01:37:36 pm
ok but another thing:
When player use flamer its get kicked for flood

Code: [Select]
(18:56:51) JMLG|jO.! is flooding the server
(18:56:53) JMLG|jO.! is flooding the server
(18:57:08) JMLG|jO.! is flooding the server
(18:57:10) JMLG|jO.! is flooding the server
(18:57:16) JMLG|jO.! is flooding the server
(18:57:16) JMLG|jO.! has been kicked and banned for 15 minutes (Flood Kicked)

EDIT i just tested it, when you have flamer and you use it constantly, you get flood kick

heh, 6 players get that...
Just ran around with a flamer for 5 minutes constantly firing without getting flood kicked, so got to be more to it then that.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: gor on July 24, 2013, 03:34:27 pm
Nice job releasing this version(specially the hits reduce).
Personally i found 2 bugs (Violation message after few minute of dropdown and flood kick while shooting with mp5 which happends randomly)
I reported them via
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: skrX on July 24, 2013, 03:40:08 pm
Sometimes, I have strange problem.
When it is balance, when a player changes team, displayed .. something like this:

Mixed teams - this is a simple bug?
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Madow on July 25, 2013, 06:39:42 am
Nice job releasing this version(specially the hits reduce).
Personally i found 2 bugs (Violation message after few minute of dropdown and flood kick while shooting with mp5 which happends randomly)
I reported them via
Just curiously searched through gor's post history (-10 Karma) and the two posts below his current one..

Seems like the SCTFL community isn't really appreciated around these forums.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Mighty on July 25, 2013, 06:51:32 am
Nice job releasing this version(specially the hits reduce).
Personally i found 2 bugs (Violation message after few minute of dropdown and flood kick while shooting with mp5 which happends randomly)
I reported them via
Just curiously searched through gor's post history (-10 Karma) and the two posts below his current one..

Seems like the SCTFL community isn't really appreciated around these forums.

Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: ki0sk on July 25, 2013, 06:53:28 am
As one or two have mentioned, cursor is too large

It's throwing me off what little game I had.

And oh my jeebus, the saw is longer now too??? (no more bloodsaw!?!?! >:()

the picture points out the cursor and longer saw
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Shoozza on July 25, 2013, 11:40:04 am
As one or two have mentioned, cursor is too large

It's throwing me off what little game I had.

And oh my jeebus, the saw is longer now too??? (no more bloodsaw!?!?! >:()

the picture points out the cursor and longer saw
Yeah i heard about that I hope that is already on the bugtracker.

Yeah bloodsaw is gone, dont tell me you want us to keep bugs :P

Sometimes, I have strange problem.
When it is balance, when a player changes team, displayed .. something like this:

Mixed teams - this is a simple bug?
Does this happen often? Any way to reproduce it? Was the player in red or blue for the other players? Did you add it to the bugtracker?

Nice job releasing this version(specially the hits reduce).
Personally i found 2 bugs (Violation message after few minute of dropdown and flood kick while shooting with mp5 which happends randomly)
I reported them via
Thanks for the info! Linking to the bugreports would be nice (less friction you know) ;)
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: gor on July 25, 2013, 11:47:22 am
You welcome Shoozza:
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: DorkeyDear on July 25, 2013, 07:15:50 pm
Sometimes, I have strange problem.
When it is balance, when a player changes team, displayed .. something like this:

Mixed teams - this is a simple bug?
Does this happen often? Any way to reproduce it? Was the player in red or blue for the other players? Did you add it to the bugtracker?
I can confirm this has happened to me too. It appears to fix itself if close and reopen the score screen (iirc). I'll try to see if I'm able to reproduce it.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Denacke on July 26, 2013, 06:18:58 am
Great release dev team! I've been playing for a bit on zabijakas servers and it plays really well. The improved netcode is already very noticable in my opinion!

Updating my servers via the patch went very smooth as well, thank you.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: amanita_muscaria on July 26, 2013, 05:53:39 pm
big cursor , fps up and down :/
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: ki0sk on July 27, 2013, 07:28:14 am
Yeah i heard about that I hope that is already on the bugtracker.

Yeah bloodsaw is gone, dont tell me you want us to keep bugs :P
Big cursor or long saw?

I always thought the bloodsaw was a feature!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Bistoufly on July 27, 2013, 07:30:13 am
It's an Easter egg. Would be nice if you could bring it back.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Bistoufly on July 27, 2013, 01:22:16 pm
another weird bug
auto kick after pressing 1 or ! in vote kick reason
reported in bug tracker.
link: (
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: No-Mercy on July 27, 2013, 07:27:26 pm
another weird bug
auto kick after pressing 1 or ! in vote kick reason
reported in bug tracker.

1 or ! is not a reason. Problem solved.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: darDar on July 27, 2013, 07:44:53 pm
might someone explain me what "blood saw" is :P ?
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: No-Mercy on July 27, 2013, 09:28:15 pm
might someone explain me what "blood saw" is :P ?

/mercy bug
When you type /mercy and after immediately change weapon.
With any weapon you press fire, it will eject blood.
Sorry for bad english  ;D
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: No-Mercy on July 28, 2013, 09:31:26 am
another weird bug
auto kick after pressing 1 or ! in vote kick reason
reported in bug tracker.

1 or ! is not a reason. Problem solved.

OMG DUDE. great approach to the issue...  if you don't have anything usefull to say STFU.

its bug, and its annoying bug, because if you type reason and accidentally press 1 YOU GET KICK, and I didn't say that only 1 or ! its reason[omg dude...]

When, for example, you want to write: !admin spam or annoying !nextmap vote or TK idiot all f12 or teleport hax all f12 YOU GET KICK. for you its not a bug?

again, you dont have anything useful to say get lost...

I'm sorry, I knew otherwise, relax man!
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: KoGAi on July 28, 2013, 06:11:26 pm
Hi All,

Has anyone come across situations where the same script would compile on the new compiler but it wouldn't on the legacy one? I am getting some errors similar to "Semicolon (';') expected", however when I check the script itself, I see the syntax on the line to be correct, with its corresponding semicolon character present.

I had to decide to use the legacy compiler as the brand new one is pretty unstable and it crashes several of our servers which is obviously a big issue, however then I found the problem with the legacy compiler not compiling some scripts.

Also, is there any specific attribute in Soldat's configuration so that when the game is ran on non-native resolutions it would still auto-stretch the image? I am on a 1920x1080 display and I usually run the game at 1066x800, now it runs with black bars on each side of the screen. I've updated my Vcard drivers and checked as many configurations as possible both on the driver and on Windows, I can't make it go stretched. Just curious to see if anyone has encountered this issue.

Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: skrX on July 29, 2013, 08:51:40 am
Hello guys,

Sometimes display to me string error. Then I can't close soldat. I confirmed, pressing OK , but continuously display this error.

Access violation at address 77952535 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 000A045F.

What going on?
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Mighty on July 29, 2013, 09:57:30 am
Hello guys,

Sometimes display to me string error. Then I can't close soldat. I confirmed, pressing OK , but continuously display this error.

Access violation at address 77952535 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 000A045F.

What going on?

There are better places to report problems like this.
Try to look for solution here:
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Dusty on July 29, 2013, 12:08:16 pm
Having played a couple of matches in 1.6.4, I really dislike the delay that was added to nades. Of course it doesn't sound like a very big thing but boosting has become a lot more trickier than it used to be. It's not a huge problem with routes where you don't have to backflip before the boost but for example the alt route of Laos isn't as flowy as it used to be.

I'd really appreciate if the delay was removed but then again something that was added so silenty isn't probably going away any time soon... Making bug abusing (prone cancel ;]]) easier at the expense of a huge part of the gameplay is no good.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Bistoufly on July 29, 2013, 12:37:39 pm
I find nade boosting easier in 1.6.4 than in 1.6.3. I die way less often when boosting than I used to.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: 14th_account on July 29, 2013, 12:48:47 pm
[...] something that was added so silenty isn't probably going away any time soon...

From the changelog:
- Modified minimum time required to hold the grenade key before it being thrown increased by about 7% to reduce accidents

The delay before being able to release the grenade was increased from ~233 ms to ~250 ms. So to be pedantic a delay wasn't added - it was only slightly increased. Though maybe the new timing is just tripping you up? Of course it's going to feel weird if you've only played a couple of matches. Let me know if it still feels weird after a week or two.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Dusty on July 29, 2013, 01:24:22 pm
The delay before being able to release the grenade was increased from ~233 ms to ~250 ms. So to be pedantic a delay wasn't added - it was only slightly increased. Though maybe the new timing is just tripping you up? Of course it's going to feel weird if you've only played a couple of matches. Let me know if it still feels weird after a week or two.

The last part of my message was mostly sarcastic, my point being that the change was (imo) unnecessary, done without asking around and mostly because it was (afaik) driven by only a small group of players on the expense of players who rely more on the basic mechanics of the game. Don't get me wrong, I use these tricks a lot too but the nade thing never bothered me before. My view was that "runners" as the tiniest minority shouldn't really complain when a basic part of the game mechanics is making their more advanced, and partly mechanic abusing, tricks harder. And it didn't really even make it harder, you'd just drop a nade once in a while if you were playing sloppily, it's not as if it was happening all the time - to myself, very rarely.

I had the same opinion when the first betas were released, still have it too and I don't think it's going to change. It's true I havent got as used to it as I had without the delay, but it won't change the fact that it's made worse and all I can do besides complaining here is to accept it whether I like it or not. Relying on boosting a lot, I notice the delay and how it's making my lines less fluent all the time.

Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: No-Mercy on July 29, 2013, 06:10:26 pm
You have removed the grenades through walls bug, but now through the thin walls you can kill with the chainsaw!

Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: 14th_account on July 30, 2013, 02:20:09 am
Well if I jabbed a chainsaw through the floor of the room you're sitting in now, and started swirling it about beneath you, I'm pretty sure I could do some harm.
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Mittsu on July 30, 2013, 02:32:36 am
You have removed the grenades through walls bug, but now through the thin walls you can kill with the chainsaw!

sounds like a good thing to me, adds some fun :D
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: No-Mercy on July 30, 2013, 11:35:54 am
You have removed the grenades through walls bug, but now through the thin walls you can kill with the chainsaw!

sounds like a good thing to me, adds some fun :D

Yes, it is really funny, but it is not fair that the grenades can not pass!  ;)
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Toxic Avenger on August 13, 2013, 08:49:57 pm
Sry guyz im late  [pigtail]

If I wanted to get through a wall, I'd choose a chainsaw over a grenade any day of de weeek broh
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Bistoufly on September 14, 2013, 10:31:21 pm
(no more bloodsaw!?!?! >:( )
You're right. It seems that Easter egg is broken since 1.6.4.

Reported in Mantis:
Title: Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4 RELEASED!
Post by: Furai on September 15, 2013, 07:00:26 am
You're right. It seems that Easter egg is broken since 1.6.4.

Reported in Mantis:

I missed that as well. Good job with reporting. :)
Also, locking this thread - move discussion to the most recent devlogs.