Official Soldat Forums

Soldat Maps & Mapmaking => Mapping Help / Resources => Topic started by: Masher on June 12, 2006, 04:27:00 am

Title: Falling through Polys!!
Post by: Masher on June 12, 2006, 04:27:00 am
HI all, i just started map making and i have found that all the maps i try to make, they all have the same problem!  THe Soldats just fall straight through the polys  >:(.   

When i go back to PolyWorks i check each indivigual poly and makesure they are all set on normal, and no on "player doesnt collide" ect...  but they are are "normal"

As  i am so new to this whole map-making thing, i'll give you a basic outline of how i make my maps:
-select create poly, and just start drawing, changing NO settings
- add objects ( spawn points, ect...)
-place Waypoints and connect them
- then i go inot to soldat to test my Waypoints for bugs ect... and find that you can't walk on the polys!!!

PLease Help Me
Title: Re: Falling through Polys!!
Post by: KamikazeDuck on June 12, 2006, 05:09:09 am
You need to compile your maps.  ;)
Title: Re: Falling through Polys!!
Post by: Masher on June 13, 2006, 02:21:08 am
LOL   :-[

thx man...  i owe you

Title: Re: Falling through Polys!!
Post by: miao on July 02, 2006, 10:03:52 am
iv got the same problem like masher have, kamikazeduck how to compile my maps?
Title: Re: Falling through Polys!!
Post by: Spyder on July 02, 2006, 11:07:00 am
maio: File > Compile

or something along those lines. It should be under one of the menu on the top.
Title: Re: Falling through Polys!!
Post by: viggoloniggolo on July 04, 2006, 04:01:38 am
on the top menu bar you see File Edit View
click File and then Compile Map

Always click on it (do not click on save as) and your map will be
*saved securely
Title: Re: Falling through Polys!!
Post by: R@NDOM on July 04, 2006, 09:18:27 pm
on the top menu bar you see File Edit etc.. and then Compile Map

Always click on it (do not click on save as) and your map will be
*saved securely
I think they already pointed that out.