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Soldat Talk => General Discussions => Topic started by: homerofgods on May 03, 2018, 04:47:21 am

Title: Visual questions
Post by: homerofgods on May 03, 2018, 04:47:21 am
Questions for Urraka

Is the Render smooth polygons option working properly? (the effect looks odd on some maps)
Off: (
ON: (

Is the snow/rain effect working correctly? (
Title: Re: Visual questions
Post by: You Got Served! on May 03, 2018, 07:35:27 am
Render smooth polygons is buggy. I have it disabled. I think it's linked to the edges file associated with a map, or lack thereof, in which case the map will use the default edge file. It can produce fuzzy shadows around polygons. A way to remedy it in a specific map is to use a transparent (empty) edges file. Turning "render smooth polygons" off "fixes" it, but only locally, of course.

Weather effects now make maps lag for me (never used to), so unfortunately I have to disable that, too. At least I still get to hear that soothing Soldat rain <3

You Got Urraka'd!
Title: Re: Visual questions
Post by: homerofgods on May 03, 2018, 08:07:20 am
thx :)
Title: Re: Visual questions
Post by: urraka on May 03, 2018, 02:30:53 pm
It only works as properly as it always has. Smooth polygons are basically edge sprites that are placed automatically on poly edges in a way that is far from perfect, so sometimes it looks fine and sometimes it looks like shit. As for the weather stuff, I don't quite remember whats the deal with it, I think it tries to optimize it so only spawns sparks in the visible area, but as you move you see other parts of the map where background hasn't filled up yet.

So correct answer is No to both questions, but also not something that changed compared to pre-HD soldat afaik.