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The Lounge / Re: The 'Simple Questions' thread.
« Last post by Blacksheepboy on December 29, 2023, 06:05:51 pm »

Is there any alternative to port forwarding? Maybe some sort of IP routing from maybe a VPS that has open ports. There's also uPNP but that's not an option in this scenario, unfortunately.

I'd like to host a Soldat server. Probably going the VPS route.
The Lounge / Y'all Want to Group?
« Last post by Blacksheepboy on December 25, 2023, 07:17:23 pm »
For some time I've been into indie games like Terraria and Geometry Wars, but I've lost all my accounts due to mismanaging E-mail addresses LOL.

Basically I'm thinking of Soldat.
CTF/INF maps / Re: [CTF] Blood for the Blood God
« Last post by Blacksheepboy on December 25, 2023, 12:31:06 pm »
There's an interesting idea about the shading of team regions in maps. I once helped someone waypoint a map with similar shading. It's kind of weird, but some people around here think that type is kind of lame. Don't get me wrong--this map is quite good. On that same map I mentioned, it looked like trash, but when testing the waypoints thoroughly, I came to the conclusion that it was kind of fun. This map looks much better.

About the team-shading: I have an idea. Perhaps find a pastel-red and pastel-blue. Maybe a dark magenta and navy blue. The strict red and blue are significant in defining where you are in the map, but maybe that pastel-type would please the senses more as attributed to the map's poignant theme.
The Lounge / Re: some art sheeza
« Last post by Blacksheepboy on December 25, 2023, 12:21:43 pm »
Some goofy snowman picture from 2010.

Might seem like there's nice focus, but actually the original picture was kind of trash, so I rotoscoped the snowman out and manually gausian-blurred the rest.
The Lounge / Re: The 'Simple Questions' thread.
« Last post by L[0ne]R on December 24, 2023, 12:39:35 pm »
Well, been wondering, where is there a place to get free desktop backgrounds?
It seems to be one of the most popular sources of backgrounds nowadays. From the few times I've used it, its reputation is well-earned.
The Lounge / Re: The 'Simple Questions' thread.
« Last post by Blacksheepboy on December 24, 2023, 12:29:37 pm »
Which pixel art scaling algorithm is soldat using?

I know if you make a 1x2 pixel graphic, the top pixel transparent, and the bottom one a black pixel, stretched vertically it will look like a black gradient. The transparent pixel's color probably shouldn't matter afaik.

Well, been wondering, where is there a place to get free desktop backgrounds?
The Lounge / Re: Official Soldat Forums Picture Thread
« Last post by Blacksheepboy on December 24, 2023, 12:24:47 pm »
Headset makes another image. Was actually at home this time. Not actually that white; it was a cheapo webcam picture.
The Lounge / Re: Wake up!
« Last post by Blacksheepboy on December 24, 2023, 12:21:07 pm »
The Lounge / Re: Wake up!
« Last post by Noldi on December 24, 2023, 03:29:36 am »
Scripting Releases / Re: Zitro Stats & Ranks 3.1-build_11 (Steam / HWID)
« Last post by soldat-game on December 03, 2023, 06:50:45 am »
To fix bug random script crashing when a player joins the game.
Code: (find function) [Select]
procedure Reg_Steam_ID(ID: byte);
Code: (replace to) [Select]
procedure Reg_Steam_ID(ID: byte);
var i, Steam_Index_ID, Temp_Length: int64;
Steam_Index_ID := -1; Temp_Length := Length(Memory.Data)-1;
for i := 0 to Temp_Length do begin
if Memory.Data[i].Active_Steam = Players[ID].SteamIDString then if Steam_Index_ID = -1 then begin
Steam_Index_ID := i;
if Steam_Index_ID <> -1 then begin
Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.New_Account_Index_ID := Player_Info[ID].Last_Index;
Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.Steam_Auth_Time_Left := 0; Player_Info[ID].Last_Index := Steam_Index_ID;
Check_New_Devices(Players[ID], false); Swap_Active_Data(Players[ID], Steam_Index_ID);
Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOOD); Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOOD); Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOOD);
Players[ID].WriteConsole(Center('Welcome back '+Players[ID].Name+' (Steam ID: '+Players[ID].SteamIDString+')', Center_Message_Pos), GOOD);
//Remove new account if create for hwid
if Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.Is_New_Account then begin
for i := Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.New_Account_Index_ID+1 to Temp_Length do Memory.Data[i-1] := Memory.Data[i];
SetLength(Memory.Data, Temp_Length);
end else
if (Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Data_String = nil) and (not Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Is_Active) then begin
Player_Info[ID].Other_Data_Actual_ID[2] := 0;
Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Active_Steam := Players[ID].SteamIDString;

Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Data_String := Players[ID].SteamIDString;
Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Is_Active := true;
Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].First_Used := false;
Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Last_Used := true;
Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Login_Count := 0;
Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Time_On_Spectator := 0;
Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Time_Played := 0;
Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].First_Used_Date := now();
Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Last_Used_Date := now();

Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.Steam_Auth_Time_Left := 0;

if Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.Is_New_Account then begin
Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.Is_New_Account := false;
Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOODInfo); Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOODInfo);
Players[ID].WriteConsole(Center('Your stats will be stored for your steam ID! (Steam ID: '+Players[ID].SteamIDString+')', Center_Message_Pos), GOOD)
end else
Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOODInfo); Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOODInfo);
Players[ID].WriteConsole(Center('We detect your new steam ID we saved it, that you can login automatically in the future.', Center_Message_Pos), GOODInfo);
Players[ID].WriteConsole(Center('Welcome back '+Players[ID].Name+' (Steam ID: '+Players[ID].SteamIDString+')', Center_Message_Pos), GOOD);

What be fixed:

If you don't want to modify the code and you have a vanilla version that you haven't modified, you can use the attachment.
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