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Is there any alternative to port forwarding? Maybe some sort of IP routing from maybe a VPS that has open ports. There's also uPNP but that's not an option in this scenario, unfortunately.
I'd like to host a Soldat server. Probably going the VPS route.
For some time I've been into indie games like Terraria and Geometry Wars, but I've lost all my accounts due to mismanaging E-mail addresses LOL.
Basically I'm thinking of Soldat.
There's an interesting idea about the shading of team regions in maps. I once helped someone waypoint a map with similar shading. It's kind of weird, but some people around here think that type is kind of lame. Don't get me wrong--this map is quite good. On that same map I mentioned, it looked like trash, but when testing the waypoints thoroughly, I came to the conclusion that it was kind of fun. This map looks much better.
About the team-shading: I have an idea. Perhaps find a pastel-red and pastel-blue. Maybe a dark magenta and navy blue. The strict red and blue are significant in defining where you are in the map, but maybe that pastel-type would please the senses more as attributed to the map's poignant theme.
Some goofy snowman picture from 2010. Might seem like there's nice focus, but actually the original picture was kind of trash, so I rotoscoped the snowman out and manually gausian-blurred the rest.
« Last post by L[0ne]R on December 24, 2023, 12:39:35 pm »
Well, been wondering, where is there a place to get free desktop backgrounds? It seems to be one of the most popular sources of backgrounds nowadays. From the few times I've used it, its reputation is well-earned.
Which pixel art scaling algorithm is soldat using?
I know if you make a 1x2 pixel graphic, the top pixel transparent, and the bottom one a black pixel, stretched vertically it will look like a black gradient. The transparent pixel's color probably shouldn't matter afaik. Well, been wondering, where is there a place to get free desktop backgrounds?
Headset makes another image. Was actually at home this time. Not actually that white; it was a cheapo webcam picture.
« Last post by Noldi on December 24, 2023, 03:29:36 am »
« Last post by soldat-game on December 03, 2023, 06:50:45 am »
To fix bug random script crashing when a player joins the game. procedure Reg_Steam_ID(ID: byte); procedure Reg_Steam_ID(ID: byte); var i, Steam_Index_ID, Temp_Length: int64; begin Steam_Index_ID := -1; Temp_Length := Length(Memory.Data)-1; for i := 0 to Temp_Length do begin if Memory.Data[i].Active_Steam = Players[ID].SteamIDString then if Steam_Index_ID = -1 then begin Steam_Index_ID := i; break; end; end; if Steam_Index_ID <> -1 then begin Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.New_Account_Index_ID := Player_Info[ID].Last_Index; Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.Steam_Auth_Time_Left := 0; Player_Info[ID].Last_Index := Steam_Index_ID; Check_New_Devices(Players[ID], false); Swap_Active_Data(Players[ID], Steam_Index_ID); Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOOD); Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOOD); Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOOD); Players[ID].WriteConsole(Center('Welcome back '+Players[ID].Name+' (Steam ID: '+Players[ID].SteamIDString+')', Center_Message_Pos), GOOD); //Remove new account if create for hwid if Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.Is_New_Account then begin for i := Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.New_Account_Index_ID+1 to Temp_Length do Memory.Data[i-1] := Memory.Data[i]; SetLength(Memory.Data, Temp_Length); Rank_List.Delete(Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.New_Account_Index_ID); end; exit; end else begin if (Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Data_String = nil) and (not Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Is_Active) then begin Player_Info[ID].Other_Data_Actual_ID[2] := 0; Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Active_Steam := Players[ID].SteamIDString;
Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Data_String := Players[ID].SteamIDString; Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Is_Active := true; Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].First_Used := false; Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Last_Used := true; Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Login_Count := 0; Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Time_On_Spectator := 0; Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Time_Played := 0; Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].First_Used_Date := now(); Memory.Data[Player_Info[ID].Last_Index].Other_STEAMs[0].Last_Used_Date := now();
Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.Steam_Auth_Time_Left := 0;
if Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.Is_New_Account then begin Player_Info[ID].Steam_Control.Is_New_Account := false; Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOODInfo); Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOODInfo); Players[ID].WriteConsole(Center('Your stats will be stored for your steam ID! (Steam ID: '+Players[ID].SteamIDString+')', Center_Message_Pos), GOOD) end else begin Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOODInfo); Players[ID].WriteConsole(' ',GOODInfo); Players[ID].WriteConsole(Center('We detect your new steam ID we saved it, that you can login automatically in the future.', Center_Message_Pos), GOODInfo); Players[ID].WriteConsole(Center('Welcome back '+Players[ID].Name+' (Steam ID: '+Players[ID].SteamIDString+')', Center_Message_Pos), GOOD); end; end; end; end; What be fixed: If you don't want to modify the code and you have a vanilla version that you haven't modified, you can use the attachment.
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