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Partial Modifications / Re: Remade Crate Graphics
« Last post by L[0ne]R on August 20, 2022, 08:00:32 pm »
Looks awesome! I especially like how you redesigned the flame icon. Hopefully it'll be included as part of the game in the next update.
Partial Modifications / Remade Crate Graphics
« Last post by LowSkill on July 31, 2022, 01:11:17 pm »
Out of 7 crates that are available in Soldat, only 4 received the high-resolution graphical redesign. This is an attempt to finish the ones remaining.

The goal, mainly, is to stay consistent with the current style, and also to keep the intended visual design as though the images were interpolated.

Comparison with the originals next to redesigned crates:

In-Game comparison:

The game will automatically prefer .PNG images over the old .BMP ones. Putting the files inside Soldat/textures/Objects folder is the only requirement

Redesigned crates are inside Objects.rar, Photoshop .PSD files are inside PSDs.rar

02/08/22 - Small adjustments to visuals, .PSD files cleaned up

29/08/22 - Final revision

Under CC-BY-4.0

CTF/INF maps / Re: [CTF] Blood for the Blood God
« Last post by homerofgods on June 04, 2022, 08:09:02 am »
uuuuuh 💗
General Discussions / Re: My Computer Gets Crashed And Rebooted
« Last post by homerofgods on June 04, 2022, 08:07:07 am »
I think my .exe file was deleted by avast when first installing S2. Glad you found out
General Discussions / Re: My Computer Gets Crashed And Rebooted
« Last post by DanteRenner on June 03, 2022, 12:27:08 am »
Friends, Actually, when I open the control panel I found there was some kind of error files (Msmpeng.Exe) which I had never seen before. Then I searched online and came across this article. I followed some of them. First I stoped the Windows defender's scanning process, then rescheduled the Windows defender. After completing these methods perfectly, the problem got solved. Now I have no longer any issues while playing the game. :)
General Discussions / Re: Soldat II / 2
« Last post by Rattle.Head on June 02, 2022, 06:33:15 pm »
wello wello
General Discussions / Re: My Computer Gets Crashed And Rebooted
« Last post by Rattle.Head on June 02, 2022, 06:30:13 pm »
also sarev bought soldat 1, and rbk's admin. cappy hold all the power RN
General Discussions / Re: My Computer Gets Crashed And Rebooted
« Last post by LowSkill on June 02, 2022, 06:50:17 am »
Hey there, your description of the issue is not specific enough. Consider asking the same question on the official Soldat 2 Discord server:

This place is mostly deserted and largely related to Soldat 1. You will most likely resolve your issue by asking there.

General Discussions / My Computer Gets Crashed And Rebooted
« Last post by DanteRenner on June 02, 2022, 02:35:03 am »
Hi everyone, I recently installed 'Soldat 2' on my Windows 10 computer. But sometimes my computer gets crashed and it automatically rebooted itself. I do not understand what could be the issue. Could someone please help me to solve the issue? Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.
CTF/INF maps / Re: [CTF] Blood for the Blood God
« Last post by Aeronic on May 23, 2022, 06:24:30 pm »
v1.8.0 - NOW WITH MORE BLOOD Edition!
* the map has received a major visual overhaul, particularly to the top path
* minor tweaks to the top path's route
* made player-passable polys partially see-through.  Darkish channels show roughly where players can move through.  Should vastly improve readability of gameplay in a part of the map where it's very important to know what's going on
* blood god statue now heals player upon touch
* easter egg installed

download here, or in the top post. 
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