Server Help / Re: server console warning
« Last post by kicikici on September 13, 2023, 12:11:06 pm »Open server.ini and add property SlowTickWarning=100 in [GAME] section.
Server Help / Re: server console warning« Last post by kicikici on September 13, 2023, 12:11:06 pm »Open server.ini and add property SlowTickWarning=100 in [GAME] section.
Server Help / server console warning« Last post by 567567 on September 10, 2023, 11:44:53 am »How can i fix this problem in gameserver
spam in log console message as: [WARNING] Can't keep up, tick took 31ms OS Windows server 2022 and windows 10 classik vanish server without scripts 43
Scripting Releases / Re: old school nade-kit and med-kit spawns« Last post by ginn on August 28, 2023, 07:05:02 am »Made an update.
Previous each time a new kit was gonna spawn, it'd do a distance check to all the med kits to see which one the player was closest to, and then try to not spawn on that spawn point. I also removed a bias in spawn location decision, in case there are 3 more more spawns for a team. Now instead of looping through each spawn with distance checks it'll just iterate through a list of the spawn points to see if the item spawned from it. This is much faster, takes a tiny bit more memory though (but with num=12 it's may, it shouldn't be more than 500 bytes). I'm still not sure how reference vs value works in pascal, so I've made some pretty ugly workarounds.... This one is faster than the previous one, but I haven't tested this as much. 44
Scripting Releases / old school nade-kit and med-kit spawns« Last post by ginn on August 27, 2023, 08:32:48 am »A script that restore how nade/med-kits were supposed to be spawned.
It'll gather all the spawn points, and then assign team based on shortest distance to whichever flag. Then it'll only spawn nades/meds kits at your own teams spawn points, that you pick up. It'll also not allow a med/nade kit to be spawned to the closest spawn location to where it was picked up from. So it should work with all maps, but if you do something weird with the kit spawns (they fall down into the same place) they might only spawn at one of the valid points. This uses legacy, there isn't sufficient documentation on SC3 to only use it. The larger kits.pas has removed a couple of useless variables, and uses just temp := nades/meds instead of manual copying values. Not entirely sure if it works as it should (seems to), I don't know how pascal works with value/reference. It also has a const num that decided the size of the arrays, 4-6 is probably enough but set to 12 now (older is 32). It takes in admin command or tcpmessage, with '/kitsON', '/kitsOFF', and '/kitsToggle', where it'll turn the script on/off/toggle. If it's Off it'll still be "active", but there's a boolean check wheter to do special kit spawning, and if it should use special kit spawning at the start of map change. Whenever it's turned on it'll remove all kits in the game and replace it with new ones, basically resetting all kits. 45
News / Re: Unleashing a HTTP-based API for the Soldat Lobby« Last post by monacocoffee on May 26, 2023, 02:35:06 am »<a href ="https://monacocoffee.com.vn/setup-quan-cafe/"> setup qu?n cafe</a> I loved this content. Thanks for creating it. I?m a big supporter of your stuff. 46
News / Re: Unleashing a HTTP-based API for the Soldat Lobby« Last post by monacocoffee on May 26, 2023, 02:34:33 am »<a href ="https://monacocoffee.com.vn/setup-quan-cafe/"> setup qu?n cafe</a> I loved this content. Thanks for creating it. I?m a big supporter of your stuff. 47
Scripting Releases / libposixmq - POSIX Message Queue wrapper for soldat scriptcore« Last post by Nedi on May 04, 2023, 03:45:54 pm »Script name: libposixmq
Script description: External library for SoldatServer (only for Linux) to access POSIX Message Queue standard functions. Original author(s): Myself. License: The Unlicense GitHub repository: https://github.com/nedik/soldat-libposixmq/ Full description: It's a simple external library that allows easy usage of POSIX Message Queues in SoldatServer. Message queue is a nice and simple method to exchange data between processes. In soldat it can be used to send data to another script or even another program on the same system. ScriptCore functions are mostly self-explanatory with the only difference of:
For the tutorial of how to use message queues, please read the overview in the manual. For the source code, example usecase and information about compilation, installation and usage, please read README in the GitHub repository. 48
Mapping Help / Resources / Re: Soldat Maps Archive (12000 maps, data and images)« Last post by Blacksheepboy on April 20, 2023, 07:26:07 am »A lot of familiar names in the credits
Mapping Help / Resources / Re: Soldat Maps Archive (12000 maps, data and images)« Last post by biohazard on April 15, 2023, 01:07:47 pm »Nice
Mapping Help / Resources / Re: Soldat Maps Archive (12000 maps, data and images)« Last post by Iq Unlimited on March 26, 2023, 05:17:30 pm »Got linked this, crazy cool stuff man thank you for your service in finding and archiving this wonderful and ancient history. Gonna look forward to looking through it some time!