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CTF/INF maps / Re: [CTF] Blood for the Blood God
« Last post by homerofgods on June 04, 2022, 08:09:02 am »
uuuuuh 💗
General Discussions / Re: My Computer Gets Crashed And Rebooted
« Last post by homerofgods on June 04, 2022, 08:07:07 am »
I think my .exe file was deleted by avast when first installing S2. Glad you found out
General Discussions / Re: My Computer Gets Crashed And Rebooted
« Last post by DanteRenner on June 03, 2022, 12:27:08 am »
Friends, Actually, when I open the control panel I found there was some kind of error files (Msmpeng.Exe) which I had never seen before. Then I searched online and came across this article. I followed some of them. First I stoped the Windows defender's scanning process, then rescheduled the Windows defender. After completing these methods perfectly, the problem got solved. Now I have no longer any issues while playing the game. :)
General Discussions / Re: Soldat II / 2
« Last post by Rattle.Head on June 02, 2022, 06:33:15 pm »
wello wello
General Discussions / Re: My Computer Gets Crashed And Rebooted
« Last post by Rattle.Head on June 02, 2022, 06:30:13 pm »
also sarev bought soldat 1, and rbk's admin. cappy hold all the power RN
General Discussions / Re: My Computer Gets Crashed And Rebooted
« Last post by LowSkill on June 02, 2022, 06:50:17 am »
Hey there, your description of the issue is not specific enough. Consider asking the same question on the official Soldat 2 Discord server:

This place is mostly deserted and largely related to Soldat 1. You will most likely resolve your issue by asking there.

General Discussions / My Computer Gets Crashed And Rebooted
« Last post by DanteRenner on June 02, 2022, 02:35:03 am »
Hi everyone, I recently installed 'Soldat 2' on my Windows 10 computer. But sometimes my computer gets crashed and it automatically rebooted itself. I do not understand what could be the issue. Could someone please help me to solve the issue? Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.
CTF/INF maps / Re: [CTF] Blood for the Blood God
« Last post by Aeronic on May 23, 2022, 06:24:30 pm »
v1.8.0 - NOW WITH MORE BLOOD Edition!
* the map has received a major visual overhaul, particularly to the top path
* minor tweaks to the top path's route
* made player-passable polys partially see-through.  Darkish channels show roughly where players can move through.  Should vastly improve readability of gameplay in a part of the map where it's very important to know what's going on
* blood god statue now heals player upon touch
* easter egg installed

download here, or in the top post. 
Scripting Releases / Re: cube v1.6.1 - CTF/INF Ultimate Balancer
« Last post by rOy on May 09, 2022, 07:36:06 am »
freestyler's script again uploaded! (cube v1.6.1)
The link has long since disappeared!
But here you have the file pin!
The Lounge / Re: people?
« Last post by skc.r0adkill on April 29, 2022, 01:22:50 am »
hi there, i'm still alive, yeah, but SK community is dead, sry 4 that.
we've been hacked down several times an the last one compromised the whole server - not only the vserver sk was hosted on.
i often look back and remember these times.. hm.... put on my sk t-shirt, unroll a huge sk poster,...
recently i've had a chat with keydon. it was so funny: our email-server is still alive and i've ordered sth and the mail was sent to the old sk-server-mailaddy. so, keydon and i received that mail and he forwarded this one to me. at this point i recognized, there is another one who still can't give up the good old sk-times - at least a mailaddy.

so, dear old sk-community, i want to leave here a warm "thank you" for all the great moments.
thank you!
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