Author Topic: My idea for a sub-game mode, which we could add ourselves  (Read 2992 times)

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Offline BooBoo McBad

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My idea for a sub-game mode, which we could add ourselves
« on: January 23, 2007, 05:52:49 pm »
I've got this idea for a game mode. The name is undecided(Maybe you have an idea) But here's what I'm thinking.

I think the most beautiful weapons can be ones such as the M79, the Knife, and the Grenades, because when you make those shots that have alot of arc, and seamlessly hit an opponent, usually what's running through their minds is "How did I not dodge that, it almost gravitates towards me", it gets the most applause from other players if seen I feel, and has the most "appeal" to it.

So what would this game mode be? It could be team mode or single free for all, and players would get the M79, the knife, and the grenade(s), and they'd be put on maps that are almost like arenas, square shaped, diamond shaped, circle shaped, whatever. They'd consist of floors/ramps, some which you could shoot through, others you can't.

It would be in R/S mode to give it a more authentic feel, not being able to see behind you, forces you to be more aware, trying a healthy balance of staying alive and getting kills

Your entire objective would be to just get the others in a fast paced short round match of carnage. It would be very fun to play IMO, because it would be a fast paced intense round of the current dodgeball in ways, except with more fun and variation to just two sides chucking back and forth randomly. We could make new arenas, new rules. Like for example, we could have a point match so players could grab a flag and seize rounds better, just one way we could alter the game.

Anyways, I know it's a jumble and might be confusing, so feel free to ask questions, I'd really like your input.

Date Posted: January 23, 2007, 05:51:49 PM
Another point of interest, it would allow newbies to develop true M79 skill without being shunned to death.  ;D

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Re: My idea for a sub-game mode, which we could add ourselves
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2007, 06:18:55 pm »
All I forsee is roomfulls of explosions, dying seemingly before you even respawn. The M79 is annoying enough on large maps, much less on a two room map. Also, at such close quarters, wouldn't you end up killing yourself alot? And as far as "developing true M79 skill" goes, the only way to develope TRUE skill is to play a TRUE game, in a real map, not in a small, compact situation. Two completely different areas where mastering one wouldn't help the other.

-1 vote, sorry.

Offline Raithah

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Re: My idea for a sub-game mode, which we could add ourselves
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2007, 06:34:45 pm »
Nade-79-BOOM! die. Nade-79-BOOM! die.


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Re: My idea for a sub-game mode, which we could add ourselves
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2007, 06:50:22 pm »
Um.. Just make a map like you said..?

Offline colby

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Re: My idea for a sub-game mode, which we could add ourselves
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2007, 08:40:24 pm »
hmmm im going to have to say that i NEVER use the the m79 because it feels like it take no skill what so ever, i use the shoty for cqb instead.  but a map like you said might be fun.
favorite weapons: Styer, and Ruger

Offline BooBoo McBad

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Re: My idea for a sub-game mode, which we could add ourselves
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2007, 11:42:05 am »
All I forsee is roomfulls of explosions, dying seemingly before you even respawn. The M79 is annoying enough on large maps, much less on a two room map. Also, at such close quarters, wouldn't you end up killing yourself alot? And as far as "developing true M79 skill" goes, the only way to develope TRUE skill is to play a TRUE game, in a real map, not in a small, compact situation. Two completely different areas where mastering one wouldn't help the other.

-1 vote, sorry.

The floors/ramps would be mostly non-colliders, so they would fly for distances. And it would improve M79 skill, you think the people who play knife-dodgeball servers aren't going to get better at placing a knife shot? Same idea, M79 skill would increase because you'd be shooting over distances, using places to hide behind, moving etc.

I'm not inferring you'd become a pro, but you'd learn how to use the weapons better.