Author Topic: {iL} is Recruiting.  (Read 606 times)

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Offline Maryleaf

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{iL} is Recruiting.
« on: January 24, 2007, 05:07:14 pm »
- Clantag / name:

{iL}*Name -(Squad)-

- Clan leader / Squad leader:

Leader: {iL}Maryleaf -R-

  Rusher=   -R-
  Sniper=    -S-
  Both=       -E-  (Elite)

**No squad leaders have been appointed yet.

- How to contact (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC)

IRC: #soldat.iL
AIM: I am Maryleaf
Yahoo: Creaters1337
Xfire: Maryleaf

- Homepage (if you have one)


- Clan age (Clan exists since... ?)

Starcraft- 4 years
Soldat- 2 days

- Favourite gamemodes

Capture the flag

**realistic is played alot**

- Equipement (own Soldat server, Teamspeak channel...?)

mIRC Channel: #soldat.iL (
Ventrilo server ([/b]

- Requirements in skill and character

Everyone is welcome, you just have to have a positive attitude. No hackers allowed. 1st sign of a hacker in the clan, is a permanent ban.

- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout?

Contact me on any other those screen names I provided.

- If you only need players who use a certain weapon, don't forget to mention it.

I am in need of some snipers and both R/S players for my Sniper (-S-) and Elite (-E-) squads. Positions are available, to be a squad leader you must be good at your position.

Any player is welcome. But there are some limitations. No sprayers. [/color]

- Clan results (Clanwars played, tournaments won, etc.)

None so far. Newer clan.

- Aims of the clan (just a funclan, or to take part in a tournament/league)

Just to make a good clan and to manage is correctly. I dont want members who will be dumb, I want members who will play right and respect others.[/b]

Additional information, interesting but not essential:

Server admins will be: (when needed)
  -Squad leaders

- Clan history

Starcraft- 4 years of history there, which is discussed on our Starcraft site.

Soldat- None

- Description of the current members

{iL}Maryleaf -R-
{iL}Frostay -R-

{AAC} Attack and Conquer
Where People are Soldiers