Author Topic: CTF: Guard Issue  (Read 1439 times)

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Offline decoy.

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CTF: Guard Issue
« on: April 01, 2007, 08:54:20 am »
Take this scenario into prospective:


It is the beginning of a CTF match, or feels like it from a standpoint. Of course there are the usual casualties upon encounter of the two opposing forces. Lets say that one from one side survives while the rest are just respawning. That one approaches the base to steal the flag. There are some who would give the command "Guard the Flag." while there are others who camp in their base once the opponent's flag has been captured. Now one issue that comes about quite often is the disagreement of the action of camping. The lot who camp find it acceptable while, for the most, the victims have an issue with it. And often times this results in a vote for a banning.


I wouldn't really give two cents if someone caught me while camping because, like other methods of playing such as spraying or cultivation of aim to prevent that with the use of stronger weapons like the Degals, Socom or Rugar, it is a tactic that is at times effective for warding off intruders alike. But to prevent the accusations coming my way for the action that not many approve of, I would do one of two things when it comes to guarding the flag.

[my involvement]

I would either patrol the area, jumping from place to place around the openings of my base, since a player in motion is not exactly camping from my understanding. The other thing I would do is creep slowly towards the enemy by crouching only and moving forward. This allows me to hear any conflict going about from afar involving auto users as well as people who attempt to approach on foot to both add stealth and speed to their approach. Also while crouched (not prone) I won't have as much momentum carrying me into another person's fire, therefore I can retreat while laying fire upon the intruder with whatever weapon I decide to make use of. With me moving less, my aim is actually better in regards to weapons that can cover distance like the rugar for instance.


Now here is an issue that I see when playing CTF with the use of that scenario I provided earlier. When either the opponents flag has been stolen, eaving our flag untouched or a command is given to guard the flag and I am in no position on the map to do so, it seems that there is no one to guard the flag. And of course protecting our property for that moment would have made scoring that much easier providing that someone did not catch our flag as my flag carrier approaches home base. Although there is nothing with a lengthily game between two evenly matched teams, what comes next can either draw out the game or cause a team to lose momentum to begin with.

[following scenario-start]

The flag carrier that returns to his base finds out upon approach that their own flag has been captured. There is a chance that there are two enemies that have already been in persuit when the first of two flags has been stolen. The first flag carrier is killed, leaving the second flag carrier to walk in on an easy score, providing that they can hold their own on the way to their base as well as enter with a chance of survival before the cap. As often witnessed, this cycle continues, propetuated by neglect of the flag in a sense thus often resulting in a win with little difficulty.

[general hypothesis]

Could it possibly be that the priorities for the individual players are not set on the objective?


I only speak on this as I do because of what I have witnessed as well as been subjected to by playing on teams that do not work well together against another. I may be followed by a team mate to a flag expecting to die. So I would purposely pass the flag to get behind it and hold off the presently approaching opponents to see that the one accompanying me is doing the same thing. Or I would see myself going for the flag for another ally to fo the same, occasionally resulting in our immediate deaths. There would also be times when I'm trying to get away from an enemy, with their flag, and I'm being shot at from the opposite end by my ally trying to shoot the enemy. What they don't realize at that moment is that they are keeping me in the opponent's DIRECT line of fire. I die in the process and lose the flag in the process. There is also a time when there are multiple paths to chose from while traveling to the flag and the entire team for some reason (like on ctf_Run) take the same path only for us to die and miss that lone opponent who snuck off with the flag.

And this is, for the most, while no one is guarding the flag.

Date Posted: April 01, 2007, 08:33:42 AM
Ouch, no response...
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Offline Veritas

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Re: CTF: Guard Issue
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2007, 12:58:03 pm »
Here's the thing. I can sum this post up in one sentence, void of your usual obfuscation:
People playing in pubs don't have teamwork.
Ok, well, that was easy and obvious. The best you can do is communicate a lot and hope that someone cares enough to listen to what you have to say. Beyond that, play in scrims and gathers instead.

Offline Zamorak

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Re: CTF: Guard Issue
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2007, 01:42:00 pm »
The vast majority of soldat players don't know how a game of ctf works in most cases. They don't take into account waves, respawn time, alt routes, and flag guarding.  Ergo, they won't realise that they can play essential roles and help the team out.

ZamoraK |2Wai|

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Re: CTF: Guard Issue
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2007, 04:45:44 am »
I noticed that often, very often. Sometimes I reall wonder what's going on when I kick the "EFC Escaping LOW" Taunt off, but the next wave of respawning people go high, wich is surely the longest route also.

Or you ask "Where's the EFC/FFC?" Often enough the next thing I hear is "Alpha/Bravo team scores!"

But you better play on Leo's servers. They have some very skilled players there and skilled players have teamwork. That's why I play there.

Offline decoy.

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Re: CTF: Guard Issue
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2007, 01:33:06 pm »
Thanks for the responses and suggestions. It could be that I don't find a lot of cooperative players because pub servers are where I often play. There have been places however where teamwork has come through quite well, and I can say that it's not that many.

Well said Veritas. Great Zamorak, I just often thought that by chance I happen to align with such teams. And thanks for the suggestion V and Sytrus, I'll check out those areas.
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