- Clantag -Cheese and Bacon is clan name and tag is -CaB|Mb-. there are 4 different ranks ,Lr-leader, Co-Co leader, Mb-member, Tr training member
- Clan leader / Squad leader- Boots-R-Us and Spiltcoffee
-How to contact - MSN-
Boots-R-Us@hotmail.com, X-Fire-BootsRUs
- Homepage -
http://cab.freehostia.com/- Clan age one month so far, CAB was made up of 3 ex FeaR members after it died.
- Favourite gamemodes-Game arena servers(GA 2 inf)
- Equipement - A very fancy home page lol
- Requirements in skill and character CAB is looking for anyone that plays soldat
- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout Tryouts can be done from 4-7 pm australian time on week days and 1-7 weekends, contact me on msn or x-fire to get one or go to our home page and request for a tryout.
- If you only need players who use a certain weapon, don't forget to mention it.- We manly need players that use auto weapons eg. Hk mp5, minimi, ak-47 but we now have only trwo snipers so any gun user would b accepted
- Clan results - atm CaB has a friendly rivalry against Nos (which we normaly win) and t1x has help us train in the past month.
- Aims of the clan- we have entered in the ga ladder and hoping to get in the top 30(33teams) lol.
ur details to be posted r here, fill this in:
- Ingame Nick
- Favourite weapons
- Contacting possibilities (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC,...)
- Where are u from?
- You play since... ?
- References (clans you've been in, other Soldat experience)
- Favourite gamemode(s)?
- Rating of your own skill
- Why do you want to join a clan?So contact me or post ur details here so i can give u a trail
Date Posted: April 03, 2007, 05:27:08 PM
is that better outcast??
Date Posted: April 04, 2007, 06:08:23 AM
CaB is open to any one!!!