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Thats not entirely true. I like soldat offline too. And Zombie matches (against bots) are fun too.I had a similar idea but I never posted. I would support this.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.
Here's my speil, what i think would be the #1 way to improve soldat.What if depending on what team won a match, the next map would be different? It could allow a story line, or the next map could match the terrain that the losing team would have to retreat across. If bravo spawns at the opening of a cave and they lose, the next map would take place in a cave. Also, depending on who won, the next map might confer an advantage to one team. This could be abused though (everyone joins the uphill team). If the campaign would work better with only two teams, map programmers can always box in charlie and delta in the corners of the map.On the start game screen, one could program the order of maps and their conditions for the next map. Start with map one, if alpha wins, go here, if charlie wins, go here, etc. If one team pushes the other team to the last map (ie. bravo is annihilated down in the cave) it would reset and alpha would have won the war. What do you guys think? It would be versatile and might give a more epic war feel to soldat. It doesn't sound that hard to program.