Author Topic: font.ini editing?  (Read 911 times)

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Offline Taehl

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font.ini editing?
« on: June 11, 2007, 04:10:54 am »
Aright, thing is, an interface gun graphic can be 18 pixels tall before overlapping other guns. Problem is, at that size, the guns will be misaligned with the text (pretty much halfway between the right text and the text of the next gun). If you counteract this by putting the top half of the gun on the preceding gun's bmp, and the bottom half on the given gun's bmp, the killconsole is messed up. In my mod's thread, it was told to me:
If you want, you can mess with the font.ini file so that the images line up correctly, though I have no experience with this. I suspect it involves changing the console and small console font sizes.

Can anyone give me details on editing the font.ini? I think that's new to 1.4.1, yes?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2007, 05:54:16 am by Taehl »
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Offline xtishereb

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Re: font.ini editing?
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2007, 07:09:43 pm »
Actually, it was added in 1.4. I don't know if you have this, but here's the contents of font-help.txt. As far as I can tell, it was not updated in 1.4.1.
Font1=BankGothic Lt BT // font for pre-game menu and and in-game menus
Font2=Lucida Console   // font for console and all texts in-game except menus
FontMenuSize=12        // in-game menu font size
FontConsoleSize=10     // console, player names and scores, weapons menu font size
FontBigSize=28         // just changes the resolution of the font, size is automatic
FontWeaponMenuSize=8   // font for weapon mod statistics and kill console
FontConsoleSmallSize=7 // smaller font when text is too large for example
FontHeightScale=125    // 125% higher than width
FontMenuBold=1         // bold characters...
KillConsoleNameSpace=8 // spacing between kills in kill console in pixels
The things you're interested in are FontConsoleSize and KillConsoleNameSpace.
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