If I had any idea how to make one I would.
But yeah, someone should make a basic configurator that can load the appropriate files for each slot from a seperate directory..
In my opinion how it should work:
Let's call it
Mod Configurator ... and it would be installed to a seperate directory to soldat (i.e C:\Mod Configurator\) in it you would have the Configurators .exe and a folder for each weapon that you include into the configurator.
Lets say I add a mod for the Socom which is a Glock.. I'd have a folder called C:\Mod Configurator\Glock and inside that I would have 2 sound files called Fire and Reload, gfx files called 1, 2, Clip1, Clip2, Fire and Bullet, an image called interface (which is the icon in the interface for it) and a text file containing the weapon config for the glock and a line which is the weapons name and information on what weapon slots it can be used for (in which case the numbers will be slots 6 and 11 which are Ruger and Socom, both semi-automatic and thus appropriate for a handgun)
When I run the .exe it asks for soldats directory (C:\Soldat\) and the directory to load the weapons from (C:\Mod Configurator\)
It loads all the weapons from the subdirectories (in this case it will just be the glock) when I apply the glock to the Socom slot and click run soldat, the Configurator copies the files in the Glock folder to their appropriate location and renames them to the correct names according to the slot (in this case the audio files called Fire and Reload are renamed to Colt1911-Fire and Colt1911-Reload, the interface image is renamed as 10, and all the gfx images are renamed to replace the socom ones, and they are all copied to the appropriate locations, then a weapons.cfg is generated by the program which copies the info from the text file on what the weapon stats should be, and a weaponnames.txt is generated with the line named USSOCOM renamed to Glock.
All the files are generated and moved to their appropriate places in the Soldat directory and then the Soldat.exe is activated by the Mod Configurator.