Hey I'm having some troubles.
First of all, every time I get onto soldat, all the controls are set at default (Not what I set them as) and my name is always AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. No matter how many times I change it (when i change it it works in games, but only until i quit/restart)...
Also, I have no servers online! I have it checked on internet, no filters, and all the settings I had on 1.3.1, but there's no servers. On the first client i tried it just said 0 servers immediately. Now on a 2nd client I dled it did a very long process (multiple messages like "Finding Servers..." and "Pinging..."), but then there was an error. I tried again and it just said 0 servers.
Aside from this, and a few hiccups I have about weapons, I like 1.4!! The colored bullets are kinda cool in my opinion (as this is obviously NOT that realistic of a game), and the new nades are cool too.