`|oD|~ Overdose
Leader(S): Kryptonite Makaveli
Contact us at #od.soldat or xfire -Â chaosend
Website -
http://z7.invisionfree.com/overdoseclan/index.phpGamemodes - Ctf only
IRC - #od.soldat
Ventrilo - 3220 fractured
Soldat Server - u13.net 25000 dose
Aims of Clan - Have fun playing sctfl and fcw matches.
Overdose Recruitment ThreadPlease fill out the following form to the best of your knowledge, and you'll be contacted ASAP. For those of you who don't fill out the form correctly there are chances we will not be contacting you. Also make sure your form contains
100% true information.
*Soldat Name:
*Experience Playing:
*Former Clan(s):
*Contact Information:
*Why Us:
*Any additional information you think we need to know:~ Thanks, Kryptonite.