I'm having an extreme shortage of maps for my custom server of Team King of the Hill.
If you want your own map to be put on the server, then you must meet the criteria:
2 sides
Having Alpha + Bravo flags but out of reach and vision of players
having a "hill" near the center of the map (horizontally) (hill meaning the objective of the map)
i suggest not having any medic spawns on the map if you have a heal on the hill
I already have 2 maps made by me that are not so super, but are just an idea of what I'm looking for. I don't have them hosted on a site, but you can download them off of the server at strategicsoldat.com:23080
if your the last person to leave, then the next map will start, so you can download both of them quickly (usually).
You may put your name in the title for credit to you, but i ask you to put the map name in the title.
I plan on having an unrealistic server hosted for this after I get a few more maps.