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HMm, didn't avarax write something which gives players a speed boost? It should work for bots aswell, I think.
You add a negative speed to the weapon. For further reference I'd say check out Avarax' hoverrace weapon mod.
procedure zt_OnJoinTeam(ID, Team: byte);varNickname: String;beginNickname := IDToName(ID); if (Nickname <> 'Zombie') And (Team <> 1) then begin Command('/SETTEAM1 ' + inttostr(ID)); SayToPlayer(ID, Nickname + ', Only Zombie allowed on team Charlie!'); end; begin if (Nickname = 'Zombie') And (Team <> 3) then begin Command('/SETTEAM3 ' + inttostr(ID)); end;end;end;//If player tries to join team Charlie move to team Alpha.//If zombie joins instantly move him to team 3.