I'm going to add some more junk to the list:
Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch in: Make My Video! (Even the name makes me laugh )
Almost every movie-based video game ever made
Hour Of Victory (Play it: it's horribly broken)
Big Rigs (I know it's on the list already, but it's so bad it deserves to go on twice)
Action 52 (Wikipedia it up)
That terrible Zelda game for that terrible Phillips console that's so awful I forgot the names of both
Daikatana (Eww!)
Virtual Boy Tennis (My eyes! Ahh, my eyes!)
Shaq Fu ('nuff said)
Also, you should remove Battlefield 2142, Gun, and all the Medal of Honors from that list of yours. They're good games.
Will someone confirm that these are bad games? I am not going to add a whole lot of games if they are going to only get 1 or zero votes.
Battlefield 2142 is a total copy of Battlefield 2, even the name is almost the same thing.
Gunz has the worst netcode ever, hits register like crap full of glitches and glitchers and overall retards.
Medal of honor is also the same game over and over and over, and the team from call of duty left making medal of honor, so yeah they just decided they would make a game that was better then the one they did before.