Not, not really. :S It'd be like this:
10 Players are playing on a server. Each player is assigned a target they must kill one way or another. For the sake of keeping it simple;
Player #1 has player #2 as his target.
Player #2 has player #3 as his target.
Player #3 has player #4 as his target.
And so on.
Player #10 has player #1 as his target.
- If player #1 kills player #2, he receives 1 point and player #2's target (player #3) now becomes his target.
- If player #1 is killed by player #2 (ie. the hunted kills the hunter) player #2 receives 2 points, and keeps his current target (player #3).
- If any player kills another player that is neither their target nor their hunter, he or she is either out of the game, loses points, whichever.
Those are the very basics I had in mind. This is a very well known game and there are variants to it. This would only be fun in Soldat with 6+ people (and it would be in survival mode).
Now back to the original question, would it be technically possible for one to create such a gametype in Soldat, or does the term modding in this case mainly refer to editing weapons/animations and the like?