People! Be PATIENT! you'll get more than you're expecting!
As i'm working on new version i'm realizing every time a bit more how great mod i left for working it out. and it's going just fine!
sure thing is there will be new weapons despite of configurator's incompatibility. For fanatics of weapons that will be removed from main set there will be a weapon pack included! then, however, mixing isn't possible, i can't do much more!
i have a list of things left to do, about 10 of them, some are eventual, that's why i can't really say when it'll be ready for release! one of them is weapons balance, i don't consider it a big deal for improving, but i can't promise perfection!
And correction, it will be a version 1.0 not 0.6 with name DAYS OF WAR I!
As I said, be patient, cuz i'm also considering making additional weapon packs! greetings!