- Ingame Nick: Android id:073
- Favourite weapons: Barret
- Contacting possibilities (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC,...):
sexy_corn-dawg@hotmail.com (msn)
- You play since... ?: i cant remember, a couple of months at least.
- References (clans you've been in, other Soldat experience): none sorry.
- Favourite gamemode(s)?: HTF, CTF.
- Rating of your own skill: i have been getting pretty good with the sniper ( people have accused me of hacking, so that means that im not that bad doesnt it? ) and i dont like getting caps, so i usually pass the flag after i have retrieved it.
- Why do you want to join a clan? To improve my skill with the barret and to have some intense games.
Im Australian and i play on GA alot.