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# training commands by Gold - nate.blindspott@msn.com# this code is safe to be used on any serverif $MESSAGE = Im gonna hack /say Hackers suck/kick $PLAYER_NAMEendifif $MESSAGE = Im using hacks /say Hackers suck/kick $PLAYER_NAMEif $MESSAGE = I am hacking/say Hackers suck/kick $PLAYER_NAMEendifif $MESSAGE = !masacre/say WARNING! Masacre has begun, Run!/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie manendifif $MESSAGE = !snipe/say Sniper shootout has begun!/addbot2 Sniper/addbot2 Sniper/addbot2 Sniper/addbot2 Sniper/addbot1 Terminator/addbot1 Terminator/addbot1 Terminator/addbot1 Terminatorendifif $MESSAGE = !sniper/say Sniper shootout has begun!/addbot2 Sniper/addbot2 Sniper/addbot2 Sniper/addbot2 Sniper/addbot1 Terminator/addbot1 Terminator/addbot1 Terminator/addbot1 Terminatorendifif $MESSAGE = I need to train/say $PLAYER_NAME wants to train? type !levelsendifif $MESSAGE = I gotta train/say $PLAYER_NAME wants to train? type !levelsendifif $MESSAGE = I am a newb/say If you are a newb, type !levels to trainendifif $MESSAGE = !ownage/say $PLAYER_NAME has begun a round of ownage!/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 dutch/addbot1 poncho/addbot1 srg mac/addbot1 sniperendifif $MESSAGE = !undead/say $PLAYER_NAME has unleashes zombies!/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombie/addbot4 zombieendifif $MESSAGE = !end/say $PLAYER_NAME has ended training/kick Boogie Man/kick Kruger/kick Sniper/kick Dutch/kick Admiral/kick Terminator/kick John/kick Billy/kick Danko/kick Poncho/kick D Dave/kick Blain/kick Srg Mac/kick Stevie/kick Roach/kick Commando/kick Zombieendifif $MESSAGE = !level1/say $PLAYER_NAME Has begun level 1 training/addbot1 boogie manendifif $MESSAGE = !level2/say $PLAYER_NAME Has begun level 2 training/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 krugerendifif $MESSAGE = !level3/say $PLAYER_NAME Has begun level 3 training/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 kruger/addbot1 sniperendifif $MESSAGE = !ace/say Warning $PLAYER_NAME Has begun max training!/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 boogie man/addbot1 sniper/addbot1 sniper/addbot1 sniper/addbot1 sniper/addbot1 sniper/addbot1 sniperendifif $MESSAGE = !levels/say !level1 = easy training/say !level2 = medium training/say !level3 = hard training/say !ace = very hard training/say !masacre = chainsaw only/say !sniper = barrett only/say !ownage = adds some bots/say !end = ends training (kicks all bots)endifif $MESSAGE = hacker/say If somebody is hacking type !admin or vote kick themendifif $MESSAGE = hax/say If somebody is hacking type !admin or vote kick themendifif $MESSAGE = hack/say If somebody is hacking type !admin or vote kick themendifif $MESSAGE = hacking/say If somebody is hacking type !admin or vote kick themendifif $MESSAGE = cheater/say If somebody is cheating type !admin or vote kick themendifif $MESSAGE = cheating/say If somebody is cheating type !admin or vote kick themendifif $MESSAGE = Admin?/say To request admin type !adminendifif $MESSAGE = Admin/say To request admin type !adminendifif $MESSAGE = lagger/say Vote kick players that lagendifif $MESSAGE = lag/say $PLAYER_NAME, leave the server if you lagendifif $MESSAGE = !rate/say $PLAYER_NAME's rate: $PLAYER_RATE P: $PLAYER_SCORE, D: $PLAYER_DEATHSendifif $MESSAGE = !version/say $VERSIONendifif $MESSAGE = !test/say I can see you $PLAYER_NAMEendifif $MESSAGE = !levels/say !level1 = easy training/say !level2 = medium training/say !level3 = hard training/say !levelmax = very hard training/say !end = ends training endifif $MESSAGE = lag/say Your ping is $PLAYER_PING go back to Polandendifif $MESSAGE = !admin/say An admin was requestedIRCmsg $PLAYER_NAME requested an admin on $SERVER_IP:$SERVER_PORT!ADMINMSG $PLAYER_NAME requested an admin on $SERVER_NAME!!endifif $MESSAGE = !request/say What do you want?IRCmsg $PLAYER_NAME requested an admin on $SERVER_IP:$SERVER_PORT!ADMINMSG $PLAYER_NAME requested an admin on $SERVER_NAME!!endifif $MESSAGE = !time/say Current server time is $CLOCKendif# Team-change commands for players - written by Leoif $MESSAGE = !spectator/setteam5 $PLAYER_NUMendifif $MESSAGE = !spec/setteam5 $PLAYER_NUMendif if $MESSAGE = !red/setteam1 $PLAYER_NUMendif if $MESSAGE = !blue/setteam2 $PLAYER_NUMendif# New commands supporting private server needs by RiA|KeFear, idea by Kaimelar# remove comments if you need themif $MESSAGE = !myip/say $PLAYER_NAME, your IP is $PLAYER_IPendifif $MESSAGE = !ping/say $PLAYER_NAME, your ping is $PLAYER_PINGendif#if $MESSAGE = !voland#/map ctf_Voland#endif#if $MESSAGE = !laos#/map ctf_Laos#endif#if $MESSAGE = !b2b#/map ctf_B2b#endif#if $MESSAGE = !nuubia#/map ctf_Nuubia#endif#if $MESSAGE = !viet#/map ctf_Viet#endif#if $MESSAGE = !run#/map ctf_Run#endif#if $MESSAGE = !kampf#/map ctf_Kampf#endif#if $MESSAGE = !death#/map ctf_Death#endif#if $MESSAGE = !maya#/map ctf_Maya#endif#if $MESSAGE = !lanubya#/map ctf_Lanubya#endif#if $MESSAGE = !equinox#/map ctf_equinox#endif#if $MESSAGE = !p#/pause#endif#if $MESSAGE = !restart#/restart#endif# These are written by Kaimelar#if $MESSAGE = !tnl#/respawntime 3#/maxrespawntime 4#/limit 10#/timelimit 10#/bonus 0#/map ctf_Laos#endif#if $MESSAGE = !srl#/respawntime 3#/maxrespawntime 4#/limit 6#/timelimit 10#/bonus 0#/friendlyfire 1#/realistic 1#endif
if $MESSAGE = This server sucks/say $PLAYER_NAME Your ping is $PLAYER_PING go back to China
Pretty nice and good idea. I'm gonna try it nowEdit: Lol you uploaded wordfilter.txt and the bottom command Code: [Select]if $MESSAGE = This server sucks/say $PLAYER_NAME Your ping is $PLAYER_PING go back to ChinaLol ahhahaahahB.O.T. You should see if you could make a server script (So ARSSE is not neede to be running)
I'm not racist. I just hate unholy ping.cooz, ARSSE is awesome, it deserves some fan scripts.I fixed the script, should be ok now.
Code: [Select]if $MESSAGE = Im using hacks /say Hackers suck/kick $PLAYER_NAME
if $MESSAGE = Im using hacks /say Hackers suck/kick $PLAYER_NAME
how i can use this?