Author Topic: DUEL MAPS! (TM & DM)  (Read 1900 times)

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Offline TradeMAAK

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« on: August 01, 2007, 09:34:51 am »
Sometimes you want to get pure 1v1, but those big maps bore you? Well, look no more. I have made 2 realistic 1v1 maps, which I advice you to play on teammatch mode, as all teams have different starting positions, so you can choose your exact dual place (ground or roofs, or mixed). The maps can also be played in regular teammatch and deathmatch games. But my main intention was to make a small 1v1 duel map with no jets (use your climbing skills to make cool combos and stuff...)

Date Posted: August 01, 2007, 10:31:52 AM
And the second map...
This is much more smaller and it is ment to be face to face duel on the platform. Do cool action style shoot/evade/roll combos to make a truly epic MORTAAAL KOMBAAAT!!!

Also, for great lulz, you can try do duel on a helicopter if you are charlie and delta, but platform is the main aspect.

Also, the maps are fully waypointed, so you might want to try putting some bots on teams, enabling realistic options and then watch the street fights (or sea fight) go wild. It is great fun as in the first map some bodies use to stick on the window platforms, fall from the roofs and sometimes it gets a little ugly, too. If you play on teams, you might also want to experiment with game modes (advanced or survival). It's pretty fun.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 09:58:13 am by TradeMAAK »

Offline brad

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« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2007, 09:48:30 am »
The first one is really cool, but I don't like the second one very much. There really isn't anywhere to move on the second one.

Good job keep it up.

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Offline TradeMAAK

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« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2007, 04:00:27 am »
Of course there isn't. It's just who will shoot/evade first. In actualy duels people just stood in front of each other and took turns shooting until somebody hit someone. I wanted it to be similiar for soldat, so I thought creating small space for the battle will do the trick. Because you can't really hide anywhere in such a duel. Anyway, I must admit I like the first map better, too.  I also spent a lot more time making it.