Ok pplz, Im Co-Leader of `sK|` and im looking for AUSSIE players who are interested in joining. Check out the form below:
- Ingame Nick-
- Favourite weapons-
- Contacting possibilities (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC,....)-
- You play since... ?-
- References (clans you've been in, other Soldat experience)
- Favourite gamemode(s)?
- Rating of your own skill
- Why do you want to join a clan?
- Xfire Username-
===Clan Information===
- Full Clan Name: Squad Killers
- Clantag: `sK|`
- Clan leader: Shadow G-Unit
- How to contact:
asian.filipino@yahoo.com- Forum:
www.squadkillers.smfforefree3.com- Homepage: fogot link....
- Clan age: New
- Required Experience in Gamemodes: All...
- Equipment: Three Servers (look below)
- Requirements: X-Fire, mIRC, what I'm looking for. PM me
- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout: For tryouts PM me.
- Clan results: None
- Primary aims of the clan: Be fun
- Secondary aims of the clan: Mostly to be a fun clan and sometimes a competitive clan.
- Needed experience w/weapon: All Weapons
- For more information about me and clan: PM me "Shadow G-Unit" or Xfire user: generalshade
`sK|`Practice Server (PUB)
Port: 23073
jrgp's and Squad Killers Server (I'm Admin of it)
Port: 23073
`sK|`Practice CTF (PUB)
Port: 25000
Hope to see you there!