Author Topic: Myspayce code thingy  (Read 561 times)

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  • Camper
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Myspayce code thingy
« on: August 31, 2007, 06:17:30 pm »
Ok, so I need a bit of either html or css that I can put into the edit section of myspace to cover up everything apart from the advertisement, I also don't care if either the navigation bars at the top and bottom are showing or not.

Now I've tried a billion codes already and if it were as simple as going to Google and typing 'myspace remove everything code' then I wouldn't be here. Most div overlays are shit because they don't allow you to use proper html ontop of them. Also I dont want codes that make all borders invisible because as I said it fucks up the html you want to use to replace your page.

The one I have at the minute is alright, it covers the pre-existing page and doesn't fuck up too much of the html you want to use, but if it's viewed in firefox the links in the navigation bars at the top and bottom are stacked vertically creating a mess. Also the advertisement is covered up in firefox.

So yeah I just need a piece of code to put in the style section which works in both IE and firefox. I don't care about opera though, only weirdos use that.

And I don't want any of that shit from you flab about how shit myspace is and its the sewer of the internet, nor do I want any shit from anyone like karmazon about how I should be spending less time on the pc and more time killing alligators.