i was playing in the AK server, which has BE ON, and guess what happen?
This guy comes in, and starts hacking. I didnt suspect a thing but them i realize that he was always with knife and he was always throwing like 2 and still have a knife. So heres what he used:
1)Knife hack (got my attention when he throw 5 knifes at one time and still had knife, and always using knifes)
2)Respawn hack (yes, why? cause one time i killed him, and them he respawns next to our flag)
3)Teleport hack (WAS pretty obvious when he was warping all around the map and killing the flag carriers)
So BE? Why didnt u kick this ****er? Why?
And what pisses me of is that no one kicked it,not even with vote kick, only when he used the obvious teleport hack...like 10 minutes later is where he got vote kicked