Author Topic: clan -=MD=-  (Read 1749 times)

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Offline natanube

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clan -=MD=-
« on: July 09, 2006, 10:54:59 pm »

Clan -=MD=- has reformed and is re-recruiting. If you are interested, visit our website and click on enlist for more info.

or post on our forums

|clan stats|

leaders - -=MD=- Natanube / -=MD=- Im cool

favorite game modes - All

We are looking for high end players, and try outs are required.
Please to not get dissapointed if you do not make the cut.

We are willing, however, to take on 2 mid level players and train them up as intern members. however, we expext these positions to fill quickly.

If you have xfire, add natanube to your friends list and you will be given a tryout session asap


-=MD=- was the offspring of a lan party about a year ago. The MD stands for Master Designs, which is a company comprised of 5 software engineers, web designers, programmers, audio engineers, and graphic artists (all ranging between 16-17 yrs of age)

These 5 made -=MD=- a known name in the Soldat world. Shortly after, -=MD=- became inactive and moved it's interest toward Halo online and got rather sidetracked. Then -=MD=- Natanube, previously known as MD_Not__Here, started drawing company outsiders into the clan and -=MD=- became even greater. -=MD=- 's reign in the Soldat world was shortlived however, due to member inactivity and several problems between clan members. -=MD=- disbanded and each member went thier different way. Now, however, -=MD=- is back in the game and is going to kik some a** alongside our ally |Panda|, a group of noble proud soldiers. We have also allied with {-LoRa-} - which we guess to be named after somebody's girlfriend.

My sig was too big so im making a new one.

Offline johnbies

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Re: clan -=MD=-
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2006, 10:28:37 am »
yo i might join
pwnxorz the noobxors

Offline The Great Milenko

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Re: clan -=MD=-
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2006, 06:56:07 pm »
Added to Xfire.

Offline RabidTreeFrog

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Re: clan -=MD=-
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2006, 09:51:26 pm »
We have also allied with {-LoRa-} - which we guess to be named after somebody's girlfriend.

Funny there, Natanube.
Seriously though, these guys are GOOD.
not around