Author Topic: Just played the most retarded round.  (Read 1049 times)

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Offline .Long-Range

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Just played the most retarded round.
« on: September 03, 2007, 05:33:14 pm »
Alright, so the map was ctf_Run and I was on team Bravo, the server was U13's CTF. Everything seemed to be coming along pretty well at the beginning of the game, about 5 minutes into it. Until I noticed only about 3 of teammates actually going for Alpha's flag. I respawn at base and see two of my teammates camping with a barret and another teammate behind the flag with a minigun. I immediately know that this is all a bad mixture. And I was right. As soon as 2 Alphas charge in, the guy with the minigun unleashes, binks the two teammate snipers, and sends the flag flying. Thing is, the Alphas hadn't even entered the flag pit yet and were just about to drop down by the time the flag was shot to wherever. Just when I think things couldn't get worst, an Alpha comes skipping along from the middle with a ruger and unleashes hell upon the teammates who have just spawned whilst the two Alphas who were dropping in from top totally destroys the snipers and minigunner. So now I've got 2 teammates who are fighting off the ruger-user + the Alphas who just finished off the two snipers and minigunner. The two snipers and minigunner spawn at base and I check up on them and see the minigunner floating around inside the flag pit because he's shooting the ground now. The two snipers just leave the small skirmish and completely pass over the flag without giving it a second thought so now the ruger user decides to get the flag and starts off running. The minigunner sees this and decides to stop his floating and goes after the enemy flagger. I'm already ahead of him, going after the flagger with an AK. I'm shooting at the EFC and the minigunner is just behind me, waiting until he sees the EFC with low health and decides to unleash to steal my kill. The EFC is killed and the flag is shot even further down the middle. I have to jet my way as fast as I can down the middle to kill the EFC and return the flag.

Surprisingly, my team won the match o.0
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Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: Just played the most retarded round.
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2007, 05:32:46 am »
*Stares at big wall of text o.O*

All you .Long-range, all you. ;D
"You should've used the pythagoras theorum, b*tch."