hello there people this is the story when i went to college, 3 years ago teh 10th grade. Here we go!
The 10th grades presentation was at 15:00, so i didnt want to get late right? New school, new mates...etc, but yes u guessed i got late. I arrived there at 15:32
When i arrived, i didnt see no one. Yes u guessed again, they were all the presentation in them main block, all 10th grade classes.
So, here i went, find where the main block was...i sneak on the door and yes, i opened the door in the wrong direction. Silly me. Inside were all the classes plus the college president saying is bla bla start of year speech. It was good being late, i only heard like 3 minutes of it.
Them another problem, i didnt even know who was my class. Thats right u guessed once more, im to lazy. After the speech, all of the classes went to their class rooms to fill the normal start of year papers. WEll not me, has i didnt even know who was my class, i didnt know the college(rooms,blocks etc) so i just stand outside the main block looking at the beautiful semi dead trees. Them the janitor comes to me and askes why im not in class. I say :"WTF??? OMG i forgot i need to fill those damn papers! But i dunno my class or where they at!" Them, he takes me to a paper in the wall that sayed the classes room. Ok, so i thanked him and went to the room i cant remember now(3 years ago) Has i enter, late, all ppl there looked at me, and I with my supa style say hi or whatever. I sit next to a girl (of course) say hi! she says hello and them i want to fill the papers.
After finding my class, the rest was boring like showing the college, gym etc etc
And btw. in that first week in my new college, i was ALWAYS late for classes for 1 simple reason: i didnt know where the **** the rooms where, i even almost got in a fight in a day a guys says to me "Oh new boy dunno wheres the class" and me say "Right, can i get a ride in ur ass to them? I will appreciate that" And them in the next week i knew all college and stuff.
The end