When i was playing Elite S&S i was on bravo team and i joined at the beginning of the match. Alpha was pretty much charging and captured a lot. The score was 4-0. Not only do me and my team fail at capturing the flag Alpha also couldnt get the last score. After like 3 min of fails Alpha team started camping (I think 3/7 were). This was Bravo's time to shine. All we did was charge, killing people on the way, and capturing the red flag. It was 4-4 when Alpha stopped camping. But our team overpowered them, took the flag, and got the winning point. GAYEST GAME EVER too easy
Oh and this also happened today.
I was on Bravo team again. Alpha had 3 points and Bravo had 4.
Both teams had each others flag and 4 teammates were guarding Bravo's flag carrier and 3 were out to get the Alpha flag (i was one of the people to get it). We all died once we got to the Alpha Base. 5 were guarding the flag carrier and 3 were out attacking. Oh and we also noticed Alpha's flag carrier was hiding in a box big enough for us not to see him.
I respawned again and tried another attempt to get the flag I met up with 2 alpha attackers, killed them though, and got a second knife. When I reached Alpha base i only saw 4 people guarding the flag carrier. I killed one and dodged a sniper. Then like 2 people jumped into the air and i killed another one. I thought i was gonna die from the other sniper BUT LUCKILY MY TEAMMATE CAME IN TIME AND SHOT THE PERSON. That was awesome. 2 Alpha members respawned and the carrier jumped out from the box he was hiding in from an attempt to kill me. I dodged his sniper and avoided a chainsawer. Then i got up close to the flag carrier and knifed him returning the Blue Flag. That was a great game.