Well, I actually do play a bit of Soldat from time to time, and I played a bit in te u13 DM server today. Now, I'm not great at playing with 8 people on small maps, so it took me a few games to warm up, no problem. Eventually good old El_spec joined up, and as anyone joining a server with me would do, he praised my glory wishing he could be graced by my presence more often. Eventually Ctf_Ash got voted in as that map after I play an unspectacular game on bigfalls.
For those of you who don't know me, Hello, my name is Wraithlike and I'm a barretard. For this reason, Bigfalls isn't my map of choice. It's too open for me to get good lines in with out being binked. On the other hand, I love Ash. The layout allows me to pull away from fighting a choose my battles. I reserve my right to kill the incredibly weak, and/or recently spawned.
I was playing well, I kept a 6-7 point lead for most of the game. Pretty easy stuff, until I got to 29. I have a problem, at 29 kills, I start to bomb. I feck up shots and will often allow other close in score to me to win. I die 3 times in a row. Specialist gets a few kills, I don't have so big a lead anymore.
I spawn in the left base, I see Specialist running for me, ready to kill. I crouch the feck down and slam the button on my mouse, hoping I can fire my law before he can spray my feck away with his mp5. Here's the result, sent to me by Specialist: