- Clan Name: The Knives
- Clan Tag: |TK|
- Clan Leader: Asian Knifer
- Email:
thief_lord9@sbcglobal.net- AIM: Asian KniferOWNS
- xfire: asianknifer
- IRC channel: ehh #soldat.gather
- Homepage:
www.freewebs.com/theknivesclan sorry but yea we'll be using this for now. Forums:
www.theknivesclan.co.nr- Clan age: 1 day
- Favorite Gamemodes: CTF, CTF R/S, and Infiltration
- Equipment: working on a server
- Requirements: No you don't have to always use the knife if you're in this clan. You just have to be skilled with it and that's all.
- Tryout times: If you want a tryout post in the clan forums and find me on AIM or xfire or just email me. I'll figure out a tryout time and a server.
- Clan Results: none so far
- aims of the clan: to have fun and probally have plenty of clan wars and if we ever get skilled enough we might be able to join a league
Description of me:
Mostly found in: Elite Snipe&Slice and pretty much any active DM server
Rating of own skill: ehh 7.5/10
Favorite Primary weapons: barret, spas, deagles, as 74
Favorite secondary weapon: combat knife
Primary/Secondary weapon: Spas-12/Combat Knife