Script Name: FileSwap
Script Description: this was a random idea I thought up when I saw how annoying it was to switch out taunt file names (I have a taunts.txt for server commands and rpg server commands and misc taunts, and I get tired of switching them out manually)
Original Author(s): Me
Core Version: 2.6.3
Code: too small to use a small part
please note that this only works with plain text files (unless you want a 'yournamehere.doc.txt' or a 'Soldat.ini.txt'
I might make it use a Extention const, but it would complicate things, besides, WriteFile does not work well with things other than .txt (right?)
(is attached, also comes with a command to switch your files on a local SoldatServer game)
NOTE: file names are CaSe SeNsItIvE but you dont need to put the .txt
btw, you can swap files in different folders
(using command)
/swap Scripts/DefaultOld/includes Scripts/Default/includes
(this would swap the includes.txt files of the two folders)
(using procedure)
(remember, you dont need to put the extention, but files have to be .txt)