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Firstly, I think a forum and a website are not necessary, a forum can help but IRC is much better however I believe they're useless, because if there is a big news or something you can put it in your channel topic or talk to the members as soon as they're on... ( None of the actual best clans use a Forum)This is going into another "without irc, you cant get better"............ UNFORTUNATELY, that is true.Any clan that is not on IRC will get bashed (snarfed) by IRC clans for sure.DragonSlayer pretty much explained it all, but I'll say it my way : - The only good way to improve, is to play a lot (that means cws and gathers regularly as in daily).- You have to play better opponents to get better, if you always play against the same people who are less skilled than you, you will not improve....The only place you can get all of this done, is IRC.
Firstly, a forum and a website are not necessary, however in some cases a forum can help.Nevertheless, in my opinion, forums are useless, because when there is a news (big or not) it can be put on the IRC topic, and as soon as your members are online they can see it...that is why IRC is much better. Not to mention none of the actual best clans use a forum.Myself, and my fellow active gamers won't repeat enough how important IRC is if you want to improve... I'm sorry if this looks like another "without-irc-you-wont-improve-thread", but it is the truth so......Any clan that is not on IRC will get bashed (or even snarfed) by IRC clans...for sure.DragonSlayer pretty much explained it all, but I'll repeat anyway : - If you wanna improve you need to play regularly... (daily would be better though)AND - To get better (as a clan) you have to play against better opponents which can easily be found on IRC at almost any time of the day, you will not improve by playing worse clans....so yeah use IRC and forget about the site and forum!(I edited a bit my post because apparently it was "all nonsense", it hopefully makes more sense now.)