- Clan name: G-Unit
- Clan Tag: G-Unit|
- Clan leader / Squad leader- G-Unit| Heavyweight
- How to contact (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC)
gunitheavyweight@gmail.comAIM: b4yareason (not on it much)
Xfire: wordlifeson
- Homepage (if you have one)-
www.freewebs.com/gunitmainweb Forums:
www.gunit.co.nr- Clan age (Clan exists since... ?)- 2 days
- Favourite gamemodes- DM, TM, CTF
- Equipement (own Soldat server, Teamspeak channel...?)
Soldat Server: G-Unit Server
IRC: uhh we'll have to just PM in #soldat.forums for now because i dont know how to make my own server yet
- Requirements in skill and character- Must have xfire, IRC, and that's it I don't care what weapons you use as long as you're good
- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout?: I'll give you a tryout when you posted on the application board and when i see you on xfire or aim. I'll be watching you play in DM U13 Chicago, if it's empty then it'll be a match against me.
- Clan results (Clanwars played, tournaments won, etc.): 0-0-0
- Aims of the clan (just a funclan, or to take part in a tournament/league)- To win plenty of clan wars, scrimms, someday join a league and be one of the most popular i guess
Make an application on the clan forums not on here