Author Topic: IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox  (Read 2417 times)

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Offline IAAW

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IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox
« on: January 13, 2008, 10:03:41 pm »
First things first; this is my first post, and this is my first attempt at mapmaking. I'm also informing everyone that this is the FIRST map that I've ever fully created (I'm one of those folks that get started on something, and just give up on it halfway through). Alright, here goes nothing... *builds up confidence*

This is a fun map I made for use on Fistbox servers. It's not much, but I decided to make it, nonetheless. The main feature of this map is the giant building-like platform in the center of the map. This platform provides plenty of space for people to play around with emitters and stuff, without having to worry about the ground around them. I mean, the platform is completely flat, after all. Beside the platform are the player spawns, two on each side; the left side has the alpha and bravo spawns, while the right side has the delta and charlie spawns.

Below the platform is  a place I'd like to call the Storage Area. This area acts as a storage area for every item that can be picked up. Each aclove holds a specific type of item; the entrance to each aclove is blocked with OBC textures. The player goes in, the player goes out, the items stay, where they belong. From left to right, the rooms contain the following;

1st Room: Grenades
2nd Room: Cluster Grenades
3rd Room: Medikits
4th Room: Vests
5th Room: Flamers
6th Room: Berserkers
7th Room: Predators
8th Room: Rambo Bow, Pointmatch Flag, Alpha Flag, and Bravo Flag

Finally, I touched up the map with some decorations. I know that the graphics are used in other maps, but I'm not claiming ownership for the graphics, so that makes everything okay. Right? Understandably, I know the map is pretty bland, but it's a map I intended for Fistbox server usage. I might make an updated version of this map, which will provide:

  • More space.
  • Storage, of course.
  • Larger field area.
  • A nice, dark cave to explore.  ::)

Anyways, this is my first map, and I hope the people around here will at least seldom like it. I'm at least glad I built up the courage, I feel alot more confident about posting now; I was always afraid to post.  ;D

PS: Don't BS me, please; this IS my first map, after all. Oh, almost forgot the map specs!

Map Name: Fistbox Sandbox
Mode: Intended for Fistbox servers.
Steps: Hard
Jet Fuel: Infinite
Grenades: 12
Medkits: 12

Once again, PLEASE don't BS me. This is my first map, and if I do indeed get some BS'ing and that crap, I may never want to make maps again. I'm not talking about criticism; I'm talking about BS such as like "lol ur map sux", and all that crap. I'd like some honest thoughts, not noobish ones that would just be painful, especially to a newcomer/newbie mapmaker like myself. *clicks Post button, and takes five seconds of breath therapy*

« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 11:27:24 pm by IAAW »
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Re: IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2008, 10:07:49 pm »
what is this thing?
Never seen anything like it so unfortunately I can't call this  map horsefeces yet

Offline Cookiegangsta

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Re: IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2008, 10:54:08 pm »
Interesting... lol.

Maybe a bit shading and it look fine.
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Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2008, 09:21:52 pm »
Really? Posting anxiety? I guess I've belonged to several other forums. Post the crap whether anyone gives. Get replies and I'm happy.

Nice little idea for the server. Spiffy it up a big, and I'm suppose this ain't bad for emitters and stuff. Since it's sandbox, I guess it doesn't need brilliant looks, but a little shading here and there wouldn't hurt. Seems you didn't miss anything so whatever. If you wanted to add something... maybe big useless jump pads pointing at odd angles and some teleporting thing in the air for people to screw around with.

Don't overexagerate the fact that this is your first post and map. I kinda got the picture after the first announcement of the fact, plus I can see invariably that this is your first post. At least you weren't one of those newbs that was like, "lawl first map"

Whatever, decent work mate.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2008, 09:24:12 pm by Blacksheepboy »

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Re: IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2008, 05:50:16 am »

Have I seen you in Pawngame?


Shading, kthxbai. Might want to get a ceiling up, since there's unlim jets.

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Offline Toumaz

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Re: IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2008, 06:21:50 am »
Give it a fair bit of shading and some proper sceneries and I might just add it. I've meant to get around to making dedicated maps like that myself, but... I'm too lazy. Rather decent work anyhow.

Offline LeetFidle

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Re: IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2008, 10:26:42 am »
Its OK i guess. just thin up that bottom piece as it looks like it takes over the whole map and do some shading.
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Offline KorrupT MerC

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Re: IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2008, 03:14:20 pm »
I've played fistbox myself, love it and i'd say get around to adding more to the map, a flat area is hardly appealing.

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Re: IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2008, 06:19:03 pm »
Strait to the point:

what is this thing?
Never seen anything like it so unfortunately I can't call this  map horsefeces yet

Offline TheV

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Re: IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2008, 08:55:14 pm »
Lol Iaaw, you know me from pawn, or atleast I am assuming you played pawn(only person I have ever seen with such a name).

It's okay for a first map, never played fistbox so I don't understand why you have so many special boxes.

Offline IAAW

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Re: IAAW's First Map - VAR_Fistbox Sandbox
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2008, 11:20:06 pm »
Thanks for all of your opinions. I'm looking to make a v2 version of this map; I'm looking to make an even bigger platform (take the platform in this map, and double its size), along with adding some extras, such as jump pads (like blacksheepboy said), and nade launch pads (both vertical and horizontal. Basically, I'm going to be trying to squeeze EVERY LAST BIT OF ROOM I CAN into the v2. I'll also consider adding a special area where you need to be in god mode to cross (basically a large room with bloodly deadly polygons, maybe a cave or something, I don't know). I hope the v2 version will look much better; and yes, I will use some shading. In fact, in this map, if you look at the spawning points, you'll see that it's shaded a bit.

@Arbiter: Yes, you have seen me in Pawngame. I'm surprised the nickname IAAW is so unique; flattered, actually.

@V: How's it going? I missed you. =\

Anyways, I'm hoping v2 will be a huge success. I'll put this map up for download; remember, this map was SPECIFICIALLY made for Fistbox, so using this map in any other fashion may not be advised.

EDIT: Uploaded; link is in the first post.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 11:27:50 pm by IAAW »
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