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is far from perfect i mean it has a LOT OF BINK WITSH SUCKS i mean if u put bink on a sniper u soulf put bink at ruger or autos (went u get shot) is so unfair u know i my selft im a barret user so i get upset cause a noob dont stop spraying in a 1vs1 so i cant get the shot, i mean ffs is a antitank sniper that thign should be SUPER hard to bink, by the other hand ruger dont have enougt bink sames as altmost all autos so is up to u i think is unfair as hell that rett is not a match for autos, of course i`ve defeted a couple of auto guys users but is cause i point black them or get clo/mid range. opinions on this !
its a commet for ur info for me is unfair beside taht rett is easy as hell if u cant use it,it may be cause u dont have skills and u dont know what problems does it has so please stop comment nobo pelase im a good rett user many ppl know that but i get upset went some kido spray blind just to bink posibles campers or snipers on the move is just anoying, and for how u are talking i guess ur a auto user so ...unskilles 1 hit weapons are for real pros who has a perfect aim so lmao
(Sorry for the flame its just a senseless post he made >_>)
its a commet for ur info for me is unfair beside taht rett is easy as hell if u cant use it,it may be cause u dont have skills and u dont know what problems does it has so please stop comment nobo pelase
and for how u are talking i guess ur a auto user so ...
im a good rett user many ppl know that but i get upset went some kido spray blind just to bink posibles campers or snipers on the move is just anoying,
wow forums full of retards
look im retarded so LMAO!!
yea...if anything the barret is fine as it is...we need sum form of tweaking 2 the just to easy to use...we need bink..or u need to b crounch/prone to use it(as in ttw) the barret is fine bc it is easy to overcome w/ i have a hard time finding a weapon to counter-balance the m79..if their aim is good enough..they can just kill u wherever u are.
u just done get the point do you? but well what can i spec from an auto sprayer user skills 1 SHOTS WEAPONS=SKILLS CAUSE U NEED TO HAVE A RLY GOOD AIM TO HIT THAT OR A REALLY GOOD SECONDARY WEAPON TO KILL really fast, autos.semi=more room for mistakes so i found them below the power of the rett or m79, anyways i just want to make the barrett a lill more competitive against retts
no its not balanced..(in my opinion)
the barret is balanced
and advanced players can kill very easily when they have good aim with it
IMO barret should not able to fire unless prone or crouch like the law (maybe it should be a secondary since it's really an anti-tank gun ). But other than that it is balanced.