Finally i made up a good solid comic here it is the first of the new haxors era
For those who do not know heres the proluge..
It is the beginning of 1.4.1 and the battle eye isnt secured enough to fight the hackers...there have been several reports of new hacks on the loose and we must stop the Haxors before they take over Soldat...
Battle Eye and his brother ASE (All seeing Eye) Have begun an adventure to look for several special troops to help fight the haxors the Anti- Haxors Team... after a few searchs ase found the perfect team each with their own special ability:
Characters appear in comics in this order.
Sir. Panzor - Uber Pwnzor Finger Gun
Screamer - Block your ears!
Kagesha - Clashed with a hacker and gained the ability of Immortalness
(i just had to take the best one xD)
MegaNerd - An absolute nerd, caculates everything...Incredibly lucky
Sippy - Total noob but somehow has extrodinary powers and is immune to hackers and can take out anybody by fluke!
So this team of Anti-Hackers are on a mission to stop the haxors once and for all!
No.1 The Haxors Era: if i have the time i make some more ASAP
If you do not know zoom in to view comic....