I just rented a server from U13 and I have ftp access to the scripts folder. I had my old server run on an old pc of mine, and everything worked fine until i uploaded it to my new u13 one.
if getpiece(text,' ',0) = '/donated' then begin
WriteConsole(ID,GetPlayerStat(strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1)),'ip')+' added to donators.',$EE81FAA1);
WriteFile('/scripts/donators/'+GetPlayerStat(strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1)),'ip')+'.txt','donated');
What this does is add a file named the Player ID's ip to a folder. It worked on my old server but now it doesnt on the new FTP u13 one. Is there something certain i have to do with the directory name or what?