makes me think of this really hot black stoner girl [from one of those crappy backwater african countries] i knew back from my rumpus days
she used to talk funny and be liek hey ben you fecking cool fella i feckin wanna go out i feckin feel like callin up jenna and ameilah and gettin de crew tagetha in the suzi for a feckin cruise out up to dah feckin betch
it sounded really cool because she talked hell funny but ANYWAY
do you guys really care about the censors... it bollockss me a little bit because everywhere i go here its LOL BOLLOCKS HERE AND LOL TWAT THERE AND FECK FECK FECK
i mean seriously i'm a big fan of dick tracy but dick gets censored out so how the hell can i talk about dick tracy when i can't get past the wordfilter I MEAN WE'RE ALL BIG KIDS so why can't we just not have censors
errr also is the fisting zone like the new bashpit or something?