Created this yesterday and made some additional touches this morning. Got the layout from a boring session in Physics.
I feel this is also a great accomplishment for me, I really had to test this map and make it perfect as possible for fast-paced gameplay. For the mapping style, Boxo inspired. I love this style of mapping and most likely will be permanent. Plays best with 8 people. I originally waypointed it, but the path for Bravo team was glitchy and I could never get them to work right, no matter how many times I edited them in PolyWorks.
I should also point out that the overview makes the map look very bland. It really isn't.
Technical Information:MapMaker:Soldat PolyWorks
Construction Time:4 hours
Supported Gamemodes:Capture the Flag
Custom Scenery:No
Custom Textures:No
Map Size:Medium
Number of Players:2 to 8
Overview Screenshot: