For the beggining I want to declare I dont speak english very well, so I am sorry for every mistake.
For those that dont know what are script servers:Scripting is used in servers with mode. In soldat mode servers You can have special abilities, like for example healing. To use it You have to write a command - for example '/cast 1' - cast my first spell. People playing on script servers use taunts to command.
Back to main topic:When you are using traditional way to command in Soldat script servers, there are some problems:
1. U have to release all the keys when You are using taunt. Some of skills like MMod Enchanter's 'Beam of Light' are using Your speed direction as a argument. You have to release direction keys to use '/cc4' what could cause changing the speed of soldier and missing the target.
2. Some of us are using taunts to inform mates about some stategic things. For example 'EFC UP!' or 'Free Flag DOWN!' or 'Incoming enemies MID!'. If u set some taunts to '/cast 1' '/cast 2' '/cast 3' '/cast 4', You will lose some of taunts. For me it was a problem becouse i have lot of it.
1 2 3 - EFCÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 4 - Where is EFC?
q w e - FFC         r - be ready do cap!    Â
a s d - INC         f - flag lost   g - GO!GO!GO!   h - base hot!
z x c - Free Flag     v - CAP!    b - go back with this flag!
3. Releasing
all keys (not only direction keys '->' & '<-' like in preventing Movement Acceleration of weapons)
+ hitting the ALT
makes game like Mortal Kombat. Not all like it.
So if this voting result be possitive I will write here the tutorial.
When You do all what in tutorial is, u will be able to simply press for example 'C' key to cast a spell in MMod without releasing all keys. Furthermore You will be able also to use ALT+C taunt what i have set like: 'Free Flag DOWN!'. Command 'C' and taunt 'ALT+C' will not argue with each other. And Futher-furhtermore You wont lose ability to normally write this letter 'C' when u are chatting!#############################################################
U P D A T E DÂ Â Â 25-04-2008:#############################################################
Becouse there aren't any objectives I am writting the tutorial:
T U T O R I A L: 1. Download and install program "Hot Keyboard Pro" Before we use the program we need to do 2 things:
a) We must edit soldat taunts file.
Yes, we will be using taunts in this method, but we will use ALT+7, ALT+8, ALT+9, ALT+0 which are commonly unused. Dont be afraid You will press such an unconfortable keys in the game. I am setting them just becouse they are unconfortable so I won't lose good taunts like ALT+1, ALT+R, ALT+C.
Becouse I am playing MMod I will set 7,8,9,0 taunt to "/cc1", "/cc2", "/cc3", "/cc4".
b) Now You have to choose which keys You want to be speels' shorcuts. You can choose what You want, dont bother if this key is your taunt "EFC DOWN".
For example u can choose: (Z, C, 1, 3) or (Z, C, V, 2) or even (1, 2, 3, 4). Important is only that it must be key unused in game. If you are using standard keys it cant be QWERTYASDFX. (Becouse i am using "L-shift" to change weapon insted of 'Q' i am using Q for a shorcut).
What ever You have chosen, write it on the paper to remember.
3. Now run "Hot Keyboard Pro" program.
After running the program omit the "wizard"
(for those who dont understand "wizard" term: )
(look at picture attached at the end of topic)
4. To make shortcuts You need to choose "new macro". Then set "Action type" to: "Record/Play keystrokes". Now press "Edit". Now if You want to have for example 'C' shorcut to use ALT+8 taunt, You need to add those events:
key down | C
key up | C
key down | ALT
key down | 8
key up | 8
key up | ALT
Now why do we need the first two lines? Becouse You probably want to use 'C' key when u are chatting. If pressing 'C' key would only do "ALT+8" you would lose the ability to write 'C' on the chat.
When You add those events, click 'close' and then 'OK'.
You have to do the same for the others shortcuts.
When You have done all, minimaze the program and run soldat. Now enter the script server and have fun!
For advanded users:
There is one problem in using taunts. You cannot use the same taunt in short period of time, so if You tried to use some spell not being on the spell range and try to do it again when You are closer there could be problems in doing this fast.
There is solution. You can observe that if You write fast, You can use the same command as often as u want, pressing '/', writting the command, and pressing enter. You can set macros events for example to: ["press '/', press ('c', 'a', 's', 't', 'space', '1'), press 'enter'] to have "/cast 1" shorcut, but You will be unable to use the shortcut key on the chat. However keys like 1, 2, 3, 4 are not often used in chat. So if You want to use 1,2,3,4 and You can deal without them on chat, You can do it.