not really a own as much as tormenting a little kid who thinks he is king bollocks.
OK so it starts off a normal 1 shots ctf game till a guy named "al/DIKSLIME (thinks he is smart by taking the C out of "DICK") joins,now everytime he dies he insults either alpha team or the person that killed him with such things as "3V2 AND YOUR LOSING slagGOTS"or"YOU RGON NAGET FUKE DIN THE AES"(that is as best I could at a translation).So I'm thinking I'll play along and mess with him,well as it goes along you can tell he is getting frustrated with the fact that even though they had 4 caps and that he had 40 points(from just capping mind you)that nobody on alpha cared about it and didn't seem to be sad or angry by his fail attempts at trolling(insulting people and trying to get a person going).so I start putting in comments about his age I started off with "somebody get me a translator, the little kids having a temper tantrum" he replies with "HERES A TRANSLATOR YOUR A slagGOT" after awhile he makes the comment "ITS 3V2 AND YOUR LOSING YOU slagGOTS" again I go "we're losing because we are not trying"
then again he repeats "ITS 3V2 AND YOUR LOSING YOU slagGOTS" and adds "THIS IS CTF NOT DEATHMATCH"(apparently he was getting angry about his death rate).Then he is quiet for awhile, until suddenly he spouts "APPLEPIE YOU SHOULD JOIN al/ WE NEED MORE GOOD GAMERS LIKE YOU" I shoot in a comment about how he must be the leader because of the fact that he is such a asinine player.
and this is the part where THE bollocks HITS THE FAN
he then leaves.
and if applepie reads this, if you took a screenshot of the score or something could you post it?