Author Topic: Significance of the scoreboard  (Read 5264 times)

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Offline STM1993

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Re: Significance of the scoreboard
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2008, 11:31:03 am »
Teamwork points or whatever is a F11. I'm just saying that the players involved have no right to argue.

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Re: Significance of the scoreboard
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2008, 11:35:27 am »
We can't make any assumptions. He has to accept or reject the kill on his own since there is no mechanical way of determining the 'rightfulness' of the kill. Either way, this tippers on solidifying qualities that are necessarily abstract. Human language cannot define these things for a broad enough spectrum of possibilities, nor can it define the few things it encompasses with satisfying accuracy. This is because we each value different things.

I think proper criteria for a kill is intention and result coupled with learning. An accidental kill with positive results for the team (stops an advance / breaches a defense) should be meaningless to the accidental killer if he did not learn anything from it. Only with intention and a clean view of the battlefield can one own his kills. When you kill a wounded person, that person's quality was 'wounded' and it must be acknowledged in the killer's brain. If the enemy is in inferior ground, the killer needs to consider his prey to have some degree of foolishness or bad luck to be caught in that ground. If an enemy rushes forward after being wounded, this is another consideration.

Enemies come in different qualities, and their qualities change throughout the battle. It is the enemy's quality that gives me pride in a kill.

One of my favorite quality for a target is confused and oblivious. Killing the oblivious isn't so gratifying as is keeping them oblivious right up until I kill them. The killing itself is meaningless, only the setup matters, the understanding that I can now choose to kill or not.

LtKillroy: but what is under discussion is WHAT you are doing, which the scoreboard doesn't give. All the scoreboard tells you is that in whatever endeavor you chose, you have killed x people.

Ziem: No one suggested teamwork points, it was only mentioned. And a lot of people care about his or her own scores in CTF. Haven't you ever played with or heard of such a one, or are you just trying to make it exceedingly clear that you don't care about your own score?

Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: Significance of the scoreboard
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2008, 11:38:47 am »
The only thing that SHOULd matter in a CTF game is the "ALPHA team wins", or the "BRAVO team wins." You can see just by who won who was the better team that map.

The best way to find a good player is by their K/D Ratio. If you see someone with 14 kills and 0 deaths, I would defnitely think they know what they are doing, even if they are near the bottom of the scoreboard. A person with 40 kills but 50 deaths isn't probably as skillful, as they have died much more than they have killed.

A scoreboard is nothing more than a bunch of numbers ;)

Do you REALLY think K:D matters in a real CTF game? Someone can get 30-0 by pure defending and not really doing anything else. Whereas someone who is 7-30 might be more useful. Those 7 kills could of all been amazing returns or great kills. Most people with bad K:Ds end up getting the most caps, because they are doing more then just defending and sitting on medpacks. 

So K:D means nothing in terms of skill, unless you play DM.

Offline STM1993

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Re: Significance of the scoreboard
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2008, 11:50:49 am »
If people care about their points in a team game, they, so focused in the game, forget that the Team score is more important than the individual score. Which ultimately is the downfall of any team.

Complain not of the person who refuses to cooperate or is poor in ability, but of the one who sits back and does nothing for the team.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 11:59:36 am by STM1993 »

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Re: Significance of the scoreboard
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2008, 03:21:03 am »
Well Mr Owl, I can't argue against the importance of the team in team matches. But what of those who have their roles confused in team games like, lets say, multiple snipers at one base staring outward. Isn't it possible to disorient their set up, providing that the one who is bold enough to intrude is capable of doing so? The fact that such a number of them remain in the base for the most, unless it's absolutely necessary that they guard the flag for several reasons, does leave me with concerns of how they are going to advance as a team in their score if the one on the offensive (which I have had happen) is not successfully escaping with the flag?

Now in regards to what has been said, and given from the comparisons between the K:D in both a team event and death match, is ones ability to act accordingly evident on the final score board? Maybe in CTF, there's a likelihood that every player could finish with a ration greater than 1 (depending on the set up of the game) where as a death match might show something of an exchange. By that I regard the people along the top of the list with admirable K:D in contrast to those along the bottom. I wish I could say more but I do not play enough to keep myself in good shape. Like INF, I visit on occasions.
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Offline Platehead

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Re: Significance of the scoreboard
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2008, 03:31:09 am »
The only thing that SHOULd matter in a CTF game is the "ALPHA team wins", or the "BRAVO team wins." You can see just by who won who was the better team that map.

The best way to find a good player is by their K/D Ratio. If you see someone with 14 kills and 0 deaths, I would defnitely think they know what they are doing, even if they are near the bottom of the scoreboard. A person with 40 kills but 50 deaths isn't probably as skillful, as they have died much more than they have killed.

A scoreboard is nothing more than a bunch of numbers ;)

Do you REALLY think K:D matters in a real CTF game? Someone can get 30-0 by pure defending and not really doing anything else. Whereas someone who is 7-30 might be more useful. Those 7 kills could of all been amazing returns or great kills. Most people with bad K:Ds end up getting the most caps, because they are doing more then just defending and sitting on medpacks. 

So K:D means nothing in terms of skill, unless you play DM.

Yes, I am a perfect example of that (I'm not too proud of getting too many deaths, but still I am).  In one of those stand offs where both teams have enemy flags, I can literally spend 20+ lives just trying to break in and knife that little flippin rip.  But hey, if I return our team's flag, nothing else matters.  And yes, if one has a lot of deaths, maybe he is decoying the snipers so the flagrunners can sneak in?  So by all means, complain about the AFK people.  And the non-AFK people who are pretending to be AFK or acting like they are.
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Re: Significance of the scoreboard
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2008, 06:33:55 am »
And the non-AFK people who are pretending to be AFK or acting like they are.
That's precisely why I kill afk's now a days. Crafty bastards. XD
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Re: Significance of the scoreboard
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2008, 07:22:29 am »
score board is only important in death match.

in other modes the score board is there just for fun. to see what you did this map and etc.

why must everybody be so stat whorey?

Offline Platehead

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Re: Significance of the scoreboard
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2008, 04:59:10 am »
Because me and STM plain love it.
Yes, crafty people who pretend they're AFK.  Even if they are, kill em anyway for being bad for their team.
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Offline STM1993

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Re: Significance of the scoreboard
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2008, 07:59:10 am »
Yes, crafty people who pretend they're AFK.

Which annoys the crap out of me. Especially if they use the M79, because:

1. It's really annoying to get killed by an M79. (Yes... there are cases where I enter a DM and I get instantly killed by a M79. The next thing I realize, the whole room are all M79ers and I'm the only NON-M79 user)

2. I have no warnings to tell me that this person is a fake AFKer if its a M79.
If its a Barrett or LAW or Minigun, I can hear the startup sound. If its a Knife or Grenade, I can still see the animation and hear a little something. Other weapons can hit me quickly, sure, but it doesn't kill me instantly and I'd be ready. If it were a chainsaw or fists, it my own fault for being stupid to go so close (which hasn't happened). If it were a stat, I should have taken it out immediately regardless AFK or not.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 08:03:05 am by STM1993 »

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Re: Significance of the scoreboard
« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2008, 04:09:31 pm »
agree with STM1993, but still, there are alot of statwhores out there who like to check up on the score board...
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