Okay, the map needs a bit of work.
to start off... This is not a ctf map when making a ctf map, make sure you leave a considerable distance between flags (make the map longer). A map like this is too easy to score and matches would go too quickly. This would be much better as deathmatch if more boulders are added.
The shading is okay at the top left of the map but you need to make sure you do not randomly put grass around the place. Use green only on the tops of the ground.
The layout is too open, there would be no point going to the top right of the map because you would be ripped apart by spraying and stray bullets. Put more rocky areas up there and also at the top left.
You may want to tone down your name on the map, when names are too big on maps they can begin to detract from the atmosphere.
A few more colliders wouldn't hurt, just add a few obstacles that tie in with the theme of your map ie. roots, crates, rocks.
It isn't a bad map but like I said, it needs a little work.
Good job (so far), just consider the things I have said.